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[Archived] Walter Smith

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Walter Smith for Director of football strong rumours he is on his way ,Steve Kean has mention his name to the owners what is going on the owners are just listening to him.

Walter Smith days as manager are over i don't want him here because Steve Kean is here and its turning out that rovers are becoming a Cockey Mafia like Newcastle are,if Walter Smith is on his way.

This was the talk I managed to dig out today over the weekend this matter was spoken about.

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The appointment of anyone as DoF smacks of trying to cover up the fact that Kean is not a Manager. Why give Kean a nursemaid to be blamed when things go wrong. Kean may be an OK coach but he is not a Manager. The whole idea stinks but Ewood has become a smelly place since all that Chicken sh1t arrived.

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So if you are reading between the lines (if true) - Kean/Venkys decide someone has to pay the price for our relegation form since last December. Jensen goes - Kean appoints Clement (his man) and also suggests someone experienced joins to help out...

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So if you are reading between the lines (if true) - Kean/Venkys decide someone has to pay the price for our relegation form since last December. Jensen goes - Kean appoints Clement (his man) and also suggests someone experienced joins to help out...

Makes the Monty Python skit where aliens are turning the world into Scottish men so a blamonge can win Wimbledon kinda sane and grounded.

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