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Dolly blue

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Everything posted by Dolly blue

  1. Well Paul, I’ve just had a gin...then read this post....thought I’d had one too many .....I don’t know whether to begin to hope ( again ) ...dare I ?? Don’t know if it’s a source or a hunch on your part ...but , at least , at least ..........
  2. What a shocking morning this is ...” Mowbray to LEAD summer overhaul “ ....you lead NOTHING with no one behind you ....he’s going to be a very lonely, but bloody well paid , “ leader “ at an empty Ewood Park next season. What can we do , as a caring fan base , to bring out a change to this terrible situation ?
  3. What a dreadful interview....” but, Thursday we’ll be back and we’ll go again “ ..... the thing is ...... we’ve never “ gone “ for the past two seasons ! We’ve limped, we’ve had tired and jaded players , we’ve had an embarrassment of a collection of blokes in our shirts . He’s finished .....and so are we.
  4. ...That makes 2 RV ...but I don’t think we will be the only ones....I feel very sad ..but I cannot and will not step foot into Ewood whilst he remains ...possibly gates of 5,000 again. I was one of those 5,000 and I enjoyed it as there was pride in the shirt and a bloke managing who did his genuine best .
  5. Not interested in the line up or the outcome. 3 weeks ago I said that was me out until he and his embarrassing back room go....have Sky, won’t be watching....it’s less painful and I’m getting used to life without Rovers in it . Not had any call, communication from the club re season ticket renewal...that’s really annoying me because I have a script.....until that day dawns when he’s gone...that’s how it will continue to be....
  6. Venkys have a decision to make .....retain him and give him money to spend....and lose any remaining revenue through turnstiles, retail etc or......get rid , give an opportunity some of the kids who, at least, will fight for the shirt, save money and have a returning fan base ... I will return to watch that.....I will not return to watch anything to do with him....irrespective of which league we might be in
  7. Big thanks to Rev and other contributors who have the long term welfare of this club at heart. Maybe the force of change was the letter, maybe it was the residents of The Ribble Calley......whatever or whoever...we have an example of people power ....maybe, just maybe.....this can be the beginning of the end for the 3 ..
  8. Venkys, Waggott, Mowbray , Beetlejiuce from LT and the “ Love in “ fans on Facebook will get what they deserve....Mowbray’s “ journey “ will, one day end......and what will be left?? .......a soulless club, an embarrassment of a team , a descent to League 1 and 2 oblivion , a mountain of debt, a dirty , neglected ground... ....I love my club but I will not be there to pick up the pieces.....I’m at the stage where I now hate him and everything about him . I’m done because.... I feel helpless and angry in equal measure
  9. I don’t use foul language.....but, reading his latest crap in The Telegraph he has fallen into the same descriptive phrase as the despised one.... ...we had Danny Fucking Murphy ....we have Tony Fucking Mowbray
  10. I know lockdown restrictions are in place , and must be observed...but...this is a serious question WHAT CAN WE DO ? ...an actual show / statement/ demonstration of the disgust we feel for Mowbray, Waggott and Venus
  11. Do you think he even wanted to score? ....surely, they’ve had as much as they can take from Mowbray
  12. How much lower, can this once great club, stoop? The men in the shirts are embarrassing ...led by an even more embarrassing man.
  13. Just heard Sherwood, on Sky say, “ Blackburn play a brand of football that allows young Elliot to develop ...”........what ? The fact he calls us Blackburn is bad enough but how Mowbray and his possession football cons these “ experts “..talking utter crap
  14. I read a “ post “ on Facebook earlier....as usual , littered with expletives at someone suggesting Mowbray should go.......and he finished it with.........”.support him and support the club or.....we could end up like Bolton “..... now, there is a thought.. .. How they have been to hell and back during the past 3 or 4 seasons ...duped by ownership whose only interests were self, lead by management out of its depth, paying players with no heart or guts to fight for the shirt....does that sound familiar? ...and where are they now? A united fan base great in number, owned by people who have a genuine interest in the club and its community, lead by a manager who is progressive in his approach playing players in their correct positions .... and where do they sit currently?......in the automatic play off spots .. ..maybe, just maybe that is our only way out . Their fans have that something we crave......pride in our club...
  15. My vote is, most definitely NO....it’s not that I’m after promotion, free flowing football, win most home games....I just want a club I can believe in....one which works in an honest, straightforward way. One which values its fan base , one which gets something from its Cat 1 Academy...one with a manager and back room team who are genuine football men who inspire their players to give their all for the shirt. It will remain NO ...whilst these opportunists are here.
  16. I agree Matty.....Whilst fans at many clubs will be desperate to return to their grounds, with support they have missed giving ...the returning numbers at Ewood will be a stark statement of what this management has done to this club....I along with JH and many others will be part of that 50%.
  17. The ground might get a clean up for the start of the new season but... no need to oil the turnstiles....there’ll be no buggers through them....
  18. ...Yer man must be thick in the head to sign what he has and to play the systems he has....he must now have skin to match. How can any self respecting football man not realise how of his depth he is ?? He’s embarrassing....but.....he’ll never be a burden to this club......as a man of honour, he said so ....well, I’m feeling that burden right now ....
  19. ...The players have no heart....the manager has no head ....grand
  20. Not interested in any line up / formation... too late for that. My interest is in who is going to lead this club out of the coma it is in ...both off the field and on it. We end the season with so many out of contract players, so little in terms of “ feel good “ , a stadium that requires much attention in terms of cleanliness and presentation, a training ground ( part) trying to be sold, a fractured and disillusioned fan base dwindling in number, ....all lead by such weak men as Mowbray, Waggott and Venus. .... It’s Easter ...a season of hope, of new beginnings...and where will we look for our new beginnings....probably Middlesbrough where their nobodies will be given new life to be our somebodies... ....no line up , selected by this management will be of any further interest to me ....and, as for those who wish to finish the season on a high....you’ve more stomach for the fight than I have ...
  21. So true....delusional! Boothroyd to England is what Mowbray is to the Rovers
  22. Great post....can’t wait for my call ....at least I feel that I can have some sort of “ voice”....I have written my response to make sure I leave nothing unsaid ....Whilst Mowbray remains ...I remain in lockdown
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