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Everything posted by Mattyblue

  1. Sherwood just didn’t seem to fancy the second division, I remember the incredulity when Kenny said he’d be the main man once up… KK couldn’t half read a player.
  2. So with months still to go mid table third division Bolton already have nearly five thousand more ST holders in the camp than Championship Blackburn Rovers managed last summer. Something is badly amiss at this football club…
  3. There’s certainly a parallel in league positions. The difference being we snapped out of it quickly, came and went in a mad month and with enough time to recover… just. This has been going on for over three months and it doesn’t feel like we’ve come out of the other side of it as yet. The fact we had far better and far more experienced players in 1992 than now is a major factor…
  4. Pro or anti-TM, that article is a damming example of how mis-managed this club is. He’s a month of games left and totally in the dark to if he’s got a future here or not, even at a personal/professional level it is a piss poor way to treat one of the league’s longest serving managers. So, do we think Waggott and ‘the board’ are any clearer so they can look for a replacement? Of course they won’t be, indeed Swag might be off himself - so if TM doesn’t sign a new deal inside a Pune lair deep into the close season, a Coyle era scramble for a replacement will commence in mid summer by whatever rump of executives we have left at Ewood, whilst other clubs are well underway strengthening their squads. All this nonsense from the forum ITK-ers about ‘new dawns’ is as laughable as it ever was…
  5. Beats having a rehab game at Leyland, I suppose…
  6. Only bucked with strong half ST sales. Last summer saw the worst sales in 30+ years. Every chance many of those half ST holders jump straight back out of the tent in the summer with the way things have gone post January, and no doubt a piss poor offer being prepared for next season…
  7. Good luck with that, as my question on why they keep doing these shite bundles went unasked by the looks of the last set of minutes…
  8. In what way is Dolan anything like Derbyshire as a player?!
  9. The profile and column inches of the ceremony had tanked in recent years, so the Academy will be rubbing their hands with glee and making him life president…
  10. Bit like them removing those fantastic two history timelines in both Jack Walker Stand corners - the DE side one being replaced with an ‘Away Ticket Sales’ sign, right next to an existing sign saying… err… ‘Away Ticket Sales’ Just can’t fathom what goes on with the Brains Trust down there.
  11. In the 2000s Blues Bar was a cracking venue. Good food, drink variety, loads of fantastic Rovers memorabilia all over the place. We used to be in there for hours pre match week in week out. Went in recently and I couldn’t believe how much it had gone downhill. Food and drink really poor and they’ve somehow got rid of its USP, a ROVERS bar, most of the memorabilia removed, even the tiled floor mosaic of our badge on the floor near the bar, gone - now just a generic and tatty ‘Sports Bar’. Sums up this decade of mismanagement nicely, I thought…
  12. Like Blackpool, Stoke on Easter Monday is Cat B. Strange how the club has totally rowed back from the marketing guff around the ‘Final 5’ bundle which said how great value it was because all remaining home games would be Cat A. I presume the threats didn’t work then and Swag has counted how many bundles were sold using his fingers and toes…
  13. To be fair it would’ve been 150 years of a slip up. Unless there’s written minutes etc from the time, aren’t we just looking at the age old issue of conflicting historical accounts? The Maltese cross shirt is another example. A very interesting little nugget here SG, but I doubt any records are going to be officially corrected…
  14. Well it’s been 12 years and counting and it doesn’t look particularly close to me…
  15. No worries with Nyambe in there, though he has obvious weaknesses as an attacking wing back, he’s a superb defender.
  16. You always say variations of this rigger, I’ve noticed, but you have to be ‘bothered about other results’, as we obviously won’t win every game (and neither will anybody else) so clubs will always need favours from elsewhere.
  17. Surely the final league position is the main barometer to a manager’s competency or otherwise?
  18. On sale tomorrow by the looks of it. According to their forum they’ve had the tickets for a few days now but didn’t want to put them on sale pre selling out their PNE away allocation.
  19. But if you are happy with the team’s position, why would you not even go to matches because of the bloke picking it?
  20. With no ST holders in there to swell the numbers from, and no discounted tickets that would attract a fan to pick there over the usual part of the ground they choose. How many are they actually expecting to suddenly rock up in the DEnd at £25 for a run of the mill game? If there’s more than 250 I’d be amazed. Absolute amateur hour down there.
  21. Is ‘the club’ (whoever the hell that is these days) succession planning right now? I would wager not, so we will in all likelihood be scrambling around in mid summer trying to find a manager… yet we’ve known for three years that the fella in situ is out of contract in June 2022, so every chance we’d need somebody in. STs, contracts, managers, you name it, all a late, tail chasing job, as we are totally at the whim of distant owners who seemingly decide everything in one summer meeting on the other side of the world. Ridiculous way to run a professional football club…
  22. Top 6 is good enough, but the manager who has the team in that position isn’t? And not only that, you won’t even go to matches because of the bloke who has the team in the position you deem good enough? Doesn’t really compute that, sorry.
  23. I thought Sky usually picked good teams to keep putting on? 🤷‍♂️
  24. I.e. he missed large swathes of most seasons (his personal winter break being standard) pre coming here…
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