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Everything posted by arbitro

  1. He was never the same player after that appalling incident. I saw him as a 10 year old and knew he had real potential but for the chance of fulfilling that potential to be taken from him in such a was tragic.
  2. I think America is still seen by FIFA as an untapped market and if they could push 'soccer' and raise its profile it could be a real money spinner. I would imagine Canada is a similar but smaller version of this. And of course there are always the brown envelopes.
  3. Something about this deal doesn't smell right: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/44455348
  4. And did they cost money and get paid exceptionally well?
  5. But he has to accept his responsibility in the mess as he was the manager with a huge budget and allowed to sign players and take in expensive loans. He failed to get them promoted and now it looks like he will conveniently hide behind the off the field stuff. He has walked away before several times and has had nine managers jobs in eighteen years.
  6. I don't understand where he will fit in as a coach as we are well stocked at first team and under 23 level. I don't know for sure but does he have any coaching qualifications or is it a case of helping him to get a foot on the ladder. Whatever his role I just don't think he adds any value to Rovers.
  7. If we had signed a 33 year old from another club on a one year deal people would be up in arms. I don't buy the leader/coach/experience/knows the club line that is being spun to justify his contract. I have seen enough of him over the last couple of seasons to know he simply isn't good enough anymore.
  8. I thought he would from the moment the final whistle went against Fulham. He has a history of walking away from clubs and my guess is he will use the financial problems as an excuse. And he will be back on the merry-go-round in no time at all.
  9. I can't be bothered listening but he looks like he has been on the weights. Normally being too bulky slows you down, he'll be running in reverse soon to match his passing.
  10. Right on cue: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/44435725 They are in addition to the plethora of 'experts' already on the gravy train at our expense.
  11. Malteser is another term I have seen used. I think the 'Tom' is a reference to Uncle Toms Cabin.
  12. Punditry for many of them has become an easy way of making money after their playing career has ended and for me they could do away with the lot of them and save plenty of money. I very rarely watch/listen to what any of them have to say as I can make my own mind up having seen the incidents they are prattling on about. Very few of them have gone into management and some of them that have (Shearer and Neville) and failed spectacularly. I watch Rugby League on TV and the few pundits they have are both knowledgeable and insightful. It's quite funny to see them squabbling and Collymore should take a long look at himself.
  13. Simon is an agent who gets the best deal for his clients, that's his job. He is quite well known locally as he lived in Blackburn for many years although he is from Liverpool. And because people know him a lot want to take a free hit at him and listen to gossip, a lot of which is completely unfounded. To answer your question I don't believe he has done anything wrong but several people disagree without any evidence whatsoever. I don't agree that clubs should have to pay agents but their clients should but that is the business they are in.
  14. I think I have cracked this case John. Nyambe, Nuttall and Gallagher all have the same agent namely Simon Conning. Now you have made your thoughts clear about Simon (a Liverpudlian by chance) many times. So I think that purely by association you dislike any of his clients and will do with any of his clients who might sign in future.
  15. One big issue with signing any PL players with experience at all is wages. Invariably they are really well paid and demand some parity with this when they move on. I think Mowbrays young and hungry mantra is the way forward for us.
  16. It's a strange phenomenon with talented, enigmatic players who quite often fly by the seat of their pants. Even going back to the likes of Stan Bowles who was terrifically talented but lacked the real dedication to put him into the 50 - 75 England Cap bracket. There are lots of examples similar to Bowles. Dack certainly has ability and if he can improve his fitness by 10% through working hard and living correctly I think he will be comfortable in the Championship. If he could get 15 goals next season I'm sure the upper PL sides would come knocking.
  17. In the next few weeks an army of English blazers will be flying business class to Russia and staying in five star hotels whilst dining out on expenses. Bottom feeders are more prevalent in football than anywhere else.
  18. There is an interesting item on the agenda at today's EFL AGM regarding match programmes. http://www.skysports.com/football/news/11095/11398002/efl-agm-to-get-underway-on-friday-with-clubs-expected-to-vote-on-number-of-issues
  19. Dack was back at Brockhall today pushing himself as he recovers from his hamstring strain. Hopefully he hits the ground running for us as he faces up to the challenge of the Championship where he has never played before and in many respects has to prove himself. http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/sport/16276599.Dack_back_at_Brockhall_as_Rovers_man_steps_up_pre-season_work/
  20. I thought I made it clear in my post that I wouldn't offer any more. Some agents would want a Dutch auction situation but in my opinion it's a dangerous road to go down. And you are right I don't have a clue but then you don't either.
  21. I think it sums up lots of clubs Matty. Vastly overpriced and overpaid players which ultimately drives the cost of transfer fees and wages up for everybody. And relative to League One wages and transfer fees we were as bad last season.
  22. Me neither. I don't believe we should be upping the original offer too. He has been offered what the club thinks he is worth and that should be it. If he can get a better deal elsewhere he should take it.
  23. I'm guessing but I would think the length of the contract would be as important to Graham as the money. I would like him to stay but I don't think we should be offering more than a one year deal.
  24. Of course you derided them - read again what you wrote. You used them and Wales to compare against Scotland's record in major tournaments. You are turning into McChaddy.
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