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Everything posted by K-Hod

  1. Why can’t people make a comment on what they see, if it concerns them?
  2. You got any examples? What I’ve seen, was people being critical of a goalkeeper making mistake after mistake.
  3. Pears has had plenty of chances already, that’s the problem. How many goals does he have to cost us, before we drop him then?
  4. It’s both, in fairness. It’s absolutely getting more kids on it that have never smoked (on the disposables), but it’s also been a great stop smoking aid for a lot of people, ones I know too and who are now even vape free.
  5. It absolutely could be, I think you’re trolling or deliberately missing the point.
  6. I know this. You go on like they’re the only possible owners we could have.
  7. And yet we managed it for over 100 years before Venky’s rocked up….
  8. You said ‘seems to be the suggestion from some’, so I asked for an example, as I haven’t read all the match thread, therefore, I hadn’t seen any suggestion of the manager’s removal. (If I haven’t watched the match, or attended, I tend to skip the during match chat). No need to ask my permission to ask a question in fairness, appreciate the politeness, though!
  9. I’m absolutely sick of hearing it tbf. I’m a big fan of JDT, but I’m getting tired of us being wide open. Bad defending and not scoring at the other end, usually has one result and it’s not success….
  10. Expected nothing today, tbh. But us getting beat every week in the league is getting old.
  11. On balance though, it is helping a lot of people get off smoking too.
  12. Obviously I hope he does, I’m a Rovers fan! Technically, he could change my opinion by not regularly costing us points….
  13. Been in Milan this weekend, so I managed to catch the AC Milan and Lazio match at The San Siro. Very good experience indeed, I shall be back! That Curva Sud created a brilliant atmosphere! A few good players for Milan and it was good to see the English players getting involved, though Loftus Cheek went off injured after about half an hour, Tomori was excellent throughout. Far better than his central defensive partner Kjaer, who looked a bit dodgy at times! Pulisic scored and they clearly think highly of him, given how much they passed to him!!
  14. I’d be incredibly surprised if Pears had a good game, tbf.
  15. Can guarantee what will happen with that bundle. We’ll lose to Cardiff at home on the Saturday, then nobody will bother coming for the Swansea game, which we will then win. Waggott will point to the attendance as a reason why they’ve done all they can, rinse and repeat.
  16. Funding us so we can be competitive? Not cutting the budget by 15% in the middle of the transfer window? Not selling off our training ground for more new builds? Not seeing key players leave on frees?
  17. They’re keeping the club going? Low bar, that. Shambles after shambles, reduction in budgets, players leaving on frees, but yeah, they’re keeping us going….
  18. Under their ownership we have: Been in more debt than any time I can remember, been under transfer embargoes, been down to the third division for the first time in years, gone from the model of good ownership to the model for bad and many more besides. But yeah, it’s not quite as disastrous as some are suggesting 🥴.
  19. Of course it’s relevant- it’s an explanation for why they have to do the funding we should all be so grateful for. I’ll never be grateful to owners for only doing the bare minimum tbf. It’s like all this FFP business in the news today. If key players hadn’t left on free transfers, it wouldn’t even be a discussion point. As ever, all roads lead back to Pune.
  20. Probably because we’ve been over it numerous times over the years. I think it’s more like £20 Million a year and that’s only the case because of their own mistakes.
  21. Is it entitlement though? Or is it just fans expecting higher standards from the owners of their clubs? I think this is an awful take from you Eddie, I’ll be honest.
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