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[Archived] Man Of The Match Polls.


MOTM poll.  

101 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we continue?

    • Yes
    • No

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Should we continue putting the polls for the man of the match, onto the match previews? I can't see another way apart from the way it's being done now. Running the poll seperately from the match previews wouldn't attract enough votes, so I just want to know what the majority of people think. Should we continue as we are now, or would people simply prefer that we abandon the idea?

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Should we continue putting the polls for the man of the match, onto the match previews? I can't see another way apart from the way it's being done now. Running the poll seperately from the match previews wouldn't attract enough votes, so I just want to know what the majority of people think. Should we continue as we are now, or would people simply prefer that we abandon the idea?

Well, I'm not sure I've ever been first to vote before.

The only thing missing on the poll is.......Grooby!!

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I think they should stay because its good to see how people are rating the players however, I don't get to see as many games as I would like so obviously I don't vote in some of the polls where I haven't seen the matches but I think that some may be doing even though they haven't seen the game which then spoils the poll - I may be wrong of course as I have no proof :ph34r:

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I voted "Yes" though I don't like having the poll at the top of the match thread. It's minor but it takes up a lot of page space. Still think the poll could run as a seperate pinned topic and move it when the match thread is moved. Perhaps even merge the two at the time to keep them together for posterity?

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I still think its fair enough to vote if you have seen the extended highlights on Sky. That gives you a good indication of who had a good game to be honest. I've not voted if I havent seen the highlights but guess some people may vote from just reading match reports.

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I think they should stay because its good to see how people are rating the players however, I don't get to see as many games as I would like so obviously I don't vote in some of the polls where I haven't seen the matches but I think that some may be doing even though they haven't seen the game - I may be wrong of course as I have no proof :ph34r:

The thing is Cocker, lots of fans on here don't see the home or away games , but who cares - it's only a bit of fun anyway. They should vote if they're interested enough.

But I do know quite a few people find the polls annoying, and I don't want to carry on with them if they are a nuisance, especially as at the moment they don't attract many votes.

If that's what people want though - that's fine.

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I still think its fair enough to vote if you have seen the extended highlights on Sky. That gives you a good indication of who had a good game to be honest. I've not voted if I havent seen the highlights but guess some people may vote from just reading match reports.

Yes, and I agree with this but isnt quite allot of votes cast before the highlights have been shown? I don't have Setanta either so haven't seen many live matches yet.

As for the match reports in the paper/sky - I cant remember actually reading one after being at a match and agreeing with what they have said anyway

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I voted "Yes" though I don't like having the poll at the top of the match thread. It's minor but it takes up a lot of page space. Still think the poll could run as a seperate pinned topic and move it when the match thread is moved. Perhaps even merge the two at the time to keep them together for posterity?

During a spell of midweek/weekend games, there would be pinned topics everywhere, wouldn't there?

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Just a thought.

Maybe the Man of The Match Poll should open after the coverage on sky has been shown then close Sunday night. (so the thread wont be too long when opened) Then there should be a section somewhere for the season for the leader of the Man of the Match.

At the end of the season we could get a rubbish prize over to the winner (like soccer am do with the winner of the golden boot and they get a slipper) maybe Lee could help with this. Pics could be put up to show the proud winner

This could all be to complicated of course :P

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During a spell of midweek/weekend games, there would be pinned topics everywhere, wouldn't there?

Like this week? <_< At worst it means 2, but probably only 1, additional pinned topic.

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Yes from me.

Polls encourage posters to comment on their MOM choice, a difficult one in a few games this season.

As for those who don't like the space they take up, after a few weeks using the web you'll learn that it's possible to scroll down :)

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Is someone collating the results? Are we going to do something (a POTY award for example) at the end of the season for the player with the most MOMs?

All the previews are still open and available for votes, in the m/b gold. As for what we do with them, I don't know. Open to suggestions.

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I think they should stay because its good to see how people are rating the players however, I don't get to see as many games as I would like so obviously I don't vote in some of the polls where I haven't seen the matches but I think that some may be doing even though they haven't seen the game which then spoils the poll - I may be wrong of course as I have no proof :ph34r:

i watch all home games and some away, (but next season all when im 16) but if you watch football first i think that watching a 60/65 minuite.

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All the previews are still open and available for votes, in the m/b gold. As for what we do with them, I don't know. Open to suggestions.

Well there's mine then. The first BRFCS Player of the Year to be crowned this coming May?

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