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Everything posted by USABlue

  1. I don't want him either, I think is has been party to some of Svens problems. He's signed a new contract so Boro and himself can squeeze more money out of the FA if they come calling.
  2. I can't help but feel the FA have made a right pig's ear of this. Thanks in no small part to NOTW. I really can't believe we will get the best out of our players when they know Sven is off. How can he ask for commiment when he is not commited himself. As for a replacement I just don't think there is an English Manager out there with the Savvy. Big Sam, no way. PEarce has the passion and the pride but little experience. I don't mind if it is another Foreigner, I mean the Ice has already been broken in that respesct but please oh please let's have someone with a little passion, fire in the belly not some passive, limp wristed, yes man with no testicular fortitude.
  3. No surprise there then is there, he seemingly did not see many other United infractions either. What was he doing? an Arsene Wenger impersonation.
  4. 3 and 3 for me but I would prefer the Away to have a Black trim rather than Grey. The first two home ones I don't like at all.
  5. If there is any good to come out of this then it may be that it has shown the board that we are only a few Million away from being a side to be reckoned with andto dig deep in their pockets. It's there and glaringly obvious for the Directors to see we simply can not have all our eggs in the Bellamy basket.
  6. The funny thing is about the "handball" the most blatant handball in the Zura incident was RVN holding the ball against Zura's chest with his arm, anyone else notice that. The top brass can say what they want it is bleeding obvious to any fan of any team outside the "favoured" six or so teams that the game is biased, and ref's decisions are skewed, it's the same ref's involving the same teams week in week out. It's time for fans everywhere to start bombarding the FA and the Ref's headquarters with mail exclaiming we want our game back. All we are asking is a fair chance and for the rules to be equally applied. The teams with the Mega bucks stars already have the advantage, they don't need anymore help.
  7. Hate to bring this up but I have just seen the highlights and am rather upset. If Utd get a Penalty why the hell did we not. I am sick to the back teeth of this BLATANT favouritism, sick of it. After Wigan last night and now this there is no one on earth can tell me these games are being refereed impartially. Now what can be done to end this. Also who was it that scythed down Savage and kicked him in the head as he fell and what became of that incident. So ###### off right now I am considering giving up footy, it's become a sick joke.
  8. Harsh Penalty by all accounts. There is going to be more bogus decisions mark my words.
  9. Or he sets up one of his team mates using his hand in an over the back, no look pass that any NBA point guard would be proud of. This will happen in the 94th min, one minute longer than the game should have been, extra minute added at Fergie's insistance. Could never happen you say, well it did once.
  10. Last time we reached the final against Spurs they actually stated that the game was not interesting enough and if two bigger clubs such as Liverpool, Man U were playing they would air it. Buttheads or what? First things first though, we have tonight to get through. It will be even more lopsided refereeing tonightcos the FA simply MUST have at least one big market team in the final. You'll see.
  11. If anyone needed any convincing that there is favouritism in the modern game toward big clubs then tonight's match was it. there is no shadow of a doubt in my mind after two nailed on penalties were waved away. I am just so happy that Wigan made it anyway. Well done and I'm happy for Whelan too. Now, tomorrow night, I sense something similar in terms of dubious decisions and am wondering which of our players will get sent off. I can handle it if we lose but I want to lose fair and square that's all the fans want. Come on Rovers, this could be sweet. (Problem being it likely won't be on Telly here if it is us and Wigan)
  12. Bottom line in all of that is he is saying, "I ain't staying" Almost an open invitiation for a club with money to come get him. We'd better stump up some cash or he's off, basically how I read that.
  13. Doesn't sound good for Dickov, that's bad news. Same game Gallagher scored his "header" we lost Ferguson too, Deja Vu all over again.
  14. Quick two cents on this. Not a member but I would like to add something. Does anyone feel that, to some degree, new potential fans of any club will be drawn to a club with a better image? Locality obviously is a BIG factor but we have so much competition in our area for the Premiership Dollar. Now, many people have, in the past, mentioned trying to switch the TV facilities to the opposite side of the ground. I must agree, we have a stadium with 3 fantastic sides yet when I watch Rovers on Telly I feel like I am watching some 2nd Division outfit due to the view of the Riverside. Surely we would look much more appealing to potential new fans if we could show off a top class stadia, something to be proud of. Just a thought. Some great points made here and good luck to all the hard working members. I also agree strongly with the access to Ewood issues, if you want people to get off their arses nowadays you need to make it as convenient as possible to get in and out of Ewood, parking etc. The more difficult and time consuming it is the more people you will get who just stay at home or in the pub. Keep up the good work lads and lasses.
  15. Not like the good old days huh Rev, 33K on at Burnden for a night time top of the third division clash at Burnden Park (is falling down falling down) Yours truly picking a dart out of his chin. Them were days. Seriously though Bolton only brought 1000? what on earth is going on. Must agree with many posters on here too about the need for a quality partener for Bellers. It's glaringly obvious so Sparky and the board must see it too. A midfielder with passing skills and good vision, a quality strike partner and I think we instantly become a team to be genuinely feared. hate to say it but I think Bazza would have been a great foil in supplying Bellers the quality he needs. The other reason for this investment being mandatory is, just how long is it going to be before Bellamy becomes totally frustrated with his situation and the lack of quality to feed his particular style of play. I think we have seen glimpses of his frustration. I fear if we don't put up to signal our intentions to a true quality strikes as Bellers is we will lose him too.
  16. Mmmm, possibly Rev. I thought Reidy looked most likely yesterday made some nice strong runs through the middle, I thought he did good.
  17. I just saw the attendance, only 18K for the local Derby, bloody hell it's getting worse not better. Or would the Man U match have drained everyones funds?
  18. Oh dear Oh dear. I could not read the whole thing I started feeling sick. Is this for real? Some screwed up timing by the press don't you think? Never liked Sven, never liked him as our Manager. Never will.
  19. They are funny aren't they, their ability to twist the truth remains as skilled as it always has been. Nice to know lots of them follow us though, they never seem to miss us when we are on telly.
  20. I could not beleive Haim only got a talking to for shoving Dickov down. Perhaps I had the same commentary as you folks cos I remember a statement like that regarding Nakata, they one of them seemed to be making excuses for Notlob.
  21. Too upset we did not capitalise on this opportunity to say much. One thing, how the eff are Bolton such media darlings and we are bully boys? I've seen them on several occasions and have thought they are not just physical but they are a dirty team. Why oh why do we have a tag and they don't? For my American friends did anyone notice the lopsided commentary on FSC today. First half in particular.
  22. Oh no, it's written in the stars what will happen tomorrow now isn't it. As I said before I think Bolton is a good move for the lad, Sam has the knack of resurrecting carreers that's for sure. Good luck to him, just not tomorrow though.
  23. Just read Matt's letter, what a class act. I hope he can continue to forge some form of career. One of the saddest days in my football supporting life when I came to the realization the Matty we knew and loved was, in fact, lost forever. What a crying shame, he was superb. Effin Sven. Good luck Matty.
  24. Paul, you've heard little cos people do not believe it happened. Glad someone else saw it. Had a read at the clarrots board from whoseits link. Bloody hell them clarrots are daft. Punch to the face, left hand. No question in my mind. The best view of it actually comes from a camera angle directly behind the ref, to be fair to him if it's hard to see in the replays what real chance did he have of picking out that incident in the midst of the melee.
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