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Mike Graham

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Everything posted by Mike Graham

  1. many 100's of empty seats at the Arsenal v Pompey game as seen on MoTD !! I expected a sell out.
  2. Hi pks not quite Amsterdam, Reading will be very different; I doubt if Berkshire will have anyone to challenge the famous Gabrielle!!!
  3. anyone any good ideas on flights please?
  4. What scum Neil is. This action by Lucas disgusts me; I will boo him at Reading until the cows come. He deserves to be castrated and have 2 years in jail for killing babies. SCUMbag
  5. I go to either Tel Aviv or Eliat (Israel) every year. Fantastic country, great night life just godamm awful to get to with very few flights from the North of England with most via London, Amsterdam or Frankfurt. Belguim or Holland would be best from travel and cost point of view.
  6. fancy Hapoel Tel Aviv but only because I know the City very well as we have a family trip to Israel every year. The locals don't drink v much (they will have a shock when if the Blue Army descends) but the night life is is otherwise wild. The only danger over there is the Russian Mafia (sounds like London) who manage virtually all the crime in Israel. The big downside is the lack of flights, from the NW virtually all go via Amsterdam and Frankfurt and the profile screening is intense. maybe Feyenoord is a better bet!!!
  7. crap game, crap performance, and I don't blame Neil for be angry with the BBE boo boys. I must be mad...bought a ticket for Reading.
  8. Following me suffering the hell of 92 mins of Rovers garbage at charlton I had the joy of Newcastle at home today. The 500 fans (mainly South East based) at Charlton saw a game when Rovers rarely improve above the level of sh@@e, today's first 45 mins was just as bad...thank god less than 16000 home fans saw this rubbish. Please don't blame the attendance on local pubs and TV; my local landlord mate told me after the game that he had the match on and hardly a soul came to watch. We (Rovers) are in deep cack. We have Nonda the Wanda up front and Benni Offside Mc Useless wandering around winging rather than getting his backside into gear. Sav has been a joke recently and even worse the fans have turned on Neil which is a real demotivator. We are a side that at present would struggle in the bottom half of the Championship, our fans have left on masse (fewer home fans today than we had against Fulham!!!!!!) and we have no strength in depth. ACTION is needed now before we slide into relegation. I am flipping angry. I am flipping angry. etc etc
  9. Dear Messers Hughes and Williams, I've been in London for a few days and only got home late last night after a journey from hell. I do not go to all away league games but I appear to hit the dregs with the games this season with games which have included Pompey and West Ham. The Charlton game took the biscuit; we were dreadful, the players were a disgrace to the b&w shirt and the performance was an insult to those few hardy souls who travelled to The Valley; we blame tv, cost and match timing etc for falling attendances but lets be blunt with the sh@t the Rovers have churnned out in recent weeks who can blame the fans for deserting for more entertaining fare such as pushing a trolley around Tesco. Where do we start? Well I am not to to analyse the performance of each player; there was no passion and no fight and we had no strength in depth. Charlton were god awful...unfortunately we are even worse, we had a side out which would struggle in the Championship. May I have a refund please; do not send me a credit note as this will offend. Happy Christmas (sic) Mr Angry
  10. the crossbar incident was at the BBE. I remember the Tranmere game, we had the annual brick thru the coach window...never failed to miss on every visit to that hole of a ground.
  11. does anyone out there fancy a punt with a business enterprise selling Rovers goodies? we can donate a share (5%?) of the profits to brfcs and sell carstickers, mini kits, badges 70's retro "silk" scarfes, and even bob hats for the old un's like Den.
  12. he missed with that screamer; it hit the crossbar I remember, he then fell to his knees in exasperation!
  13. only the Crest, I checked it with a good lawyer when she came home tonight.
  14. I doubt it. Many clubs have arrangements to sell branded material via supermarkets. Bumley, I hear have signed a deal with Poundstretcher....all you can get for a dollar (or is it 2 now with the exchage rates).
  15. Chorley Market on Saturday: Rovers mugs, keyrings and fridge magnets. Otherwise ebay is a good source. Rovers Store: no nay never
  16. didn't mean to upset you matey, it's just if you had to watch Rovers every week you would have a warped sense of life. I write this sat in my office in Liverpool next to a PNE fan and a Crewe supporter...they are even sadder than me. Anyhow why would Sparky go to the Pool...put you money on Old Trafford.
  17. Have you ever been to the camel racing in Dubai...fast barstewards these camels (just like Bellars in speed, temper and looks) and mega bucks spent on the betting.
  18. i'm sick of the Club Shop. It's nearly crimbo and what can you buy? naff shirts and Rovers mugs...I can't even get a mini kit to show my support as I drive around Britain!! I am serious about setting up a matchday stall in competition with all sorts of Rovers thingys but without logo to stop the Ewood Park "police" whinging about logo use. Should make a fortune out of Burnley bog paper; what a crack that will be wiping your a##e on a picture of T##d Moor. GET THIS MESS SORTED ROVERS
  19. SEE YOU IN THE ANTIGALLICIAN JORDAN: mines a pint of mild
  20. put me down for a young adult...the cost of a ticket, not my age !
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