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Everything posted by Silas

  1. Yeah, this I think @RevidgeBlue Same happened to me on Samsung Internet. Highlights everything in blue and goes crazy adding blank spaces. Infuriating. I've switched to Chrome and works perfect.
  2. Is it though. Neutral Don Goodman said it was the best debut he'd EVER seen in all his years in football. And we've barely seen him since. Something doesn't add up.
  3. Travis might as well be in yellow at this point. More frustrating than the glitchy feed, which takes some doing.
  4. Well done Dack too. Many players would have blasted it from that position. Great awareness and composure.
  5. Someone should send him for a chat with David Bentley. Explain how talent doesn't always take you to the top. Takes a hell of a lot extra than that.
  6. Should it be at that age? 🤔 I'm as gutted as anyone we're not seeing more of him. But his career consists of about 2 or 3 matches. Can't be billy big time in the early days no matter how good a player.
  7. 😲😲 Gotta admire someone willing to go down swinging. Been nice knowing you.
  8. Looks like we've honed in on the highlight of your 90's. Knebworth, nah, sitting at home watching Rovers on your tele. I'm misty eyed for you. Good to know the scars still run deep. 😉
  9. On the 5 match form table on Google, our opponents in the next 4 league matches have won 1 solitary game. 1 win out of 20, a 5% win ratio. And that was Bristol City beating Rotherham. I know the Championship doesn't work out like that, but if we can't kick on during the next month with that fixture list, we don't deserve to be in the playoff picture. Even a few draws to keep the points tally ticking over will help. We have to eliminate the soft losses where heads drop and we get turned over too easily. By the time we come up against a resurgent Watford and West Brom around Valentine's week we'll know if JDT and this squad are contenders or not.
  10. Read this as a physical threat first time round. Thought you'd maybe been on the New Year buckfast. 🤣
  11. Awful to see such a young athlete in that situation, really hope he pulls through ok. I see 'the internet' dug up a gofundme page he'd done in 2020 to help poor kids get toys in the pandemic. Target was $2,500. Within 12 hours of the incident it had over $3.5 million. 😲😲 Quite touching how quickly people have reacted. One of those rare occasions of social media being a force for good.
  12. Thought Garrett, Hyam, Hedges and Dack were all excellent today. Both in effort levels and what they did. If those 4 can continue like that, and the likes of Diaz can get back on form, we'll be looking good again.
  13. 7 down (4): Adjective to describe man in orange top with whistle.
  14. Why does it always have to be about agendas and 'sides'. I'm with you, I agree JDT needs fair time to put things in place before being judged. But I can also understand why some fans would be very frustrated with the way things are going at the moment.
  15. Not sure this aggressive posting style does you any favours Chaddy. Certainly doesn't help further a sensible debate. Can some across a bit antagonistic.
  16. Not really much between these two standpoints is there though. Maybe a slip of A4 paper. Don't get me wrong, I think the manager deserves a fair crack, a full season at the minimum. But if you're one of the more positive fans and you're only 'just afloat', you can see why some might be veering the other side of the line. I doubt there's many more frustrating teams in the football league at the minute. To get hammered by 2 local rivals, to consistently shoot ourselves in the foot with crazy passing at the back, petulant red cards, and petty squabbling between manager and one of our brightest young stars it's rumoured. Forget the shout of "But we are 3rd!" as a defence, it's that stat making me madder. Imagine if we sorted out some of the above where we could be. Opportunity doesn't come knocking often. It did last season and we monumentally blew it. For lightening to strike twice would be heartbreaking. I'd suggest that's where some of the anger comes from, certainly where mine's brewing from.
  17. If VAR was in the Champ I think it probably downgrades that to a yellow. But now it's been given, the authorities back it and it won't be rescinded imo. Now way they rubber stamp players being allowed to chuck balls at heads, even if the pace is zero.
  18. How ever ridiculous that red looks to us.....I doubt it gets rescinded on appeal.
  19. Bounced the ball off back of Boro's player head I think. Soft force. Edit: Grassing lino gave it. Not ref.
  20. Personally, no problem with the concept, but hate when it's trotted out as an excuse. Tonight, we could go 5 losses from 6 matches. A lot of those losses very heavy. IF that situation got hand waved away as a 'journey' I'd be absolutely fuming. Because a catastrophe like that needs addressing no matter what stage you're at in a 'project'. Hopefully l won't have to judge JDT on that scenario. But tonight does feel a bit of a watershed moment, whether that be performance on the pitch, or manager response afterwards. Just my own stance.
  21. Is it not just that they can clearly see how shit we are too?
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