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[Archived] Ewood banner


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No I was assuming most who posted on here were 'star wars still living with their parents at 40 geeks', so I was trying to put it into a language they may understand. Their brains seemed to be struggling quite alot to see any other view point apart from their own.

Seems to have worked if you can understand it though. :tu::lol:

Why is the prepubescent high school pupil being allowed to have a presence on this boards. He offers nothing other than being a troll. He should take his brother 'hesfromburn' with him.

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The banner was kindly removed by a fellow supporter before my wife and children was subjected to it, as I have just come back from Ewood.....

Of course like the sick threats both Simon and I and our families have been subjected to, it will be handed over to the police.

People can say what they want about me, as it does not bother me, i'm always available if someone wants to tell me these things to my face, However when you bring my wife and children into it, you seriously over step the mark.

I am disgusted by this banner. There is absolutely no need for this kind of behaviour. Glen please make sure the police are informed if they have not been already.

Jog on Carlos. You have made yoursaelf look a right t.i.t on here with your comments.

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No I was assuming most who posted on here were 'star wars still living with their parents at 40 geeks', so I was trying to put it into a language they may understand. Their brains seemed to be struggling quite alot to see any other view point apart from their own.

Seems to have worked if you can understand it though. :tu::lol:

where as you a 40 odd year old who loves cartoons (avatar pic) haha sort yourself out pal

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The banner was kindly removed by a fellow supporter before my wife and children was subjected to it, as I have just come back from Ewood.....

Of course like the sick threats both Simon and I and our families have been subjected to, it will be handed over to the police.

People can say what they want about me, as it does not bother me, i'm always available if someone wants to tell me these things to my face, However when you bring my wife and children into it, you seriously over step the mark.

Well said Glen, there are some sick individuals out there. I hope whoever is responsible for the threats and this banner are brought to account as noone deserves that sort of behaviour levied against them.

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An absolute disgrace and no one should condone this in any shape or form.

IMO, is symptomatic as to how disunited our club is and the impact it's having on our supporters. Certainly, not helped, IMO, by Kean's utterings of fan against fan.

There is a distinct lack of class, IMV, as to how the club now goes about its business and this would not have happened in Jack's day or under John Williams' stewardship.

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Noone deserves to have -what could be considered as- death threats for voicing an opinion! I don't actually suggest that this banner was such a threat, surely noone in their right mind could feel that much anger towards someone who's acting in the best interests of our club?!

Regardless, it certainly is a big deal. Noone should expect to face such victimisation for organising fans protests.

I don't actually think it's a death threat, it's a twist on the R.I.P. campaign that Glen "headed" in my opinion.

It's quite a powerful campaign he is running, some might not be comfortable.

I am on Glen's side overall, not a massive fan of this protest.

sure glen is going to have a long healthy life dispite this banner.

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Let me put this in a way you may understand,

I think Darth Maul is cool, yet I do not agree with the dark side..

If the banner was against the protest with the ridiculous flowers, then i'm all for it, however the wording could have done with a little thinking about.

Well alot of thinking about actually.

Carlos.....the man (boy) from Pune.

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What a daft mindset you have.

I don't recall the flowers having "scum" written all over them, do you? Were any of them a direct attack on the club?

If you want horses for courses, surely a fairer comparison would have been "RIP protests"?


After this comment it should be /discussion, Carlos.

Couldn't put both quotes in as on phone.

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Carlos you're a nasty piece of work. Putting RIP Glen is not 'cool' and nobody, protestors or not, should try and justify it. The banner is blatantly a threat; however nothing more. Some of the anti protestors have conducted themselves poorly again.

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You carlos are a bell-end there is no excuse for threatening a man's life get one thing into your head Glen has said on many occasions he is not a leader he just organises the protests and makes sure everyone who protests do so in a safe manner just because he is the face of the protests does not excuse some sick individual to threaten his and his families life that is just wrong. As to the 2 rip statements glen is very much alive and is a serious threat to him and his family the RIP Blackburn Rovers is totally different and you know it. We are saying RIP Blackburn Rovers because of the way these incompetent owners run our club have allowed the fanbase to be divided have backed a manager who really be manager of Wealdstone F.C. who makes ridiculous statements like not enough water on the pitches why we lost a game with the various other BS statements he comes out with. Also the general way they run the club piling more debt on the club can I ask you if the club is relegated can you guarantee Venkys will stand by us clear the debts and do the right thing or in your deluded world would you think it acceptable for them to run away like cowards and leave everyone else to sort out the mess these incompetent people have started?. So to sum up at this moment in time it is RIP Blackburn Rovers until they correct the mistakes they have made and start fulfilling their promises so in many peoples eyes they need to:

1.Sack Steve Kean & all his mickey mouse agents and appoint a proper manager many out there ancelloti,Sparky,O'Neill,Hiddink etc...

2. Hand the said manager enough funds to turn around the team allow him to bring his own players e.g. a 10M bid for Defoe in Jan and pay him what he wants from their own money as promised to the prem lge.

3. Appoint a decent backroom team assistant manager,CEO, etc.. and let the experienced team run the club in the right and proper way.

4. Show up to the games to show they care given the perilous position the club is in and face the music they say this is their baby a baby needs love warmth and lots of money spent on it and looking after if that is the case why after they have taken over have they led the club backwards?.

So to clarify unless they do the following things to rectify their baffling decisions it is RIP Blackburn Rovers and flowers are a good way of showing our sadness of a proud 136 year club until then they will have no support from me & many others

By the way glen hope you are ok after all that has gone on I saw the pic of your daughter on your facebook page she looks really cute I hope you and the rest of your family are well and hope the police catch these moronic individuals who have made such threats and throw the book at them.

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Ahhh I see! Seen as asinine and idiotic stances are in abundance around here that must be why there's excessive anger… :tu:

As I have said, for reasons given - in another thread.

I with drew my support for this particular way of protest - so that at this moment in time - makes me an anti -protestor. So please take it from me, the banner was wrong. There is nothing to justify it at all. All you are doing is digging a hole for yourself.

It has nothing to do with anger. But a banner like that, was and is morally wrong and totally out of order.

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Completely blown out of proportion.

It's either a childish response to the 'rip rovers' type messages OR dingle sabotage which I've said from the start this protest was wide open to. It's certainly not a serious death threat!

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Darth Maul was a sh*t character.

The entire film and the two that followed were complete sh!te. I once met a bloke who claimed the prequels were better than the originals. I punched him.

Any idea who is attending the board meeting yet? And don't say not Vinjay

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