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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. I think it's easy for them to confuse waffle with passion. Just because he can talk a glass eye to sleep about football doesn't mean he's a passionate manager. He comes across more like a fan or pundit at times, commentating on things whilst remaining detached from it himself. A rare talent considering he's talking about his own flipping team losing again.
  2. Just don't think they pay enough attention to be honest and of course the football old boys club is alive and well. Mostly exists on hype, lies and bull shit. It's the arrogance that gets me most they don't listen to fans who pay to watch all the time. They prefer to just look at the stats and speak to another pundit who happens to be a managers pal. Lazy tossers just chucking out soundbytes most of the time. It's funny though as my only memory really of him as an opposition manager is when Boro came to Ewood and counter attacked us off the park. That was in the dying embers of Kean so we were rubbish. Very much like we are now, sideways, backwards, slow and completely toothless. We've actually seen some of that stuff from TMs Rovers at times and it is the style that suited us most. He abandoned it though for the going nowhere rubbish we see now. Just why he saw fit for such a sea change is the million dollar question, almost like he's trying to hold us back. For the last 18 moths what we've seen mostly on the pitch is more what you'd associate with Kean & Coyle = a confusing mess.
  3. Tony Mowbrays teams don't play winning football that's the problem. That's why he gets sacked everywhere after a couple of years. I'm sure Boro fans loved his midtable fare so much they'd have swapped it for the Karanca years. Or Coventry fans would still prefer sitting at the lower end of league 2 to watch this mythical football. Thick as pigswill these pundits.
  4. The flop after lockdown last season finally sealed if for me. I knew whatever happened in summer we'd be nowhere near it by the end of this season. Yet he managed to blag what looked like a few good signings and talked the big talk again. Along with loading a few more boro pals on the books again for good measure of course. I was angry then with that flop as there was clearly no intention from him whatsover to have a go the end of last season. To me that's is the best chance we've ever had under this ownership of sneaking into the play offs. Nothing to lose at all but did they have a go ? Did they feck he just continued his transition to possession going sideways and backwards. Then we folded to teams who basically just wanted it more. A few good wins mostly in dead rubbers when the beach was in sight cast a false shadow on last season. The warning signs for this flop were there for all to see, they can't step up when it matters because he can't motivate them to. Or set up a side geared to do that. The very definition of a middle lane driver at best and sleeping on the hard shoulder at worst. Get gone.
  5. Others teams results should have no bearing on judging ours if the games don't involve us. That's just verbal diarrhea he spouts like Coyle to veer away from the real issues. This is the championship results are always up and down and anyone can still beat anyone on any given day. Apart from us obviously, we used to be one of the standard up and down teams but now we are consistent in not managing to win at all. Relegation will be rubber stamped next season persisting with this manager and his approach. If they are still too stupid to realize this having been burnt several times before when the warning signs flashed loud and clear the season before then they deserve to burn in hell. Sick to the back teeth of this now and anybody who is stupid enough to still make excuses for him.
  6. All that was supposedly changing when Barry & The other one became joint significant people on the companies house books. However if the parent company still pays the bills then ultimately Mrs & Mr D will always call any shots that require money i'd wager.
  7. I'm certain there was something unsavoury about the whole Kean leaving episode. My bet would be Singh had rumbled a little scam or something and was going to make it public. Giving the slimeball no option but to walk otherwise i think he'd have brazened it out. After all he stood there through it seems very odd an annoying Malaysian TV pundit would drive him out, just by watching and undermining everything he did. Nah, there must have been a lot more to it than that. Here now we have something a bit different but bad enough in its own way. If Mowbray is still here there's obviously been no sign of a nudge from anywhere.
  8. If he's spat his do do out and walked as well then there's no one to announce it. Such is the void between Ewood and India.
  9. It came up from his wine cellar, think he was putting some nice bottles of red BACK in their crate.
  10. There should be no decision to make that should have been sealed a month ago. The only thing they should be debating is who steps in short term and gets the team back to basics. Stops the revolving team sheet and subs and sets out to grind us a couple of results out so we can breathe again. Right now that's all that matters. He should be at home just waiting for news of his contract settlement and whether he's needs to sue or not.
  11. When will people learn that the percentage chances on then doing anything at all are always extremely low.
  12. It isn't happening, the way they do things now will be the annual review in June/July along with budget setting. By then him and his fat monkey will have spun new yarns and promises that will see them through summer. All pointless because whatever happens this season he's a dead man walking going into next season. Fans will be on his case as soon as there is a bad home performance and result. Then it's just a matter of how long he sticks it out / gets away with playing the victim. There is no future under this ownership it's just like the tv soaps, same story lines being rehashed every few years with different characters. Please sell the club and take your wasted debt money with you.
  13. Honestly certain journos and media people would rip him to shreds over that one. He's had the brass neck and free reign to be spouting that same crap for months now though. And look where we are.
  14. Said this ages ago when things were going fine it's a dangerous game allowing a manager to furnish the inside of the club with his own people. Because when the shit hits the fan this is what you get, it's a designed to provide a shield for the manager etc. One comes under pressure the whole lot threaten to walk and leave you rudderless. Set of absolute shitehawks that's why it does my tree in when people are litterally sobbing over poor old Tony losing his way. People need to wise up how these things work, ultimately they are always only bothered about themselves and the money. This is the next disaster thats been brewing a year or two through allowing so much power to previously failed people. Stuck with them the slide continues, get rid, costs miliions and an even bigger void ready to be populated by more self serving clowns. Venkys all over this is.
  15. Ah sleep walking into embargo like last time despite multiple warnings. All very convenient before big player sales start, some cheapo dumb ass manager from HSH = relegation. Sell half training ground to balance books. Start again. Very very slippery slope here but these lot got away with it last time so probably think they can again. Anybody think they borrow in India about 30 million or so every 3 years hoping for promotion then have to take panic action to pay it back ?
  16. Yeah for every 2 that say he's going another says lets not have any knee jerk reactions to bad results ! It's home to some genuinely bizarre opinions and rumors.
  17. These things usually get announced around 10 am ? I suppose they give a bit of time to give the managers in question an opportunity to walk before they are pushed. Then there's the agreeing of severance and no doubt a multitude of agents and lawyers snouts in it. Will Venkys even know what's in TMs contract ? Very much doubt it they are probably having nervous breakdowns when they see the cost of it all. Sadly imo chances are if it hasn't happened in the next hour it isn't happening.
  18. In that case it's clear they do not have the best interests of the club or fans or Jacks legacy at heart. Only interested in the club paying them advertising revenue. Ok, so they have to have a good working relationship with Rovers but they owe it to the readership to be impartial and show both sides of the story. Support the club and fans in equal measure. They do not do that.
  19. Kidd was a nice guy who tried to get the team playing football on the deck. It was too insipid, the defense was too weak and we couldn't create or score enough. He retained his job too long, result - relegation and the same shite at the start of the next season. Which in effect wrote that one off as well. Kean. Got it on the deck after Allardyces relentless percentage football. Tried to get the team playing a passing style. Didn't suit the players he had, fell rapidly down the league and only stayed up the last day. Got rid of most of the better players , continued trying to play his style, result relegation. Finished what he started the season before. Coyle, well more or less the same as above. I'm absolutely convinced if we don't drop this season and he stays he'll complete the job next season. Or do enough damage to not be able to avoid it again once he's gone. Seen all this before and how it begins, it's all shaping up to another disaster. Of course he's in denial of it all but the owners by now should not be.
  20. I don't think it did i think it's all of Waggot or the whole trio's own conniving. That middleman though i don't trust one iota he's been a constant throughout and for all we know plays both sides to keep himself in a cushy number.
  21. It won't because if it comes about through Vs leaving then there'll be a load trying to blame fans for driving them out. If it came about as a resullt of them placing us in it iv'e no doubts they'd buy us back out of it under a new company name. Then the circle would begin again.
  22. Class act, he was very nearly the final piece in the promotion without a pot to piss in jigsaw. Great signing by DM, agree we need something like that again but characters don't seem to exist anymore.
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