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Everything posted by Tugayisgod

  1. A privilege to see him play. To think the greatest striker of his generation actually played for our club. When he signed from Southampton have to admit wasn't really aware of him. Think Ray Harford had a lot to do with his signing as he was involved with the England u21s (or 23s it might have been back then) and knew all about him. The memories never fade
  2. Brighton's recruitment is the best around in my opinion, but it does seem an awful lot of money.
  3. Off topic a bit but thought Bell today was unrecognisable from the player we bought. Given much more licence to get forward and caused us plenty of problems, especially 2nd half
  4. Highlights from the game https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.cpfc.co.uk/palace-tv/video/u21-match-highlights--crystal-palace-0-3-blackburn-rovers/2023-04-28/%3Fid%3D0_jaa6spn9&ved=2ahUKEwjsg-mfus3-AhXNWMAKHa7-DLoQke8DegQIPhAR&usg=AOvVaw1-lkxk5fzAFuFOdtBJq2md
  5. Even Dingle fans on social media accepting that he is a special talent.
  6. It's ironic that we were getting better results playing shit earlier in the season. Now we are playing better but the results just haven't reflected that for whatever reason, mainly conceding injury time goals
  7. Wharton seems to be the only player out there not letting the occasion get to them. Just a Rolls Royce of a pkayer
  8. Couldn't agree more. Now is not the time to sell and I don't think there's any chance they will this summer. His value will only rocket in the next season or two
  9. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-12007397/amp/Newcastles-Dan-Ashworth-30-scouts-Blackburn-game-high-Adam-Wharton-18.html&ved=2ahUKEwjM8uyezcT-AhX2UKQEHYbEAzoQFnoECBgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw052ex5tGw9g0ntP7gcELgA
  10. See Huddersfield complained to the EFl about Burnley playing a weakened team against Reading the other night. Got short memories those bastards after what they did to us in 2017. I'd call it karma if they get relegated
  11. Personally don't think it makes sense to sell him yet. What would he command now, maybe £10m at a guess? In another year or two he could be nearer £30m. I understand that academy is there to produce and sell on players for profit but we can't afford to give them away either. Same with Phillips, etc
  12. Results actually not too bad today. Maybe the Dingles have shot their bolt and are on the beach already. Let's hope so
  13. How about the "Christmas tree" formation. 4 3 2 1 Pears JRC/ Brittain Carter. Hyam. Pickering Morton. Travis Wharton Szmodics. Dack Leonard
  14. Correct, maybe not a year but his stock will only continue to rise. Same with Phillips, Rich Sharpe saying he just gets better and better with every game he sees him. Got to be a regular next season surely
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