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Tyrone Shoelaces

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Everything posted by Tyrone Shoelaces

  1. There are attacking players like Armstrong who are quite happy to jog along and not get a really significant touch of the ball for 5 even 10 minutes. They've got that inner confidence that even if they haven't contributed much so far they're still worth their place in the side, Then a good ball comes their way and they come alive. Then there are the attacking players who when they don't see the ball for 5 or 10 minutes they start getting anxious, start worrying about their contribution and they can go into their shell and never come out. I think Rothwell was like that when he was played as a winger. In a more central role he's in the game a lot more and he can't switch off as easily.
  2. Just how I feel. It's great to see us banging in the goals but lets not get carried away. Wycombe are really poor and Derby have lost their way. Very much like Rovers were in the Berg, Appleton, Bowyer period. They look very fragile mentally. It might have been another game altogether if that shot that beat Kaminski but was going in until a Rovers defender blocked it had actually gone in. In both games we scored first, that's massively important.
  3. I'd have to play a yard or two nearer to Dolan than I would with Gallagher. Dolan's control and ability to turn with the ball is instant, Gallagher needs that bit more time to get his big gangling levers going. Of course the fullback playing two yards wider means there is more space in the centre for opponents to exploit. There are no free lunches when you're defending as a unit. Another thing that makes Dolan a difficult opponent is he leans over the ball a bit when he's running with it, making head on attempts to dispossess him more problematical.
  4. Man marking is the easy part. Just running around with the guy you're marking makes it more difficult for his team mates to pass to him. You just need a tenacious guy with a good engine. Having said that the way the game is referreed these days you'd have to be careful tackling. It's what you do when your own team has the ball that's the hard bit. Clever teams let the marker have the ball and lure him away from the guy he's supposed to be marking. You need to be disciplined, stay with your man and if you win the ball find a team mate ASAP.
  5. Celtic did it with Tugay when we played them years ago. Whenever we had the ball they had Chris Sutton man marking him and they played us out of the game.
  6. Dack's got a full hand when it comes to goal scoring. He can finish in many ways, Armstrong is a bit more limited.
  7. We shouldn't be considering Gallagher for a wide role again. Dolan and Chapman with maybe JRC should be our go to players on the right wing.
  8. It's simple as this for me, as an old left back, who would I prefer to against - Dolan or Gallagher ? With Dolan he dribbles at real pace, knows when to stick and when to twist, bags of energy, always looking to get into the game. You'd never have a minute's break. With Gallagher he's going to have an advantage in the air so you'd be relying on team mates to cut down crosses in his direction. After that, out wide he's not much of a threat as long as you don't do anything silly, like giving him too much room and letting him get a run at you. After turning his back on real attacking wingers for all the time he's been at Ewood ( Conway was played more as a defensive player and Chapman hardly played ) Mowbray appears to have found one down the back of the sofa. At least one winger is getting a game now. I only see Gallagher as a back up for Armstrong at the moment. On another point although Armstrong was quiet for most of the game the way he put that chance away so emphatically speaks of a player who's confidence is sky high. Regarding Johnson's goals, our midfield have been shot shy for too long. How often do you see a speculative shot into a crowded penalty area take an unstoppable deflection like his second goal. Let's have more of it lads.
  9. He got in a reasonable position to get a block in initially and then just gave up on the job. Not good enough.
  10. I think the area of the pitch he's playing in at the moment suits his game the best. He's not nimble enough to be a winger and playing with his back to goal doesn't suit him either. Picking the ball up around the half way line and running with it like an old inside left is probably what he does best. He's not going to be a prolific goalscorer but he may make chances for other players.
  11. Yeah, you can see what's going on in his head, " As soon as I get half a yard on this lad the cross is going in ". No over playing it. just make the space, put the ball in the danger area. A natural player.
  12. He just looks like a winger that's filling in at full back to me. There's no way that ball should have come across so easily.
  13. On one on ones he lacks the ability or confidence to go around the keeper most of the time so it's got to be a close in shot. Some go in some don't.
  14. Our first three games back in the old First Division in the 1958-59 season - Newcastle A Won 5-1 Leicester H Won 5-0 Tottenham H Won 5-0
  15. I'm not impressed with Bell on that cross that their guy headed over the bar. On another day that's a goal. After initially tracked the winger closely Bell just gives it up and lets the guy cross the ball unimpeded. A real full back would be throwing themselves into an attempted block there. I was impressed with the way we got bodies forward and flooded the area around the box with players. Derby are obviously brittle mentally and going behind early on really rocked them but to win anywhere away 0-4 is a great result. We also managed to play the game out without too much trouble. Happy days !
  16. He did what all good wingers should do for the first goal - if the ball is on the other flank get in the box as fast as you can. He gambled, got right in, and was rewarded with a tap in. You've got to be in it to win it.
  17. Dack's first movement quite often is towards the ball and away from goal, Armstrong's first movement is usually away from the ball and towards goal. Two entirely different styles of " centre forward " play.
  18. Anybody can win at Old Trafford now, the Fergie Fear Factor is long gone.
  19. Have we got room in the treatment room for one more ?
  20. Dack was a success story but how many flops did we sign from the lower levels going back over the last few of years ? It's quite a long list. That guy who's name I've momentarily forgotten who we got from Oxford looked a very, very good footballer at that level but did nothing at Ewood. Jack Payne I think ?
  21. That Jack Byrne was another one came from City with a big reputation. Did nothing for us.
  22. It doesn't look quite like that in the photo in todays " Guardian ". The transition from Black to Red appears to be more " feathered " or blended in. The vertical band in the middle in that photo isn't as obvious in the one in the " Guardian ".
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