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Everything posted by Silas

  1. Got to end up one of the worst collapses since it became the Championship. Has anyone gone 2nd to 12th before?
  2. Tbf he also thinks Jack Rodwell is on the pitch. 😂
  3. 🤷‍♂️ Your commentator. Said "..he's finally starting to win me over." Always liked him as a player.
  4. Neutral commentator: "Blackburn haven't really shown any sense of urgency all afternoon."
  5. What a team of divers we are recently. Desperate stuff.
  6. Commentators on your channel saying similar. They can't believe their eyes. Said they'd never seen Stoke do dinky little balls in the channels and round corners. Also stunned that players that have been crap for ages suddenly look World class (Maja, Jaglielka). It's almost like there's some factor that's making your team so good today. 🤔 Answers on a postcard to Tony.
  7. Please make my Bank Holiday and tell me it was "Goodbye". 🤞
  8. It's starting to look on purpose. Unfathomably poor.
  9. I can see that. Portrays the down to earth image, but could see him being a right grumpy git with little time for lower level underlings. He does come across as quite arrogant sometimes, considering his standing in the football industry. I suppose there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance though.
  10. And in 4 months we'll be playing without at least 6 of the errr...good/better/less crap players of the squad. Imagine what those stats could look like then? Imagine the goals for column when we lose our key attacking threats? We're bobbins at hitting the net now! It's really depressing me.
  11. A quick google turns up 4 managers that have called their team's performance "unacceptable" in the last month alone: Mikel Arteta- Arsenal Steve Bruce- WBA Danny Cowley- Portsmouth Shaun Maloney- Hibs. Who declared his team "Not good enough for top six, top four, or Europe!" Has Mowbray EVER come out and been honest enough to make such an assessment? In the 6 odd years he's been here? We all know it's been "unacceptable" many, many times. The closest I can find is "That was our poorest performance of the season", "below our normal standard" and "we didn't compete well enough". That's it! That's the most contrite he's mustered throughout all the death spirals and endless disappointments. The record non-winning runs, the record 7-0 home loss. The calamitous second half of season collapses. If he had just once come out and called a spade a spade, I might have an ounce of respect left for him. As it is, him and his mealy mouthed press conferences can piss right off....for good.
  12. Imagine working in a high paying job where you get away with talking about targets like that. It's basically saying - "I don't give a shit about the results I produce, what you gonna do about it?!" I'd have been sacked from most of my previous jobs for failing to hit the targets, I'd definitely been sacked if I talked that way about them. Easy street doesn't begin to cover it.
  13. C'mon lads, please hold on for once. No injury time equalizer ffs.
  14. Need Dolan's pace in last 20 to use the space they'll leave at the back when they push on against 10 men.
  15. Wouldn't they both be on Harry Pickering's side of the pitch. 😱😱 Not sure you'd enjoy it quite as much as you think.
  16. We've kade Bowler look like he has the dribbling skills of Messi. Embarrassing.
  17. Ref's had a stinker since HT. Seems to think it's a game of netball now.
  18. I get the point being made but surely it's just a logistics thing. For England we have 2 Harry's, 2 Jordan's, we could have had 2 Phil's if Jones hadn't gone shit after leaving us. 😂 We could potentially have 3 Bens - Chilwell, White, and Godfrey. I think it's more a 'celebrity' thing. People don't see them as human beings with feelings. You only have to look at the social media trends for that. Joe Public gets treated a bit better, #bekind and all that, we're all here struggling together. But get someone with a blue tick and a Country's worth of followers, and it's open season. And nobody seems to give a toss whether they deserve it.
  19. That's almost 18 months ago I gave up on Gallagher. He's had all that time to prove me wrong. That's about 60 odd games. If anything, his contributions have got worse over that period. And what's this notion that because 1 player has come good, it might happen with others? Simply not true. It's the exception not the norm. Particularly over such extended time periods (pandemic stoppages or not). What about Keith Andrews, Jason Lowe, David Goodwillie, Chris Brown etc etc? SG is looking like panning out more in their mould than Diaz's. You've picked the one diamond in the rough that surprisingly came good, and tried to use it as an example that us football fans know nothing. I'd argue we get it right more often than we do wrong. Both SG and Mowbray have been given good backing and lots of time at this club to prove their value. Barring a remarkable turnaround in the next 6 weeks (Breretonesque perhaps 😉), neither will have achieved the required standard. And I'd be gutted if both were still vital cogs in the setup come August. Because we all know how that season would look. 😥
  20. I'd be about as devastated as I was on hearing that Bradley Orr was leaving the club.
  21. It normally wears off 2/3 hours after final whistle, but still as angry now as I was at 5pm. Really was curtains for the season in the cruelest way.
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