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Hoochie Bloochie Mama

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Everything posted by Hoochie Bloochie Mama

  1. Are you saying they should ignore the performance of their businesses because of Covid?
  2. "It's no coincidence we're back to our best now the pitch has improved"
  3. "We've being threatening to do this to a team for some time" Mowbray's alternative reality @ 5.20pm.
  4. Does Bell not have a year extension, or was that triggered last summer? I think it will be Bell and Pickering vying for the LB spot next season, or Douglas and Pickering. Let's hope Pickering is decent and is never injured.
  5. No idea if he ever was. You'll have to ask the person who wrote the article.
  6. Reliable journalist delivers update on Tony Mowbray’s future at Blackburn Rovers amid key development | Football League World Here's the link to the Nixon tweet story about Mowbray staying. Although I think it was Nixon who started the story a few weeks/months ago about Rovers going for a foreign coach? I think what is fairly clearly is that nobody has a clue. The only thing I know is that they can shove my ST application form up Mowbray's arse if he's staying as manager.
  7. Hummel did some very nice kits in the 80's for the likes of Villa. An interesting choice. https://th.bing.com/th/id/R1577a74e5f338e76a094de04e0308409?rik=RUqIAZe4PXk%2FrA&riu=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oldfootballshirts.com%2Fimg%2Fshirts%2F3%2Faston-villa-home-football-shirt-1987-1989-s_1391_1.jpg&ehk=b7r%2BHooli5k9us7iPI2OdVWTcijAauwTTbA53Q%2F0Ilw%3D&risl=&pid=ImgRaw
  8. I wasn't debunking anyone because Nixon says otherwise. I was debunking Mercer because he's a troll. Anyone can invent 'trusted sources' and talk about 'titbits'. What's laughable is pretending any of these ever come to fruition.
  9. Not saying you are, and I stopped short of calling out the ITK troll. But, it's not inconceivable to conclude that Pasha has been made aware of the general unhappiness of the fans > Pasha has informed the owners > the owners report back Mowbray has their backing because they've fallen for his BS excuses > Waggott/Mowbray tell everyone and anyone who will listen that Mowbray is staying. In fact I'd say that is the most likely scenario of all. Sharpe has reported the above pretty much. Mowbray is also talking about next season and player contracts, new signings etc. There is absolutely nothing to suggest he won't start next season as Rovers manager.
  10. Mowbray/Waggott because they've already been told they are staying. Too much wishful thinking going on in this thread.
  11. This should be an absolute cracker as the battle for 18th reaches a climax. Thanks Mowbray.
  12. Well, he's turned up and then nodded off in the dugout.
  13. I saw the interview with him the other day (I think it was put on here) and he was the complete opposite of Mowbray i.e. full of positivity, full of passion and energy and sounding like someone the players could relate to. The interviewer referenced the poor start where they got dicked by Rovers and Ainsworth responded that some teams had improved as the season has gone on but some had faded. I took that as a bit of a dig at Mowbray as we've got progressively worse. No idea if GA would be any good but what he's done at Wycombe is incredible. That's essentially a 4th Div Team. If the season was a few games longer they'd probably stay up. I'd take him in a heartbeat. He would massively galvanise the support and make going back on Ewood something to look forward to.
  14. You missed my point. Why would Mowbray agree to it? If they want to sack him why would he stick around? He'd just say 'pay me up now' why on earth would he continue to work. It sounds very far-fetched.
  15. Baz: You're sacked Mog: This is an outrage. I'm the finest performance-related coach in the land. Baz: Yadda Yadda. You're shit. However, we would like you to stay on an tie up some loose ends until the summer when we replace you with someone better. Mog: Yes, that doesn't sound demeaning at all. I'd love to. Seems legit.
  16. He doesn't sound like a man who's going. He'll be here when the season starts.
  17. No ST for me, decision made for the reasons you've stated. I'll be there to support any protest though. The lack of accountability at the club is criminal.
  18. Chelsea apparently shat it when they received replies to correspondence regarding ST's that suggested many fans wouldn't renew if the club joined the ESL. Hopefully Rovers fans do similar as regards Mowbray.
  19. 'when' is the question? It's quite conceivable he'll be here at the beginning of next season.
  20. I've seen the result but I'm waiting on Andy Watson's (Stockton-On-Tees) data science to tell me who really won. He's currently down a rabbit-hole so he may be some time. He's been on twitter in the last 24 hours drawing parallels between Rovers currently and Norwich the season before they first went up under Farke. https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1343349792664145920/IZhitQi__bigger.jpg Andy Watson @andywatsonsport · 20h Sound familiar @Rovers fans? Norwich were pretty much in our position and Farke under similar pressure in the season before their first title winning season. However, there are of course far more problems at Ewood than just the game model employed by the manager... Quote Tweet
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