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Everything posted by Mattyblue

  1. I believe the only league clubs in 2022/23 not to have played at new Wembley are… - Accrington Stanley - Blackburn Rovers - Colchester - Crawley - Ipswich - Solihull Moors (if they win the NL play off final). Esteemed company.
  2. The fact it’s the second row back in a matter of months following on from the removal of Cat A+ tickets in the middle of the season shows that there is absolutely no strategic thinking or market research going on. Just totally reactive and panic when they realise they’ve completely misread the market. With our demographics, a limited, hemmed in catchment area, a cost of living crisis, pricing of other clubs, to put season tickets for potential new/returning fans at £429 -£529 is ridiculous. Us ‘experts on brfcs’ (as a certain poster likes to mock us with) can see these calamitous situations arising a mile off, yet those who are supposedly overseeing ‘big improvements’ can’t. Lets hope there’s a fanbase left by the time these incompetents have fecked off…
  3. Think that says it all about sales thus far and what a compete debacle the pricing has been. ‘Things are improving’ down there, indeed. On ticketing they are actually, inexplicably, getting worse. They are utterly clueless and Swag needs removing from post ASAP.
  4. Stanley now on open sale… the season ticket exclusivity period for when there is no season worked well then.
  5. I’m getting an electric razor and to be fair I haven’t had a shave for about a week… spooky!
  6. If I’m watching game as a neutral fine, if I’m watching Rovers I am entertained by three points at 5pm.
  7. Even lower than the COYLE (!) season. Lowest in 30+ years for the absolute key commercial metric of any football club. Still, why bother with actual evidence ay, when you can just swallow some corporate waffle about ‘progress’, ‘big improvements’ from a here today, gone tomorrow carpet bagger like Steve bloody Waggott.
  8. Miller gave you the rebuttal yesterday (I 100% agree with it, so I’m not going to repeat it again, you ignored it unsurprisingly. However I will on Brockhall, ’the club’ wanted it bulldozed just a year ago, that shows that it is still not being run in the best interests of BRFC if such an idea can even be proposed, a vicious local resident and fan backlash making them withdraw their plans does not change that their intentions for the future can and should be questioned. On the manager they’ve known for months that no contract would be forthcoming for Mowbray, yet eight weeks to KO, no manager. That’s not a functional process in my view. FYI I don’t #putonignore because I’m not a teenager who can’t debate and throws his toys out the pram when he’s disagreed with.
  9. No that would be your assertion of a much improved club, Miller’s response neatly rebutted it. The club is in a big a mess as ever on what matters - ST sales, income, corporate sales, manager recruitment, remember these people who you lap up every utterance from were trying to flatten Brockhall for housing a mere 12 months ago- nice kits and a standard pitch repair is not what a club lives and dies on. You need to separate being told something is better by those paid to say something is better, with actual reality.
  10. Certainly an element of that, and Fianna Fáil were always fairly populist, leaning left economically, right socially. So they have largely dominated Irish politics as a ‘big tent’ party since independence.
  11. Yet you wouldn’t do any of that with Dyche because ‘he’s a Dingle’. Open minded, indeed!
  12. Only in VenkyWorld would we get lumbered with a total novice purely because he’s pals with a journo that somehow ended up as an executive here (briefly) years ago…
  13. Hmmm, perhaps because he’s 50 and never been a permanent manager at any level? He wants to learn his trade? Good for him, but go and do it on some L1/L2 club’s dime and time.
  14. The Wind that Shakes The Barley is a great film on the Civil War, with Cillian Murphy. People often get confused with Irish politics and wonder why two centre-right parties have historically been the two that have contested power and not one each from left and right. It goes back to the Civil War - Fianna Fàil being anti treaty, party of Eamon De Valera, and Fine Gael (Michael Collins) being for it.
  15. Interesting that he used Ince as an example, and he was correct to do so, as that was the last time BRFC was a normal club and fans actually had any influence in helping to get a failing manager out the door…
  16. So Miller’s assessment is inaccurate? Sounds like if you refuse to accept mediocrity and want better for the club you are ‘negative’. Whilst if you merely accept the status quo and the non entities that run it, those that have overseen Miller’s said assessment you are ‘positive’. How Orwellian…
  17. You’ve saved me a post. Amazing how a certain poster is so easily placated with a bit of corporate guff in an Ewood meeting room whilst ignoring the actual tangible evidence that shows a club in a big a hole as ever…
  18. Which is all a pointless false economy anyway, as they’ll still separately chuck millions in just to plug the financial hole that is perpetuated by being a perennial second division club with a cheap manager… So go figure 🤷‍♂️
  19. Any particular reason you’ve logged on this morning behaving like a 12 year old?
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