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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. Remember how desperate we were, remember Wharton going, Trav loaned out, injuries and a blob of the first Wharton instalment landing. Remember Ennis, remember the repeated cock ups trying to sign decent players. Nobody can be remotely surprised if they took a 4/500k till the end of the season gamble and lets be honest if he's on half that it's still a stupid punt.
  2. Who'd be remotely surprised if they chucked 6 months at 80k a month at Fleck, plus agents fee of course. Half a million straight down the bog but we can't cut ST prices ! Represents everything that is wrong with this club and football in general.
  3. Again Waggot and Suhail are first in line for the blame of those players walking away and lack of ambition as well as wages played a part you can be sure. Broughton highlighted when asked about the Wharton money that one of the options is use it to boost the wage bill for a spell and allow us to compete for better players. That was done in the past though so it'll be a non starter now i'd imagine. Besides it's unlikely there'll be any money unless they stick more in in summer so a pointless debate but in the rare chance there is it'll 2 loans, a freebie and a 500k punt from Crewe or somewhere again. That's the model.
  4. Iv'e said many time the 20 million a year line buys many fans off as well as covering many cracks and dark holes. Just like life in general especially politics and the like if people would just open their eyes and open their minds a little things would be a lot clearer. No need at all to deal in conspiracy just start with ALL the facts and work from there and in regards to Rovers there is more than enough to explain what the real issue is here and has been for about 13 years. The rest of the stuff is just what many others clubs have to deal with but when it's incompetent at the heart of it things will never ever progress no many how much money/income or fans there is. Plenty examples of that as well BUT when it reaches rock bottom there is usually a change and a turnaround of fortunes. We on the other hand are destined to be stuck in an eternal loop that becomes ever decreasing circles.
  5. There was no push from TM he was comfortable placating the owners or indeed behind placated himself, lets not forget where he was before he came here. Can't say i blame him but most managers or coaches of a certain age in a certain phase of their lives would swap the stress of pushing for promotion for a gentle midtable 'next year might be our year' jog. He'd likely financially benefit just the same plodding along for 2 years as he would a quick promotion then a pay off it's not like he was earning Allardyce type money. And i'm not saying he didn't try for promotion on purpose i doubt that was the case at first, more like he took a good look around and arranged his deckchair accordingly.
  6. He's the DoF but what is he actually directing ? Nothing, all he can do is recommend to the board and they ask (or don't) the owners and we know that goes the way the wind happens to be blowing, if indeed they get an answer at all. Again all this goes through Suhail and Waggot so basically on first team matters GB is nowt more than a consultant or adviser he certainly isn't actually directing.
  7. He told us quite a bit there if we break it down.... Squad small on PURPOSE to allow a 30% use of our own youth. Admits the risks of that and trying to be competitive. Been told there'll be Wharton money to reinvest (which means bugger all) 'Recommended' to the board 4 areas where it 'might' be invested. Exposed the stupidity of previous transfer windows (directors not there, split over 2 sites, IT mob gone home ) Admits the Wharton sale was pushed by needing to set an example (we know it was pushed because of finance) Human error for this windows cock up (he's covering for someone) Highlighted the nonsense of letting 4 players go for nothing and how that impact carried over. How many of those can be laid directly at the door of Waggot and the shadow director ? I'd say most of them so why the hell are they still here earning 100's of thousands ?
  8. Apart from him telling us in that interview that he is expecting reinvestment of course.
  9. Assume it would have to be a step back to being an academy director though and that's why he'll cling on here a bit longer. Come summer when he sees no budget and all Raya and Wharton money being liquidised in running costs with the Sammie fee next in line i suspect he'll bail. If he is being paid really well then probably not.
  10. He speaks well as always but can't help get away from it sounding like a bit of an ideology rather than the early stages of a cold hard plan. He can recommend wise words all he wants about how to reinvest and all these other clubs in the early stages of their models but he is fooling no one only himself on the chances of that happening here. His model is a non starter if all they are really doing is producing and cashing in to pay the bills. It will go the opposite way to the scenario he is promoting.
  11. 'Our squad is small enough, PURPOSEFULLY' FFS there you have it, nothing more than a development club.
  12. Yeah hes trotted off elsewhere to purr about the academy and avoid direct questioning from local media. It's great championing the youth development and pathway but is it really justified if we get relegated ?
  13. I think it's just the same as any other position in the club under these lot. A new guy with a decent track record will want bigger wages/expenses/perks and will have his own ideas and direction he wants to push in. So they'll hire someone cheaper who's overjoyed and grateful to be in a job like that and they'll be working for the minimum directors pay and be toeing the line and dancing to their tune. That's why we never progress.
  14. I wonder why so many Americans are now looking to get into English football at smaller clubs ? Maybe we missed our calling years ago with Daniel Williams !
  15. The most proactive CEO in the Championship. How these feckers manage to get into these positions and earn 250k per year is quite astonishing.
  16. He'll be hoping only 500 bother going across that'll be the basis of his thinking and if we were doing well and 1500+ were expected there'd be no chance of a contribution. We need all the support we can get so the twohat should be putting on a few free coaches as well !
  17. It's really sickening watching these clubs rise back up from the depths and stroll past Rovers whilst we remained shackled to these lunatics who employ bozos and ignore the club yet expect the royal treatment fir their '20 mill a year' accounting exercise. No one else think that the only sell if we go back to the Prem line was a bit iffy, i mean it's as if they'd have no use for a non heavy loss making entity.
  18. We need all hands to the pump obviously but i'm struggling to see what Siggy offers other than a body hes been a real disappointment imo.
  19. Sylvester = Bronn A hatchet man who kills things stone dead with one click ( or not )
  20. Well hes got some higher standard players now and i think they'll paste a lot of lesser and maybe even similar other teams but i'd expect quite a few mullerings against the strong countries. Be interesting to see how it unfolds. Maybe he'l blame the Swedish bus !
  21. JDT's style at International level will either turn out to be a roaring success or complete disaster there'll be no middle ground. He'll achieve things or be sacked pretty quick.
  22. We should have been like Ipswich after Lge 1 promotion when we had a decent budget and were rebuilding but we had the wrong manager and wrong people upstairs. Now we very much resemble them before they went to league 1 for a number of years and we still have the same wrong people upstairs.
  23. The first mantra at Ewood is don't rock the boat just do as you're told even if you don't agree it's right. Second one is keep it buttoned and don't let anything get back to India that might disrupt or end the gravy train comfort zone even it it is detrimental to progress.
  24. I think all 3 scenarios come in to play at various times. Especially point 3 when there are enquiries about buying the club or requests to cut ST prices and fill the place up.
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