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Dolly blue

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Everything posted by Dolly blue

  1. I never swear , I dislike foul language...but this performance is the most fucking dire 90 minutes I have seen in a long time. Shite Mowbray....you are an embarrassment to this club.....thank God the gates are locked
  2. Chaddy .....I cannot believe that you feel this message board goes “ into meltdown after 10 points from 4 games “ ......get a grip man ....Most posts convey a far bigger picture... the journey, the slow build, the inability to progress a player, limited tactical awareness, square pegs / round holes, a team which mirrors his demeanour, some weary signings, a slow death , jam tomorrow ......bugger all to do with the last 4 games .....where have you been for the last 3 plus years ???????? Mowbray is one lucky man that Ewood is empty....he’s had far too easy a ride .... don’t be sucked in with the last 4 games....did you actually WATCH the performances ??????
  3. ..uncoached, unmanaged, unplanned ...just 11 blokes in blue and white halves.....sadly, they’re our blue and white halves..
  4. Leonard......apart from my glaring error of Wearside for Teeside.....I’m not sure where the dishonesty is ??.....I haven’t mentioned dishonesty in any way......just poor judgement in the circumstances we found ourselves .
  5. Thanks for the correction Herbie.....posted this at 0-0 ....should have realised my error ...then the goal came !
  6. This is shocking ......do we ever meet during the week.....? chapman just got his second ....at least Shrewsbury can get something out of Middlesbrough
  7. Mowbray knew, every man and his dog on Wearside knew, most followers of the championship knew ....could be a class act but.....with glass legs , a very poor approach to fitness and the hard yards required for that fitness...the signing of Ayala should never have happened. Once again.....Tony at his “ love of Boro best “.....scandalous signing when he knew the fragility of his back 4 .
  8. This is a message for K- Hod .....is the like button no longer available....or is it me ! Many thanks
  9. It’s not that the playing and training at Ewood last week did any good..... they looked 11 individuals.....maybe they’ll be better off the grass , Tony . or....with someone who knows what the grass is for ?
  10. I wish I shared your optimism......I can see very few committing to Ewood whilst Mowbray is at the helm....what’s he ever done for Nyambe ? ....only played Travis when forced....Davenport must see his opportunities limited.....Armstrong will have eyes elsewhere.......Lenihan has regressed .
  11. That is exactly my point ! Many teams , in many leagues are images of their management....and many managers create/ coach / organise their players to yield something where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. We have the parts .....but the sum is far less .....the world of Mr Tony Mowbray ......
  12. Haven’t seen this message board as flat for a long time. We are weary ...and it shows.. ...it’s a bit like what’s happening on the pitch.... ..any doubt as to why ???
  13. For once in my life ....I don’t give a toss who starts on Tuesday ...I have been Mowbrayed....finished ....
  14. This is our club Mowbray...it MATTERS to us ....your time here now is toxic....you are despised ....why can’t you see it , or feel it.....If we were inside Ewood.....you would hear it
  15. Before kick off many commented on this lineup ....best for a while, returnees like Dack, Travis....new signing Branthwaite.....but................they fail to mention ....it makes no bloody difference....Mowbray is in the dugout.... clueless, without inspiration, without drive ....he looks pitiful. Nothing changes !
  16. Just watched Crawley beat Leeds....and they have exactly what we haven’t.....their players clearly believed in the manager, the system , the plan....and they said so . They played the ball forward, they supported each other and they played for the shirt.... Their whole is far greater than their parts ...their total cost was just over 2 million...and we trundle along with what we have ...and who we have . Disgusting , Tony
  17. The issue is greater than , “ he picks the team “ ....it’s the whole shambolic debacle that goes with him from recruitment, to selection, to motivation, to tactical awareness, to maintaining a fan base ...we actually agree...but in a slightly different way !
  18. It’s the morning after the day before....and how do I feel ??? just as disenfranchised from my club just as embarrassed by Mowbray just as disbelieving at the level of technical ability and levels of fitness I witnessed yesterday just as sad that ( when permitted ) I will not enter Ewood to support him just as certain that the gate will be even smaller , and continue to get even smaller with this man just as hopeless.....and it’s the last point which gets me the most
  19. Mr Mowbray...a man of principle, “ will walk when I’ve taken this club as far as I can “ Liar....bollocks ....an embarrassment. How many fans will return ?......and counting
  20. I’m no longer angry.....I expect it.....that’s what Mowbray has done to me...it no longer hurts either
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