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Everything posted by Biddy

  1. I am currently trying ConvertXtoDVD to do just that (well it's actually an xvid I am converting). It seems to cost money though unless you can aquire it. There are other various free methods but these seems to use multiple tools like TMPeg etc. You can find the guides at www.vcdhelp.com
  2. Superb game. The only one I'm playing at the moment. No idea about live though as I'm rubbish so rarely play against anyone at anything!
  3. I don't know if anything newer exists but DVD Decrytper allows you to rip chapters into individual vobs. I use this to rip TV episodes from DVD's
  4. Just finished watching Rocky Balboa (very slow day at work) and it was actually very entertaining. I recommend it for anyone that liked the original films.
  5. Still, it's better than the console they provided Europe with! Out of interest, are you going to be buying any Blu-Ray films? If so, could you let us know how the PS3 performs as a player. I've read lots on the 360's HD add on but haven't searched out information on the PS3 as we can't get it anyway.
  6. The cost has inflated due to the inclusion of the much over-hyped blue-ray drive. Remember the Xbox 360 HD-DVD add-on is an extra £130 therefore if that were included with the console, it would be £410 for the premium. Also, Sony know early adopters will buy the PS3 at whatever cost so they will re-coup as much R&D costs as they can. Once the euphoria has died down and cost savings can be found on chip / part production (probably in about a year) the console will then start to drop in price. For some very strange reason, American PS3's are currently going on US Ebay for about $2000. Crazy.
  7. Don't know where you got £425 from but play.com have a pre-order with 3 games for £549.99 so I'd say £499 for the base console is more like it Link to play.com
  8. Changing kits again?!? Glad I didn't bother buying this years then. Not much to chose from between the home kits 0/10 for originality in the designs. I would have to pick Home shirt 2 and away shirt 3. I was very tempted by Away shirt 1 as red and orange clash with my hair. Don't think I have to worry about that now though!
  9. Manchester Blue and I went back again this morning just to make sure. They were indeed still magnificent (and I am not talking about the pancakes).
  10. Well, over a year since the last update about Vista and it's finally here, the full retail version was released on the Microsoft Developer Network last Friday. I have downloaded and I am shocked to say that it appears to work! The previous major releases (Beta 1, Beta 2 and Release Candidate 1) did not work on my work PC (Dell GX520). They all finished installing and then just hung or BSOD. The retail release installs fairly quickly, boots up, checks for updates (getting my audio drivers via update) and everything works, and this is on just 512MB RAM. I think I need to play a bit more but my first impressions of the final release are very positive. Microsoft have also released the final retail version of Office 2007, Visio 2007 and Project 2007 which I have just downloaded off MSDN and will give a go a bit later.
  11. I've played it but only as far as the first level on wuss "touch me and I cry" setting. Wouldn't dream of playing it online as I am rubbish. It looks stunning though. I'm currently playing Viva Pinata which is quite fun. It's out in the US and it's region free.
  12. It's not just me then. As long as we're all struggling to find our seats I'm happy.
  13. For those who have tickets already, can you make out seat numbers on the ticket or do you reckon it's just a free for all once inside your section of the ground? I can see lots of numbers on mine but nothing that suggests a row / seat.
  14. It does. The only WMA's it can't do are ones with DRM without a license (but there are ways round that now!)
  15. It depends on what you intend to download. On 2.5mb I can download a 12gb HD movie overnight. These coem off at full speed from newsgroups which could easily copy with the emerging 8, 16 and 24mb services. Just think, a HD film in only a couple of hours. nice. If however you use torrents, don't bother, stick with 1.5mb as you are limited by the people who actually have the files.
  16. I am suprised no one has picked up on the news above. There used to be a thread all about TV in pubs killing our attendance and now it appears the FA have done something about it, no one cares!
  17. Is that why it's impossibe to get thorugh to the Ticket Office as they are calling everyone??!! EDIT- Having said that, I just got through and I have a confirmed ticket. They are sending it out tomorrrow. I can get excited about going now.
  18. It looks like the Premier League have started to do things to stop the cheap Arab TV from being picked up in the UK. The International rights were up for sale from next year and they have chosen Showtime Arabia to cover all Arabic countries and the North Africa. As most people (and pubs) will know, the current holders of the license are ART who show every game live and is easily picked up throughout the UK and costs only £100 per year for a viewing card. As of next year, they will not have the license so no cheap football in Pubs. Showtime Arabia is on a satallite at 7 degrees West which makes it very hard to pick up. People would need at least a 1.8meter dish even in the South of England. Add this with Showtimes current subs rate of £23 per month (which I guess will go up with the cost of the Premiership rights) I think this may see the end of all Rovers matches in local pubs.
  19. I have the 360 version and I am really getting hacked off with it. For some reason I don't seem to be able to tackle properly (probably because I am crap). If I try and block tackle (Button B ) like on XBOX 1 FIFA then the opposition just stroll round me. If I try a pass button tackle (Button A), I tend to make the tackle but the ball pings around like a pinball, my player stops waiting for the animation to finish and the opposition come out with the ball. If I try a sliding tackle (Button X), I get a yellow card I'm going through a strange phase with it as well in that I won the first Euro qualifier 6-1 (so scoring quite easily) and suddenly I can't score at all. Makes it more fun I suppose but it gets quite frustrating when you can't tackle and the opposition sticks one in with 2 minutes to go! Not sure about the player likenesses, as I said earlier in the thread, I'm not sure why they always insist on poor Stephen Reid having a dodgy porn star tash. The rest are ok though.
  20. Well one of them anyway. Shame we didn't see him for the rest of the game.
  21. Which is interesting as I am a non ST holder and have been to no previous away Euro games and they have cashed my cheque. In fact it cleared today which means they must have banked it Friday or Monday. I better get a ticket now!
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