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Everything posted by arbitro

  1. My friends son is a bobby and he rang me last night to say he has been seconded to the Metropolitan Police for nine days from Monday when he and some colleagues (he didn't know the number) will be bussed down to London. He thinks every county will be doing similar. The reason is to prepare for the Queens funeral which he described as the biggest ever security detail this country has ever seen. It's only his opinion but he thinks all next weekend's fixtures in London will be cancelled through a lack of police resource. This will mean games at Spurs, Millwall, QPR, Brentford and Chelsea being called off. I asked him about our match at Luton and he thinks it should go ahead but clearly depends on the resources left at Hertfordshire Constabulary and how many are seconded. He said they is a possibility they will call on more local police forces for reinforcements to keep costs down.
  2. And that would have been done country wide at every game. It makes no sense.
  3. I'm incredulous at this decision which achieves absolutely nothing. It will cost people money who have booked transport, hotels and other things. People who work in the stadiums will not be paid when many would have been relying on the money to help pay bills and the like. It's simple to me. Anybody who wasn't comfortable going to watch a match don't go but to postpone every single game in disproportionate to the feelings of, I would hazard a guess, the majority of fans. It's this Nanny State we live in that treats us like kids and makes decisions for us.
  4. And, like us another club the Premier League were happy to see relegated as it ceases to be their problem.
  5. What a great summation albeit written in 2016. It's a great pity that some of our own supporters are in denial about these peoples role in our clubs demise.
  6. The big question is which Rovers will turn up? The four games we have won have been deserved and we showed some really good attributes in these wins. Intensity, pace, quick ball movement and tactics that were really suited to us getting a result. The four we have lost were almost polar opposites and we fully deserved nothing from these games. Hopefully Tomasson has learnt that the Championship is a league where you need to be at it all the time and first and foremost we should be aiming for a clean sheet in every game. The rest will take care of itself.
  7. I can't find an appropriate thread for this. Well done Rovers for this initiative and the people behind Benefit Mankind. The humility these kids show when receiving their shirt is touching.
  8. Professional Game Match Officials Limited. They are the organisation responsible for all aspects of refereeing in professional football and are funded primarily by the Premier League.
  9. I spoke to an employee of long standing at Rovers recently and was told that in the 12 years since that lot rocked up the majority of non footballing start have had two pay rises in that time.
  10. In my view it wasn't a clear and obvious error by the referee as the decision could have gone either way. I noted that the PGMOL has acknowledged that mistakes were made which affected Newcastle and West Ham. The disallowing of the Arsenal goal is in the same category to me. The other end of the scale was at Nottingham Forest yesterday when Oliver gave the home team a penalty for handball which was clear in my view. The VAR, after three minutes of viewing advised Oliver to view the incident pitch side. Oliver looked at it once and stuck by his decision. He actually looked embarrassed by the request for him to have a look at it.
  11. Of course but scepticism over incompetence wins it for me.
  12. And if Robbie Moore was playing for Crewe against Man Utd he would be doing his utmost to get a win for his team. And do you know for certain that referees and linesmen don't have leanings to clubs? My obvious allegiance was Rovers and whilst I couldn't referee them I did our sworn enemy twice in the league and guess what - they won them both. It's about trust, being honest and doing the job without fear or favour.
  13. Why would an ex pro from say Crewe be affected by being VAR on the Premier League?
  14. When we have won games this season the front four rotation was key as we pressed and worked extremely hard. There wasn't as much evidence of this yesterday and last Saturday as the front formation was far more rigid. In the first half we had very little ahead of Travis on the right and the balance didn't feel right. An example was that Brereton was isolated on the left touchline for the majority of the game which culminated in him only have 40 touches of the ball. As he is our best chance of a goal he should be far more involved in than that.
  15. It would help enormously if the audio between the VAR and on field referee was released. At least we would have some idea about their line of thinking and maybe rationale behind them.
  16. Our of the dozens of posters a handful have said anything like you are implying. The vast majority have expressed concerns based on what they have seen and one of the main concerns is the inconsistency we have show. Tomasson is employed to get results, it's his job and what he is paid to do. Supporters are perfectly within their rights to comment and criticise if they believe he has got something wrong. And there has been absolutely no criticism of him inside the ground and he has in several interviews (so he is on record) praised the fans for supporting him.
  17. VAR isn't the exact science that many thought it would be as many decisions still rely on an opinion which, as we know can differ from person to person. But today highlights an issue which I predicted from the inception of VAR which is that far too many of the appointed VAR's don't have enough of a feel for the game. Refereeing is almost Masonic and I really don't understand why any appointed VAR has to be a current referee. In my view Stockley Park should be staffed by ex players, managers or people who understand the game and not referees who all work together in the same group. Anybody can learn the Laws of the Game in a week and that, coupled with knowledge of the game and players will make the system much better and the nonsense decisions we have seen yesterday and in the past would mostly be made correctly. When I was an active referee I used to be amazed at how many referees didn't watch football live or on TV or really take much of an interest in it aside from their own games. Watching games is for anybody educational and enhances knowledge.
  18. It's really easy to play against and it's exactly what we did to Swansea. Tomasson has to come up with something better if we aren't to become a one dimensional, predictable team at home.
  19. Our defenders between them had 322 touches of the ball which was a similar amount to the rest of the team including substitutes. That in itself tells a story.
  20. I honestly think Birdy has conflated the Luton match with Burnley. I have been reliably informed that there will be around 900 tickets available for Luton and the first phase will be allocated to season ticket holders who have joined 1875 with a certain number of away matches. I really don't think any allocations for Burnley will have been discussed yet given that it's two and a half months away.
  21. He blew to indicate the goal as the ball had crossed the line before Kaminski stopped it with his legs. I saw him quickly glance at his watch for confirmation that the ball had crossed the line and he immediately whistled to signal the goal. Brereton's part in giving away the free kick that led to the goal infuriated me. It was the most stupid, irresponsible foul imaginable and we paid a heavy price for his idiocy. And the 'wall' consisted of Dolan, utterly pointless. There is one similarity between Mowbray and Thomasson which is irritating as both have/had everyone back for corners and don't offer an outlet to counter if we win the ball.
  22. What a huge disappointment and anti climax today was. Perhaps I am naive but on the back of Wednesday night I expected us to win and play the style that had us all gushing about the performance. In actual fact I thought what was our strength at Blackpool was our main weakness today. The passing was slow, deliberate and in truth poor. Nobody was brave enough to try and play anything ambitious or adventurous. It was all safe passing invariably across the back line, occasionally into midfield and then back again. That is exactly the opposite of how Tomasson said he wanted to play. In fact is was more reminiscent of a Mowbray team and tactics. Hyam was good and apart from him I can't think of any other player who comes out with credit. Bristol were far better than us tactically and showed far more endeavour. Losing 3-2 flattered us. Hopefully Tomasson is learning on the job and realises this league is extremely difficult if the players aren't at it every game. Two successive home games have fallen well below the standard we expect and whilst fingers can be pointed at the players the buck stops with the manager.
  23. I don't think it could in my opinion Mike. In theory VAR should negate the need for any retrospective action. There is still talk of a diluted version coming to the Championship next season.
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