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Everything posted by roverblue

  1. The Millwall RB seems a class above the rest. Siggy looked non league against him so far
  2. Battle of the keepers! Did someone lube up their gloves before the match 😂
  3. Look a total shambles at the back again, thought we had got past this
  4. Mentioned this earlier in the thread and it seems to be coming true, if Venkys cant send over their usual £5-6m every few months then we have to find it from somewhere. Seems like we are going down some shady routes to get our hands on it though and the penalties/interest on stuff like this could end up being horrific. Especially if this is just paying to put the heating on and pay HMRC etc. Feels like we are in the end game with Venkys now unless this legal stuff quickly resolves itself, they clearly arent able to send the cash over anymore. Concerning that the club havent addressed the latest legal issues, I saw a few fans got invited in for a chat with Waggot does anyoe know what was said?
  5. Poor performance but will happily take the three points. Couldn’t see anything wrong with Cardiff goal would be fuming if it was the other way around. Tronstad and Hill with two great performances today.
  6. Feeling positive about today, fairly comprehensive win by the end, 3-0 rovers. Moran will be a big miss based on recent performances
  7. The disappointing bit for Vale was that when he got a chance he just didnt put the effort in and seemed a bit lazy in terms of pressing or chasing back. He can still fix that but get the feeling he wont.
  8. I can’t see how we can cover the bills over the next few months without money from Venkys. I think I once read they send a sum of money every few months to cover this, say £5m every quarter. if that’s the case how do we pay our way? We can’t sell anyone till January and doubt we have any cash in the bank.
  9. Said it a few weeks ago in the thread but would make a great captain. His work rate, performances and the fact he is so vocal on the pitch make him the most suitable by far.
  10. I hope under Broughton the days of letting players leave for free is over. He’s been very vocal on the subject and a raft of players have all signed long term deals under him. I think they brought him in precisely to stop the nonsense we saw in recent seasons where £20-30m of players all left for nothing.
  11. Brainless is comparing someones home for a few £100k to buying a multimillion pound football club that you have to invest/lose £20m a year into.
  12. Wow, suprised they havent potted Ainsworth to be honest. We all know how these things normally go with rovers though, 3-0 QPR win
  13. I think the point being made by a few us is that as far as we know there is nobody else crazy enough to take it on. What happened to the local business men who were interested way back when? Has anyone heard from them in recent times, forgotten their names?
  14. I'm yet to be convinced this squad is so much worse than last seasons which did well enough to nearly make the playoffs. Dack and Ayala barely featured and you can argue are replaced with Hill and Moran/Siggurdson. Diaz goals are a big miss but he may as well have not been here after Christmas and has been replaced with Ennis/ Telalovic/Leonard. Jury still out on both due to injuries/newness but Leonard seems capable. The tactics are more of an issue for me than the playing squad at the moment.
  15. My positives from last night to try and lift the mood... - Brittain looked class in that fullback into midfield role, my MOTM. - Hill shored up the backline and looks as good as Hyam and Carter. - Moran continues to impress and is our most dangerous attacking/creative player. - Tronstad looked miles better than he has in that pivot/enforcer role so is getting up to speed finally.
  16. Every manager we play says that, even though we have won 5 out of the last 21 games.
  17. Typical. In a relegation battle already I think. shame as performance wise shown glimpses of quality but failed to test the keeper. Cant complain as shit as Coventrys general play has been they have still hit the post 3-4 times due to our soft under belly.
  18. Can’t work out the formation tonight. Is Britain playing midfield and 3 at the back?
  19. Would be a really important win or failing that a clean sheet would satisfy me. I cant see anything other than another loss though and the same for the weekend. We are the softest of touches these days.
  20. Worryingly it could end up the opposite, we know Waggot had to use transfer money to pay the bills over the summer as it was reported Venkys arent allowed to send any money overseas. If thats still the case how will we pay the bills this month and next as we cant flog anyone now?
  21. This is insane. So not only will they refuse to abolish parachute payments they will also allow clubs in receipt of it to spend/lose a greater % amount than everyone else in the championship? Pretty much guaranteeing a constant yo-yo fo clubs between the leagues whilst the rest of us scrap about for the dreggs.
  22. I would say JDT has had an easy ride so far from fans and pundits. The football last season started with dreadful performances with decent points return and ended with better football but with a poor return. This season has continued in that vein. He is rightly coming into some criticism now, his reputation well exceeds his performance at rovers so far in my view.
  23. Many others have said it but JDT needs to change his approach or we are going to spend all season losing whilst other manages compliment us on playing football the ‘right way’. It’s basically the back 4 plus Wharton on defence and everyone else can do what they like. And tackling isn’t Whartons game at all.
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