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[Archived] Mccarthy

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What is McCarthy's problem with offsides? Is he really oblivious to the offside rule, or too lazy to get onside? We saw him offside time & again against Newcastle & then against Reading he's got the ball in the back of the net 4 times, with half of them ruled offside. A simple glance across his line would suffice. Ive lost count of the amount of times he's standing offside when a ball is lobbed forward from defence & everyone is shouting 'Get onside!' but he's just too idle and the whistle goes.

Its a fundamental rule for a striker to contend with, but the stats show that McCarthy is the most often offside striker in the Premiership.

He's keen to draw attention to himself with his fancy flicks etc but Id rather he focussed on the fundamentals & kept onside. I'm sure he's an earnest player & he does seem keen to play for Rovers but this is an aspect of his game he HAS to work on.

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What is McCarthy's problem with offsides? Is he really oblivious to the offside rule, or too lazy to get onside? We saw him offside time & again against Newcastle & then against Reading he's got the ball in the back of the net 4 times, with half of them ruled offside. A simple glance across his line would suffice. Ive lost count of the amount of times he's standing offside when a ball is lobbed forward from defence & everyone is shouting 'Get onside!' but he's just too idle and the whistle goes.

Its a fundamental rule for a striker to contend with, but the stats show that McCarthy is the most often offside striker in the Premiership.

He's keen to draw attention to himself with his fancy flicks etc but Id rather he focussed on the fundamentals & kept onside. I'm sure he's an earnest player & he does seem keen to play for Rovers but this is an aspect of his game he HAS to work on.

To be fair, a couple of those today, had he not gone offside he would have had no chance getting to the ball I think. He is going for the ball perhaps some questions have to be asked of the timing and accuracy of the balls into him.

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It's bloody aggravating cos the end result of his ineptitude during our attacks is a free kick deep into our half of the pitch!

Whats up with him? The scored and then chucked the ball at the linesman. Fair enough but the linesman would have been fully justified in chucking it back at him TWICE cos two out of 3 the linesman got it quite right. I really cannot understand a player of his quality not being able to sort it out.

Having said all that even when offside he has the happy knack of sticking then away, if only he could sort it out (surely not that difficult) then he would become a very dangerous striker and could even end up playing at Anfield.

btw ..... Bloke I know has a dog training collar with a small battery attached to a receiver and two tiny electrodes on the inside so that every time a dog twice disobeys a command a button pressed on a small transmitter in the hands of the handler ensures that the dog gets a swift electric shock! :o Quickest way of training a heedless and gormless dog that there is and given the subject of this thread I can think of a far more useful application. ;)

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macarthy definately as to work on this problem,and yes its a problem that srtikers have to put up with,but blaming officials week in week out is not the answer..YES we have had a lot of bad luck this time out with decisions,but at the end of the day you have to get on with it..look at the uefa ties..we got away with a clear pen decision v nancy and the refs have been more leniant towards us ...back to macarthy,i think hes just too lazy to get onside(thinkin that hes got the linesman in his pocket...not!)they must have worked on this on the training ground..surely?..when i looked at hughes yesterday he was losing it..and i bet deep down hes ###### off with macarhty constantly offside(one of them defo wasnt tho),it seems to stop the rovers continued push of pressure when the ref is blowing at every opportunity to flag him offside. :angry:

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Maybe while he works on staying onside more he can also work on stop trying to be such a terrible bloody cheat.

Yesterday saw just the latest pathetic attempt to con the ref from Benni. Now I don't care if once in a blue mooon it works and he cheats his way to a free kick or a penalty (such as against Sheff Utd) by dramatically throwing himself to the floor. I don't care what other teams do but (well, I do...their diving is also a disgrace) I don't want to see such blatant cheating as yesterday's dive. What made it all the worse is that he was in a dangerous position, had beaten the defender and players were in the box.

Pathetic. Try your best to gain an advantage...but such flagrant cheating should have no place in the game.

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I think McCarthy will be a touch embarrased when the replay of his dive is replayed to him. I looks like it was born out of frustration as ell. He's hardly been diving around this season has he?

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I think McCarthy will be a touch embarrased when the replay of his dive is replayed to him. I looks like it was born out of frustration as ell. He's hardly been diving around this season has he?

tbh.dp....he knows what he did,and if i was him,i definately wouldnt want to see that replayed back to me! :blink:

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I think McCarthy will be a touch embarrased when the replay of his dive is replayed to him. I looks like it was born out of frustration as ell. He's hardly been diving around this season has he?

He has been diving quite a bit. Benni certainly goes to ground easily. I've thought this for a while but Saturday's was just the most blatant attempt at cheating by him, not a one-off.

It might be all the rage in Portugal but most people don't want to see anymore of it here.

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its all down to the timing of his runs, yes play to the last player, but give yourself half a yard, for most of the chances, he was in goal with no one near him, so give yourself half a yard, or should I say 50 cm.

also away from home we need to hold the ball up more to give the back four and midfield time to push up, often the ball comes stright back from our forwards the ball needs to stick a bit.

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Mmmm I must be the only one seeing it. No creedence lent to the quality and timing of the ball in to him theory? Or is Benni another crticism bulls eye for Rovers fans?

Watch some of them and think about it. If McCarthy had staying onside as his primary focus he would never have got close to the balls that were played in, not in all cases but some, like the two goals that were disallowed, had he stayed onside the ball would have sailed past him.

Then we'd all be calling him lazy for not going for it

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Mmmm I must be the only one seeing it. No creedence lent to the quality and timing of the ball in to him theory? Or is Benni another crticism bulls eye for Rovers fans?

Watch some of them and think about it. If McCarthy had staying onside as his primary focus he would never have got close to the balls that were played in, not in all cases but some, like the two goals that were disallowed, had he stayed onside the ball would have sailed past him.

Then we'd all be calling him lazy for not going for it

so his constant offside isnt bothering you then usa?do you think it stops the overal pressure building from rovers when they are on top?..just a few thoughts..

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so his constant offside isnt bothering you then usa?do you think it stops the overal pressure building from rovers when they are on top?..just a few thoughts..

Of course it bothers me, perhaps the message I am trying to get across is lost on you. Think about it for a bit, he can not alter the flight of the ball when it's in the air can he, so he has to attack the ball. Some of it is Benni's doing some of it is the quality of the final ball being played in to him. That's all, trying to shed a different light on it, also he is still adjusting to the Prem.

Check back, one that used to infuriate me with offside was Cole, and he was a class Premiership Stiker Right? He had a lot of offsides, sometimes you just have to break for the ball.

To add to the argument Benni was offside 3 times (scored from anyway) had he made a big adjustment I'll tell you now he would NEVER have got to the ball for the goal that counted, it was borderline too. But he followed the flight of the ball and scored. Just like he did in the other instances he had no choice but to go for the ball. Finally let's try to give the opposing defences a bit of credit too once in a while, they obviously read the pass and well and are doing a good job of stepping out.

Stop moaning......we'd be truly in the brown stuff without his goals this season.

Keep going Benni lad! :tu:

Allelujah!! hear hear, anyone care to argue/nitpick that. Que, yeah buts of if he had got more we'd be better off

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Stop moaning......we'd be truly in the brown stuff without his goals this season.

Keep going Benni lad! :tu:

Couldn't agree more, he's doing a great job and scored yesterday but is getting hammered for being offside??

When he's offside as much as Egil was then you can moan, until then give it a rest.

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Hopefully the fact that its been highlighted that the linesman got two of the three right, the fact he could have had an hatrick and now he can spend the next week practicing his offsides (as he doesn't need to be involved in the Arsenal game build up) he will realise.

I do agree with the above though, playing the ball to him at the right time is a factor, understanding his game and how we play though will come with time so I'm not tooo worried.

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I do agree with the above though, playing the ball to him at the right time is a factor, understanding his game and how we play though will come with time so I'm not tooo worried.

But the problem with what i saw yesterday (youtube and MOTD) is when he went forward and realised the ball wasnt coming to him that time he didnt make any effort to get back onside, he just stood there and knew he was going to get the ball in an offside position.

Dont know what the linesman was on for the second disallowed goal though?!?! He was miles onside!! :blink:

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Couldn't agree more, he's doing a great job and scored yesterday but is getting hammered for being offside??

When he's offside as much as Egil was then you can moan, until then give it a rest.

Has he scored more already than Egil did his whole Ewood career.

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Don't really see what the problem is with Benni being caught offside during the games. Quite frankly I agree with most people's comments in that I think we would want rid if he wasn't going for it and just here for the money. Overall he is getting the ball in the back of the net for us, which Nonda, Roberts (I know he is injured but he wont bag more than 10 this season), Jeffers, and Gallagher. OK most of the balls in the back of the net include an offide but I think he will learn from this season and will get better. I preffer to see him in the starting in the first xi than Franny jeffers.

I think we should be more worried with the fact that he is a bit of a bad diver and I think Hughesy should warn him about that. I hate seeing our own players trying to con the ref. And if you are going to con him, make it more convincing!!!!!

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