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Everything posted by Exiled_Rover

  1. Erm....nobody's saying "Fantastic, we lost!" Everyone is obviously disappointed that we didn't come out of the match with anything, but the performance has left a smile on most of our faces. When you're the best team on the pitch by far, despite being away from home against the team in 4th (who must have spent about £50m in the last few years) you can't help but be impressed. Spuds were playing counter attacking football for the majority of the game - this a team 4th in the league and apparently invincible at home! Put it this way, I was in a pub here in Hull with a bunch of neutrals who were on the windup due to me being the only fan in the establishment. The way we were playing football brought them over to our side, with a few of them going out of their way to say how unlucky we were to lose. When your side has the ability to do that, well it leaves me happy and proud if nothing else
  2. I was just about to post, 'anybody else immensely proud of their team today?' I was beaming in the pub, despite the result - two goals you can do absolutely nothing about (even if the first Keane goal was a throw in, the finish was magical) and some fabulous flowing football. Best team on the pitch by far.
  3. Were you born with that tw@ttish attitude, or have you cultured it?
  4. So basically we're in decent financial shape, but would really suffer if the Walker Trust ditched us.
  5. Anything in the top half is a pretty decent finish and a huge improvement over last season.
  6. Is anyone else imagining the Trustees in a Jedi Council...esque scenario? Twelve of so hooded blokes in a big boardroom somewhere in deepest darkest Jersey making decisions that decide the fate of the Gal....erm, Rovers.....anybody?
  7. I'd definately take him back, but it'd be on our terms. Pay as you play type deal with big bonuses for goals, assists, appearences etc. It's hightly unlikely Brum could afford him if they went down (which is looking less and less likely, dammit ), and I'm sure we'd get first crack at offering him a contract. One thing I wouldn't do is pay significant money for his services, £2m would be extortionate under the circumstances. A nominal fee and the removal of him from the wage budget would suffice for Big Club I feel.
  8. I remember him sulking whenever Souness played him out wide. Fair enough though as he was never going to displace Tugay and the two couldn't work together in a partnership....unless y'know you wanted your midfield to be steamrolled
  9. Oooh good call. No idea if you're right, but it could well be!
  10. I recognise that lot, and the keeper (Kelly), but they're not at the club anymore....which was kinda my point. The hugging guy nearest the camera could indeed be Gally, though I question whether he was in the first team at that time. It could also be Jay
  11. Woah (very Keanu-esque ), how many of those players are still with the team? I don't recognise the guys hugging, so all I can make out is Tugay. Talk about turnover!
  12. There are a lot of qualities I like about Pedersen, but few of those are what I require in a winger. He has little pace, at least not the burst required to get round a player and his crosses can leave a lot to be desired. However, as stated he's an excellent goal scorer who has plenty of qualities that have made him a desired commodity. He can pick out that killer pass, he has a fabulous first touch, he's surprisingly good in the air and his direct free kicks are deadly. I'd be tempted to try him out in central (attacking) midfield - he certainly has the engine for it, and it'd keep keep him in the game more. Out on the left he's allowed to drift out of the game when he feels like it, something a team of our calibre can't afford.
  13. Pretty much his only highlight on MOTD was his attempt to do that to their right back, and failing miserably Is he something to get excited about? Yes and no in my opinion. It's exciting that youth players are breaking into the first team and not looking out of place. However, from what I've seen he's not going to be a world beater - he's going to be a good Premiership winger I feel, but nothing that sets the world on fire.
  14. And we're not accepting the old "well I live in a different country" routine
  15. The attendances are a joke right now, we need those 3k or so floating fans back. I can't believe they've gone to Bolton, European football or not they play some absolute sh!te week in and week out, whereas Hughes is molding the Mighty Rovers into a quality team. Sometimes I just think we don't deserve Premiership football.
  16. The same young Rio Ferdinand who passed it back to James chest high, allowing super Flitty to pounce on the inevitable rebound?
  17. Now that's dedication! I've only got to do a two hour journey today, well an hour and a half if I break the law
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