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Everything posted by Oldgregg86

  1. No against Wigan when he took a great first touch did a little jiggle and smashed it in bottom left corner and we beat them 1-0 around this time in the year a couple of seasons back
  2. The only one off the top of my head I can think of was Walton to emnes and that would take some beating.
  3. All I know is either of those is better than this
  4. And banners where banned last time I brought one
  5. Yeah that was my first season ticket season and I’ve scoured the internet trying to find decent footage fo fans from that season but there is very little and all poor quality . unless you count that bloody city game which is on sky every other day
  6. And jpvh has been far better than decent . He’s possibly the player of the year and as misused as Harrison reed was he was still class
  7. The only track records that matters are the post Xmas death spirals, anything out of waggotts mouth and anything associated with agencies.
  8. They would rather give gladwin the money than use it for someone who deserves it more than any other person with the exception of jack I can think of no heart, no soul, no loyalty
  9. Preach brother i think we are if similar age and I couldn’t of written anything from my own heart as well as you have put that. in a nutshell that’s exactly one million percent bang on and how I feel
  10. That’s fair enough however you have a history of lapping up any crap the club comes out with so we are to ends of a spectrum . I’d be interested to see what people in the middle thought
  11. And going off the comparison list he hasn’t improved it that much in five years
  12. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a ploy by waggott to make it seem he has integrity whilst making it seem tony is the best we can hope for. operation downgrade or maybe I’m just bitter and cynical
  13. If it’s Tony’s definition of a youngster it’s probably chapman
  14. I know I found it strange nobody sang tony parkes blue and white army. I tried to start tony tony take the job but that didn’t catch on either edit. I’ve just realised why 😅
  15. That is a terrifying thought. it’s probably just tony sat in front of an old three bar fire in his slippers saying prices have gone up and being working class he understands some people can’t afford them and need to work Saturday down pit like his dad did back on teeside in the ……. (And then the same story he must of told the players yesterday about pre war Middlesbrough t fire them up for the last 45 of our season )
  16. Our clubs is supposed to represent us. Instead it mirrors society At what point does your club stop being your club ? because tonight I’m doing some deep soul searching trying to justify why I do what i do and I’m scared of what the answers will be . I’m blue and white through and through is starting to sound hollow even to someone with the badge tattooed to his chest. This club and the generations of people it represents should always be ours and not one person can even tell us what half the board do, who they are, why they are here, what our goals are and aims are. it stinks and some demands need to be made as to what the fuck is going on from top to bottom because Tony shrugging his shoulders why our best kids leave for nothing and our debts spiral and training grounds disappear and all the other bollocks we have debated for thousands of pages is coming to a head . in five games time we don’t even know who the manager or any of the back room team will be. If the guy we should ask will be here, who and what the guy above him does and if the owners know we still play football. I honestly despair
  17. I think seeing tony parkes before the game and Tony Mowbray after it just hit home how much the thing I fell in love with isn’t the same thing anymore and the thought it never will be broke something in me. I genuinely cried today seeing him on the pitch before the game
  18. Yeah I agree. I just thought I’d throw hedges in aswell as it has connections to his brother, he was coming on a free, a fee was paid and he has barely even played, even though we have had an injury crisis. Even today the appearance had a whiff of appearance bonus and doing favours rather than what was needed. Literally nothing has changed since the day the rats flew over from india. Tony was just easier to stomach and appealed to the northern working classes until his media comments exposed him. All the waggott and Venus links from Coventry, The training ground shenanigans, It’s just the same shit and lies packaged more neatly and clever and they have got away with it in the grand scheme because it isn’t as blatant at myles fucking Anderson being Maldini. I’m sick of this shit along with the absolute mismanaged predictable disaster class we witness on the pitch week in week out . Sorry for the language but there is no other way to express my feelings after today. I’m completely fucked off with the whole shit show from top to bottom and If tony or swag get a new contract I’m seriously contemplating not renewing and it kills me to even admit to myself I’m thinking it. I love my club and hate what it is in equal measure and it’s driving me insane
  19. I swear he said when talking about the cheque it was towards tony parkes car. I may have misheard but I didn’t mishear every other sentence being messed up. He is appalling at his job along with everyone else in the dugout and above
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