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Everything posted by arbitro

  1. Incentivised deals should be given to older signings based on appearances. Two year deals to aging, unfit players are a waste of money.
  2. I have around 120 (I've never counted them) football related autobiographies that I am looking to give away. The majority are players and managers with a smattering of referees. They are all in decent condition. Please PM me if you are interested in them. The only stipulations are that they would have to be collected and it would be an all or nothing offer.
  3. If they were brought in to get us out of League One why give Caddis and Whittingham two year deals? They have both been paid off after one season at a considerable cost to the club. I'd be surprised is the deals for them both hasn't cost £1.5m.
  4. On balance it's a really good point but for the first time this season the negatives outweigh the positives in my opinion. Mowbray got it wrong with his selection and tactics in the first half when we just couldn't get up the field. Conway is a waste of a squad place and we are paying a lot of money for that. I can't remember the last time I saw a tactical change so early in the game but it was needed. But perhaps the most disappointing aspect for me was how cheaply we gave the ball away with almost every player at some stage being guilty of this. We got away with it but on another day we would be punished. On the plus side Nyambe continued his good form and was our best player by some distance I felt. The last ditch defending was dogged and committed. Mowbray will have to seriously consider the starting line up and how we will play against Stoke on Saturday as a repeat of last nights first half could see us out of it by half time.
  5. When it is as close as this the Assistants are instructed to give the benefit of doubt to the attacking side. The Assistant didn't appear to be in line with the second rear most defender.
  6. Mowbray said the wall was a couple of bodies light and I think he is spot on but it begs the question why it didn't happen. The free kick was well executed but the gap left must have made Hourihane's mind up to go round the wall. A wider wall would have seen him having to get it over the wall and down which I think would have been more difficult.
  7. That was pretty much the concencus of the people I go with and the fans on the bus going home. As we dropped deeper we gave Villa the initiative to get at us. Grealish started to find more room and we were under the cosh. I would rather have packed midfield during this period than the defence to deny the likes of Hourahane and Grealish any space,
  8. I'm happy with a point but one surprising aspect for me was Brereton not replacing Graham. I don't think anybody foresaw him coming on for Evans to play wide right where in my opinion he was ineffective. I thought the idea of giving Conway a new deal was to come on as a substitute in situations like yesterday. And contrary to a few posts I thought we played a back five when Williams came on rather than a three to combative threat of Kodjia, Bolasie and Abraham. I quite enjoyed the game and in the cold light of day thought the draw was fair despite the referee (with his kit two sizes too small) wanting to be centre stage with his errant decision making for both teams.
  9. If I remember correctly Caddis was at fault for the goal Lincoln scored by leaving Nyambe exposed in a two v one situation. I find it funny that you want to talk about Lincoln only. Is it because that is the only game you have seen. Nyambe was very good in the games against Ipswich, Reading, Millwall, Hull and Brentford and in the first half at Bristol. That's an opinion shared by many who don't have an agenda against a young lad trying to make his way in the game. Your rants against him are repetitive, boring and more importantly without any substance.
  10. I would trust their judgement above yours John. As I have said many times your criticism of Nyambe primarily emanates from your irrational dislike of Simon Conning. Your view is undoubtedly tainted and you desperately want Nyambe to fail because of this. I find that difficult to comprehend John. Nyambe is the most improved player at Rovers and if you put your dislike of his agent away you would see that (if you actually went to the games that is).
  11. I'm not sure if the comparison you asked for is to disparage Nyambe as I recall Brown as a real bit part player who in five years played only 28 games and seemed to be viewed as talismanic hence the length of time he was with us. If you look at the consensus of opinion John your (jaundiced) views on Nyambe are massively out of kilter with some real knowledgeable fans not to mention the coaching staff and manager. You shouldn't let your judgement of a player be influenced by who represents them.
  12. He has shown absolute arrogance and disrespect to the law. His original crime was serious and he probably got off lightly by being given a community order. The blatant disregard he showed for this and everybody connected with Blackburn Rovers is infuriating. He is a player of great talent but like many talented players before him is showing flaws which could see him being remembered for his off field shenanigans more than his footballing abilities. The best thing he could do is move to one of the remote Ribble Valley villages, keep his head down and concentrate on improving himself as a footballer but primarily as a person.
  13. I really don't know mate. He can talk the talk but that's about it. Evertonians called him Soft Shoe Martinez.
  14. Japan aren't sitting on their lead neither. Martinez has been found out again.
  15. Wow. This World Cup just keeps on giving.
  16. Your nastiness really comes to the fore sometimes and debating anything with you is difficult if you don't agree.
  17. But you have doubts about Tomlinson making it having seen him how many times? Silly.
  18. Moaning about people moaning - oh the irony. In an earlier post you doubted Tomlinson, are you a moaner now.
  19. It is a clear red for me and ticks the boxes for violent conduct.
  20. It's a football statistics website and I passed comment. So enlighten us then with your knowledge of him.
  21. A defensive midfielder and one of his weaknesses is tackling. And we have Mulgrew for two of his strengths. Sounds like another player from the non contact Academies. I wonder how the likes of Tomlinson and Travis feel about this (if it's true).
  22. I had a sneaky feeling for them after their first match when they were excellent but it now seems they peaked too early. If they had played until tomorrow they wouldn't have scored. Brazil on the other hand are looking stronger as the competition goes on.
  23. That was a clear sending off when Neymar was stood on. It is immaterial how Neymar reacted, it's violent conduct.
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