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Everything posted by roversfan99

  1. Why have we taken that clown without a break clause on our side? Same with Mola. Lets hope they are both recalled ASAP. Hirst just needs a run of games in the Leicester team and they have a younger Vardy.
  2. He doesn't appear any slower to me than he ever was. I am not convinced that anyone offered anything for him. No one would have paid a fee.
  3. Ayala is someone with a terrible injury record and in an area where we can slot Scott Wharton in. By all means, leave him as an isolated case back home. If Brereton like anyone is carrying an injury then of course, don't play him. But if not, then put them in contention. It's not as if its an extra game midweek, there is a week either side, and with Gallagher and Pickering, the alternatives are so poor that it massively decreases our ability to be competitive.
  4. Elliott is not a top level player either, for a while I have seen him as a weak link in that Liverpool team, he doesn't do enough and his dummy last night was stupid. Often talked about as an England player in the near future, not for me at this stage. Considering how much he stood out here and how off it he looks at Liverpool, it perhaps adds perspective to thoughts of Morton breaking into their team.
  5. Surely we should or even offer him a new 2 year deal? Not a huge badge of honour considering the alternatives but by far our best attacker since the break. Seems to be as fit as he ever was.
  6. Am I right in thinking that a replay will happen in the event of a draw, having been reinstated? Also, assuming there would be. 1 nil down, penalty last minute, what do people hope for?
  7. I don't get why it has to be one extreme or another. There will be a few (Ayala, Dack, maybe Brereton) that could do with a match off, and a couple who don't really weaken us (S Wharton, A Wharton, Carter at RB, Travis) who could do with a game. So it doesn't have to be the same team, but equally it doesn't have to be a totally changed side (I suspect it will) and essentially handing in the towel before kick off with the likes of Hirst, Vale, Mola and Edun.
  8. So what you are saying is, Norwich will be up for it, let them go through, who cares?
  9. It really isnt. The improvements were not to the scale that were initially planned for financial reasons.
  10. Buckley has it all to prove he is even a central midfielder. He takes too many touches and struggles to take the ball on the turn without losing it. His strength in passing comes with through balls which he is very good at, although far less common when he is further back. He likes to press high and is good at winning the ball back, when higher up thats a strength, when further back it can leave gaps. Throw in his petulant and rash side as seen twice in the last week and question marks occur.
  11. Are the 2 games the ones in which he conceded a stupid penalty when we had just taken the lead followed by a game in which his petulance cost us the game?
  12. The intention was to do a full revamp including the pipes for the first time in 30 years. As per the fans forum, Venkys didnt release funding!
  13. If the cutbacks regarding the potential pitch revamp are not contributing to the condition of the pitch, then why was it requested and planned in the first place?
  14. Yep, he did and was told that only 2 bits were weaved rather than the intended full relay with pipes etc replaced. Since he initially implied that the promised work was done, now he is going out of his way to imply that Blackburn has its own microclimate to defend the state compared to the other teams who also have had cold weather.
  15. I dont think we need to change the whole team, no. If anyone is carrying a knock, then of course. I want us to go through and if we play too weak a team with Hirst up top and Edun, our chances decrease. My team had numerous changes but not the whole team.
  16. Im guessing that their training pitches have been unaffected and only we needed to use our ground instead.
  17. I would be amazed if no other teams trained on their pitches during the big freeze, and I dont think that doing so a couple of times is the main reason for the pitch being so bad. It needed relaying after 30 years and Venkys decided to change their mind and put their money away. Now we see the consequences.
  18. I am certainly not Mortons biggest fan but he isnt a League 1 player in waiting.
  19. On specific days. If you think that Blackburn has had considerably worse weather than any other place in England over the last month then you really are deluding yourself.
  20. By all means rest anyone with knocks or increased risk of injuries. Its just once you start changing the whole team and bringing in dollopers like Hirst and Edun you become uncompetitive.
  21. No I don't think so, unused sub today, didn't come on v us and they seem to prefer an Idah, Pukki and Sargent front 3.
  22. Norwich will have had bad weather conditions too as part of the big freeze that hit the whole country. As will the majority of other pitches that all look better than ours. Your desperation to defend the state of a massively underfunded pitch is bizarre. I agree with your point about him thinking everyone is shit when they leave, but what is meant by that?
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