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Everything posted by broadsword

  1. What I do at work defies belief. Flip about all day, mostly.
  2. Now who could that be Mr C? ... ...
  3. "it was a betrayal of his upbringing"?! Oh please spare us, what a drama queen! A footballers' first allegiance is to themselves, and they will want to be as successful as possible, just because he left Everton doesn't mean he's not a fan anymore. I doubt his transfer caused anything but happiness in his family. AESF, you seem to have this perception of football as harking back to days of old when knights were bold and dragons were nervous. Your dramatic and emotive prose would be better suited to a boddice-busting shag-fest of a book, rather than a discussion about a lad who plays football for a living.
  4. How do you know she was dreadful? And in any case, why are we meant to respect footballers? Personally, I don't show them any more respect than I'd show to anyone else.
  5. Let's justvote in teh whole champ winning team, shall we. Ripley was a better player than Douglas, naturally.
  6. Thought it was Roy Tunks meself! Roy Trunks sounds like an Aussie lifeguard!
  7. Duck and cover! Accountants at war! "Ouch, he's just stabbed him with a compass! And then clouted him with the FT! Bitch!" "That's nothing, look where he's stuck that slide rule!"
  8. "foot wrong" or "foot long"? Whatever, if you make a bird dream of a Pot Noodle whilst you're on the job you must be doing something right.
  9. T4E, 40 quid is still a lot of money. I do sympathise though, getting up to Blackburn from down South is expensive. For those that live in Blackburn, travelling such a long way is something they have to put up with far less frequently. It's a free market, so if people think 40 quid is too much to pay for 90 minutes entertainment (and I think it is) then they don't have to pay it and shouldn't be criticised for choosing not to go.
  10. Why is it that when people start a sentence: "I don't mean to be ..." what they actually mean is: "I'm going to be ... "?! Shearer's ability is a product of a lot of hard work on the training ground. What I meant was that Rooney has natural ability with the ball at his feet. Which is different from being "a natural goalscorer".
  11. Leave it to Hughesie (not Hughesy!) He'll sort it, no-one messes with da Hughes. We're gonna have a Sparky Marky Ewood Parky Party!
  12. Rooney's an out-and-out natural, whereas Shearer is more of a coached player. He's only 18, but he's a real joy to watch. Long may that remain so!
  13. "We've won a fantastic unconditional surrender!"
  14. Today's lesson in self-sufficiency for Hughesy: - Go to www.tfl.gov.uk - Click on maps, click on underground map - Look at the connections between Euston and Fulham Broadway. Clue: Victoria, District, District.
  15. Oh right, I thought you were picking me up for saying "whinging mincer"! I meant demographic as in the age distribution of those voting is (I'd guess) heavily skewed towards those who never watched Rovers much before 1980.
  16. Voting seems to be greatly influenced by voting demographics. I never saw Newton play, but I bet he was better than Le Sauce! The whinging mincer.
  17. No-one can moan at being left out at the minute. I just hope he's got some life left in his legs ...
  18. We're deperately short of craft and guile at the minute. As such, I'm not surprised we've gone after him.
  19. As much as it's nice to be positive Philip, it was quite clear that we lack class going forward. There was a definite lack of alertness/ alacrity, and a paucity of ideas in the final third. We lack someone of genuine class who the opposition fear. OK, Everton are in the top three and they have no-one, but we have no-one as well as springing leaks everywhere. The defence doesn't inspire confidence, we do not possess a midfield to be feared and if we were being cruel, our forward line is a mix of rookies and try-hards. Thanks, Graeme!
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