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Armchair supporter supremo

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Everything posted by Armchair supporter supremo

  1. No fella! I've been out working thanks!! right backs are relatively easy to replace, creative midfielders like Rothwell are not. I think Souter would be a good long term replacement for Lenihan should he leave, but with Lenihan being the captain it would be silly to even think of letting him go at this stage.
  2. Because nambys just a very average championship level right back and he wouldn't even have a career if rovers hadn't brought him through the ranks and stuck by him when he first came into the first team and he was absolutely awful.
  3. Hopefully this is just mind games, Like the time we put an official 4 million bid in for Cantona in the mid 90s just to piss man u off after they spent the summer trying to unsettle Shearer (hahaha that was funny)
  4. Yes I agree with others, absolutely no logic in letting Rothwell leave now for any price! An average right back is replaceable but finding a player with Rothwells attributes and team importance is just not going to happen.
  5. Like the look and sound of the dutch right back! And the last relatively unknown defender we signed from Hertha wasn't to shabby😁 Just Wish we could just get deals done and dusted quickly.... And although I see the logic in bringing players in on loan first... It would be refreshing just to agree a fee and get players signed permanently, a proper transfer signing is always good for fan and club moral. Oh and if we do sign a first team right back then We should sack nyambi off to the first crappy club that puts in an offer for the ungrateful mediocre 💩 let him join the rest of the losers whose careers nose dived after they left us for 'bigger things'/more money.
  6. I've never seen any player watch a ball as well as Lowe could watch a ball ⚽
  7. Finally getting into Gomorrah (the tv series, although the films really good to!)
  8. Not much different to the old teletext "clubcall" headlines back in the day😅 those headlines where mostly nonsense and just about tricking folk into calling the premium number for the full (non)story But it still didn't stop you checking in on it a few times a day to see what the latest headline for your club was
  9. Well I never said or even implied Bb wasn't committed! ..... But I orieght 🙄
  10. Mowbray is probably more interested in what his agent chums/associates want to happen than what's really best for our club. Can you imagine Souness or Dalglish, etc just patting their most in form player on the shoulder and saying 'you just go do what's best for you son'! Would they bollooks theyd kick them into the reserves for a fortnight if they didn't think the player was 💯 commited to the cause
  11. Burke looks pretty identical to Gallagher on paper🤷‍♀️ might be worth getting on loan until the end of the season, but not worth paying good money for in my humble opinion! Attack wise we really need someone more in the poveda mould that can make something out of nothing, obviously those types of players are very few and far between though If another CB does come in for the 1st team then I've a feeling Ayala be be on his way out as he's too good and at the age where he won't be happy warming the bench every week waiting for one of the others to get injured.
  12. "Thirteen Days" is also a very good film about the Cuban Missile Crisis for those interested in the Kennedys
  13. Bobby Kennedys assassination seems to get over shadowed my J Kennedys but he was quite an impressive and influential figure in his own right and possibly would have been a great president had he not been murdered, there are some good documentaries out there about him as well as the fil "Bobby" which is also quite good, although it's not really all about "Bobby" but the events and characters surrounding the day of his assassination (and It's directed by Emilio Estevez!)
  14. Davenport reminds me of Corry Evans, he makes the odd very good apearance but then when he gets a run in the team he becomes a total non entity, also like Evans he's a bit of a sick note
  15. Will this Mowbray Win spiral never end!!!!🤪 still can't really stand the bloke personally and I don't think/feel our club is his number 1 priority, we are where we are though and getting out of this league would be fantastic, we're also once again playing the true rovers way and not fannying about too much
  16. the comment about BB and his partner wanting to live abroad could be pretty telling. 100k a week is probably pushing it a bit though hahaha
  17. I'm sure there was similar issues after Anderson/kean though even when Bowyer was manager, i may be remembering wrongly but sure there where instances of players not getting picked because it would trigger contract extensions and/or bonuses etc..
  18. Sorry but I'd rather put a pitch fork through my eyes and ears than watch that wishy washy Kumbaya fluff
  19. Just having a little binge on the new Dexter, surprisingly good! like slipping some old shoes on and like it's never been away. Don't get me wrong it's never really been a champions league contender but it's always been a solid top 6 team and good entertainment
  20. Ei! because Scotland has such a wealth of top quality hidden gems, they can barely muster together a semi respectable national team Goodwilie with that👍
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