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[Archived] Kazim Richards "made homophobic gesture" towards crowd at a match.


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While CKR's actions were indeed moronic, the righteous indignation of football supporters never ceases to amaze me. They feel entitled to spew all manner of vile chants at those on the pitch, and then when one of them has the audacity to respond in kind, everyone takes the moral high-ground.

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While CKR's actions were indeed moronic, the righteous indignation of football supporters never ceases to amaze me. They feel entitled to spew all manner of vile chants at those on the pitch, and then when one of them has the audacity to respond in kind, everyone takes the moral high-ground.

Absolutely. Doubtless the reasoning behind the complete double standards is the usual "they're paid loads of money". That seems to be the reasoning used to expect perfect on-pitch behaviour, perfect performances and a perfect personal life. Apparently if you're paid a lot of money, you can't expect to be human and get away with it.

My usual question where thats concerned is do you subscribe to Sky Sports? If so then its your fault players are paid a lot of money. How about cancelling that rather than going self-righteously ballistic every time a player exhibits a moral flaw.

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Absolutely. Doubtless the reasoning behind the complete double standards is the usual "they're paid loads of money". That seems to be the reasoning used to expect perfect on-pitch behaviour, perfect performances and a perfect personal life. Apparently if you're paid a lot of money, you can't expect to be human and get away with it.

My usual question where thats concerned is do you subscribe to Sky Sports? If so then its your fault players are paid a lot of money. How about cancelling that rather than going self-righteously ballistic every time a player exhibits a moral flaw.

Shame you can't afford Sky Sports, it's great.

I always rated Kaz. Good on him! We would have had a better season if we'd kept him on.

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While CKR's actions were indeed moronic, the righteous indignation of football supporters never ceases to amaze me. They feel entitled to spew all manner of vile chants at those on the pitch, and then when one of them has the audacity to respond in kind, everyone takes the moral high-ground.

Say sort of the same in this article:


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Shame you can't afford Sky Sports, it's great.

I always rated Kaz. Good on him! We would have had a better season if we'd kept him on.

I can afford Sky Sports, I have Sky Sports and I know its great. But then I don't moan about what footballers get paid or take the hump when they respond in kind to abuse from fans.

I'm just suggesting people who think they get paid too much might want to think about where it comes from and how ridiculous it is to moan about it whilst continuing to fund it..

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I can afford Sky Sports, I have Sky Sports and I know its great. But then I don't moan about what footballers get paid or take the hump when they respond in kind to abuse from fans.

I'm just suggesting people who think they get paid too much might want to think about where it comes from and how ridiculous it is to moan about it whilst continuing to fund it..

Do I look like I'm moaning? "Good on him" I said.
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Shame you can't afford Sky Sports, it's great...

Crikey! You are usually one of the first to bemoan players obscene wage demands, unscrupulous agent involvement, dodgy foreign owners and the loss of the good old days and here you are funding it!

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Do I look like I'm moaning? "Good on him" I said.

Did my original post imply I was talking to you? We obviously agree on this.

It was a general point about the many football fans who don't agree with us and get all uppity about these sorts of things. In my opinion this is borne of resentment at the huge wages footballers are paid, and the expectation that saintly behaviour should be a minimum from them in return. Well you'll never get the latter so how about cutting off the former? Because it would require actually doing something inconvenient, principled and self-sacrificing. Nothing inconvenient about indulging in some judgemental condemnation.

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I do wish CKR hadn't done that. I am not condoning it for one second. I just despise the hypocritical football authorities.

CKR's behaviour was a petty, inappropriate reaction to abuse from the terraces. Meanwhile, the decision to award the 2022 World Cup to one of the most homophobic places on the planet?

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SKH... to be honest, it's not going to fix anything if Sky stop funding the Prem to this extent. All it would mean is a ton of clubs go under. Yes long term there might be a more honest rebirth of the game, but a lot of good ole' clubs would vanish..perhaps even ours depending on the timing or drip down effect.

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'Homophobia/c', another word trotted off so often now that it is second nature to some when homosexuality is the subject.

A phobia is a fear of something and homophobia is a fear of homosexuals / homosexuality . Whatever emotion CKR suffered that night I don't think 'fear' was in any way involved.

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