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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. He always looked like a stop gap appointment right from the off. We needed a HOR after the previous one left so the job is advertised and various names are banded about. Then in comes another old pal of the manager who was doing very little if anything at all with his time. Hard to know what if anything to credit him with because we were quite good in the loan market beforehand. So what are we looking at ? Hedges and who else ?
  2. Everything under one roof That's where it started .
  3. Craig whatever his name is would be presenting the successor to the blingy one. Charlie Chester and Swaggot will be told to stay in their lanes and continue collecting the very generous wedge they get bunged.
  4. Will the manager let the team off the leash ? Or look at Blackpool who've lost the last 2 and spot that their left back or someone occasionally goes forward so shite himself, set out to stop that and try and draw the first half 0-0 ? What will the tombola throw up for the front 3 tomorrow i wonder.
  5. Well the ground has always been too big for us so nothing new about that and the dreary 'Your support is...' gets an airing at most grounds up and down the country. So again nothing unique in it towards our fans. Agree though some of the expected crowds are mythical non more so than in the heads of some of those running the show. Back to being 12k on a good day but its gone up 3k since the early part of this season and not all on the back of cheap tickets. Just by having a #####g go on the pitch most weeks that's all the regulars ask for. As for the part timers well if the club won't try and draw them in properly they ain't going to come very often, not rocket science.
  6. Funnily enough i was thinking about that barnsley game recently and remember sitting there thinking this guy will never get us out of it. He was trying odd stuff in that game instead of just getting them stuck in although not his fault he inherited dodgy signings like Wes Brown. Was obvious in those first few games TM was a plodder and an over complicater, the that can hold stability and improve a bit but hold you back at the same time. A go getter he isn't but i'd love him to ram those words back down my gob.
  7. Those two have one of the best gigs in English football for a host of reasons. No way are they walking away from here of their own accord.
  8. The people at the club never really know what is happening so how anybody on here does is a bit fanciful. Best to file this stuff under 'we want to develop the Riverside' and 'we are getting a new pitch', oh and 'the owners want promotion' It's called playing to the gallery.
  9. I suppose Mowbray is taking him to this big brand new gig hes got along with half the players. Even though he's talking about pre season and beyond here.
  10. Doesn't really matter who did what because if he was sold Mowbray wouldn't have seen the money anyway. Probably would have got the wages for half a season that had already been budgeted for that's how it tends to work here. Rothwell has been no worse than 4 or 5 others who could be mentioned and lets be honest he was probably only busting a guy because he knew there was interest. I wonder how his detractors will feel next season when Hedges is the square peg in that round hole.
  11. " After a full pre season we'll all feel more relaxed about playing Bradley" ....
  12. Pretty standard stuff though from him when we look at it ( aside from Johnson false 9 in which he outdid himself there) but in terms of points. Win, lose, draw = 4 points from possible 9 and we all knew we'd end up back in that groove again soon, once the enforced change or two freed him from the naming of the same successful line up every week.
  13. Then bemoan the fact the squad, nah entire club doesn't have one target man or one central striker in it aside from a kid who's not really been near the first team. Then look at the first half v Derby where Khadra and Dolan i think it was basically played as wingers whilst Johnson tried to be a false 9. Nothing in the box to aim for, virtually zero goal threat and gave the opposition freedom to play it out from the back. I know we ended up winning and it's in the past but i'll never get over what the hell that was all about. This is with Gallagher, Giles and Dack on the bench first half. Fast forwards a few weeks and we see BB, Dack and Dolan left of the bench first half and Giles right, Gallagher left and Buckley trying to be a false 9. Almost a similar wretched repeat of the Derby first half and still no forwards in the box, crazy oddball stubborn stuff.
  14. It's nothing to do with Tony though, after all he's only the manager he isn't out on the field !!! Tactics, formations, subs ? No that's never played any part because he tells the lads what to do every week.
  15. We've said it before but i'll say it again they'd rather have 8k in here paying full whack cutting costs and bobbling along. The set of 9th highest paid directors in this league have overseen year on year price rises and decline in core support since promotion form league 1. This season the penny dropped with the result of all this seeing the lowest support for over 30 years so panic sets in when the team starts doing well and crowds don't even go back to the midtable Gary Bowyer levels. You reap what you sow and we've seen both sides of that this season but on the back of it there is a real chance to improve things. Will they ? Nah probably just some token gesture or other.
  16. Point being you constantly try and make out like Mowbray has been badly done to compared to other managers awash with cash. True in regards to parachute clubs but not so true in regards to a lot of the rest of this division. Owners aside the set up at this club and the backing hes had should see us always competing to be amongst the best of the rest. Not been the case until this season and that has been led by a 7 million pound striker and the facts are he was allowed to spend 15 million on 3 strikers. Not debating the merits of his judgement or what they may or may not be worth now because in terms of two of them he was proven correct. He still had the money to sign them though and i take issue with your assumptions hes only operated with a bag of washers and a bit of loose change. Many managers would give their right arm for the set up here they'd walk over hot coals for this job. We know the idiots wouldn't employ them but i'm not for one min standing by listening to the 'hard done by' nonsense in regards to Mowbray. This has been a dream job for him and his pals. As for the experts in the stands well there's a lot of real football experts on the dole.
  17. Mowbray chose to spend 15 million in the space of about a year 3 seasons ago and has only just got near the top 6. There's levels to this management game regardless of money and did forest have an academy turn out like ours to pick from ? Throw in the ability to afford loans like Reed, Tosin, Elliot, THB and the rest plus wages for Johnson. Holtby etc puts a little bit of a different perspective on it. What would Cooper have done with that lot ? Lets not keep pretending we are paupers.
  18. And when we were 2-1 down v Brazil in the quarter final it was crying out for a player like Matt.
  19. Not really, depends who they are and what they might be supposed to be doing. There might be an English branch of the Rao clan on there for all we know, probably isn't but the way these lot work anything is possible. Besides Akon was the man on the VLL payroll once over.
  20. To be fair to Rhodes he was chasing the Prem dream and he knew he'd never get that here. For all we know he took a pay cut to leave as here he was netting an alleged 45k pwk. Even if it wasn't that it was def around 35 grand so if it was only about money he could have stayed until and seen out his deal. Shame how its worked out as although he was never good enough for Prem football he is a lot better than the last few years have appeared.
  21. 10th highest debt in the whole of England yet 9 highest payers of directors in the Championship.
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