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Everything posted by matt83

  1. Fair play but it really shouldn’t need highlighting AGAIN. Particularly not for a second time in as many months after they acknowledged there was a problem and it was unacceptable. It’s a simple as there’s nobody at the club that has any standards. That will not change without draining the swamp. I emailed Enquiries@rovers.co.uk about it but who it goes to is anyone’s guess.
  2. I was in the ewood area earlier. I strongly disagree with mheads assessment above that the ground looked “tidy and clean”. Everyone has their own personal standards of course but I think the ground looks absolutely disgusting. 90% of it seems to be superficial as well. The green stuff on the panels looks like it’s just a decades worth of untouched grime. Could probably hire a cherry picker for £200 a day and a bloke with a bucket of soapy water and a sponge and would make a huge difference. Pretty much every metal fence and gate needs a lick of some sort of galvanised metal paint. £20-30 a tub from b&q probably. The weeds outside the Bburn end seem to have been killed for now but there’s still loads of rubbish on that alley way. Clearly a portion of the blame goes to the scruffy bastards dumping it there but I think it sums up the clubs mantra. “Nowt to do with us (debatable). Let’s do the minimum we think we’ll get away with”.
  3. Or we could sack waggott replace him with 6 normal staff and get the cladding done with the change. But as we all know if there was to only be one employed person left at the club swag would make sure it was him. Plus why does any money spent off the pitch automatically mean it’s at the expense of a person. Billionaire owners + their baby !!!
  4. I always think the same but never seems to come to much. I was curious/exited after winning the Under 20s World Cup to see how many would come through or even play regular top division football. So far Kyle Walker, Maitland-niles and Calvert-lewin the double barrel crew have played for England which is better than expected. But how much worth can you put on an England cap these days.
  5. Only a friendly I suppose but one of the worst starting xi England teams I’ve ever seen.
  6. 5 defenders vs wales. At least Pickford not in.
  7. I think a lot of it is self preservation. Please keep me in my £300k job even though I’ve achieved nothing. Swag has nothing to fall back on to say look what I’ve done so the only thing he can do is suck up to the owners.
  8. If waggott’s name and charlton were blanked out you’d assume it was waggot and could easily be rovers. If it looks and smells like a turd chances are it’s a turd.
  9. Forget high level business strategy decisions and managing the clubs resources. The bloke can’t even prevent weeds growing out of the side of the stadium. If we’d employed a cleaner on a cleaners salary as the ceo at least the stadium would be clean. If swag can’t get the basics right how can he get important corporate decisions right.
  10. Grow the fanbase ❌ Increase revenue ❌ Run a tight ship ❌ Develop the clubs brand ❌ Engage with the local community ❌ (unless pissing them off counts) Public face of the company ✅ (when he can be arsed) I genuinely believe I’d do a better job pro bono in my spare time.
  11. After doing nothing for months the stench of desperation coming off swag is palpable. I suspect he sells his worth to India as being able to grow the fan base or increase revenue. Massive failure to date so I suspect the only thing left in his limited locker is passive aggressive thinly veiled threats. Another chancer at the helm unfortunately
  12. This is it. If we’ve sold 2,000 season tickets and Swag is on £300,000 then 37.5% of total sales have only contributed to his salary alone. For all there is ludicrous belief fans pay the wages of the players Id wager by the time swag et al have taken their slice the rest of the gate receipts will just about cover an Elliot Bennett.
  13. Genuine question who are the rovers trust? Although I seem to recall I paid a tenner into something once not that sure what I got. What do the trust do, what do they hope to achieve and how do they want to achieve it. Do they have influence or the ear of anyone at the club (worrying if they do). I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again I’d love a rovers fans group to be represented on the board or have a genuine influence over the likes of swag but there no way a fan or any one half way competent would handle the club the way the chief exec has recently. From the season ticket debacle, to the ground in disrepair, to cringy statements. But likewise if it’s just a “super fan” clique that believes anything the club does is great then what’s the point. If there was something holding the club to account that would be great. Are they doing that or just wowed by swags silver tongue. Ultimately there are people holding club to account. The individual fans who won’t buy season tickets, who won’t buy ifollow, who won’t return in increasing numbers all the while swag and his mates will be left scratching their heads as to why.
  14. So those pearls of wisdom are what £300k buys you. I was getting very worried he wasn’t going to big up the owners. Then he did. Twice. ?
  15. If I’m not mistaken it’s Kean out day today. As much as Mowbray frustrates the hell out of me sometimes it’s not a patch on those days. If it is Kean out day merry Kean out day or is it happy Kean out day.
  16. This is my fear. Why have a quick tricky prospect like Dolan when you can have a lummox on the wing winning the occasional header against a left back.
  17. My biggest criticism of Mowbray has been constantly changing formations and personnel. And of course Elliott Bennett. So credit where it’s due same tactics/team and by and large omitting Bennett. It’s not rocket science but for now resisting the urge to tinker. I still view us as a house of cards ready to come tumbling down. 2 games won’t change what I’ve witnessed for 2 years but for now it’s very enjoyable stuff. Oh and a winger on the wing. Who would have thought.
  18. I remember in the mid 90s he scored an unbeaten ton for Derbyshire vs lancs in an epic NatWest trophy quarter or semi final at old Trafford. Him and cork put on a few before Lancs won by one run I think.
  19. They’ve missed off the 3rd. But showed the red and a miss.
  20. With the likelihood of injuries and suspensions if we fail to bring in another defender preferably a left back then I think we’ll slide into the bottom half. If we do strengthen and keep hold of everybody then I think we’ll creep into the top half. Either way I think we’ve nailed on that 8th-14th zone.
  21. With these pro rata refunds my prediction for next season is another price hike to cover the costs. Waggott won’t be able to sleep knowing people will get anything at a discounted rate even having lost out this season. Drive away even more of the ever dwindling fan base. I hope one day Waggott has an honest appraisal of the situation and after he resists his instinctive urge to blame the fans for not lapping up the tripe he serves ask himself why people aren’t coming in. Then what can be done. And whilst I’m not on £300,000 therefore totally unqualified I’ll give him 2 ways to get fans in. 1 a successful side (not easy and clearly not going that route with Tonebola). 2 very cheap tickets. (Fairly easy to implement but happy doing that either). A 3rd way would be to generate good will and unconditional loyalty to the club where regardless of results, entertainment or price people turn up regardless. Over the last decade no attempts have been made to win back the lost fans and if anything driving more away. We’re a total shit show largely of our own creation. Very sad.
  22. Even in the past week. Sunday I’d given up on England winning. Won. On Wednesday thought wasn’t a cat in hells chance of England losing at 70/5. Lost. Then yesterday when root was putting us to all parts 115/1 I’d lost hope. Won
  23. The best bit about that is bohannon, Bailey and parry were giving the celebrations some after being dropped/left out. Good sign
  24. What a pool to pick from these manc bands. We once took our mate who hates cricket to the t20. He failed to be won over by the cricket but he said he’d come back for the songs.
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