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If its the latter a normal man with pride would walk away in disgust.

I suspect a bit of both. Kean would never get another managers job so he wouldn't ever walk.

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  • Backroom

I wish he would walk but I would suggest most people wouldn't, his main loyalty lies with his family not his employer at the end of the day.

Venkys are the main culprit with Kean and others not too far behind

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Dear Hi Mack

How the hell could anyone attract players with no money?? we are potless....THE END !!

Active Bids in this window was the quote early in Jan. Venkys lying to Kean like they have lied to everybody. No intention of buying anybody.We've spent about ten bob in total and half the squad not exactly happy to be here for the long run.Its going great!!

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Venky's. Doubt Kean even picks the team. I heard from my best mates, dads, son-in-laws dog that bobo does that after a few hours on Football Manager.

Mugged off by Venky's again Steve? Outed as a liar by the team captain? more abuse from the fans? ... and yet you still stay - why is that Steve?

Cause your crap, thats why.

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If its the latter a normal man with pride would walk away in disgust.

Glad you found the caps lock button and managed to turn it off Abbey, almost as if you were shouting! ;)

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I wish he would walk but I would suggest most people wouldn't, his main loyalty lies with his family not his employer at the end of the day.

Venkys are the main culprit with Kean and others not too far behind

and you have their autograph haha

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I posted this in the transfer thread earlier but it's probably more relevant here. I know that some posters are saying that Kean'll drag this out, so as to keep his managerial wages for as long as poss but seriously, when is he going to have earned enough money to go off and live happily ever after with his wife and kids?

If this is the end of our window, either Kean lied to us at the start of it or he's been badly let down by the Roas and Desais. If the latter is the case then why doesn't he come out tomorrow and say so? What has he got to lose? Either a) Mrs D will take the hump and sack him, meaning he gets 'made for life' type pay out and he doesn't have the stigma of being the manager who physically took BRFC down, or b)he'll become even more of a martyr in the eyes of his SSN and Talkrubbish pals - and as for Jim White...well. Unless of course Kean did lie to us after all. :angry:

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i suspect that kean is clueless on what he had to spend. he himself is prob a little miffed about no money but doesnt have the balls to talk out against the owners as 1. he is scared to lose his job. 2. he feels he owes them for them backing him through his impressive run of defeats

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Cocos a ******* liar and those 'owners' in Pune are even bigger ******* liars, that coupled with Agnew and Anderson you have bunch of ******* liars who don't even know when they're telling porkies and when they're not.


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i suspect that kean is clueless on what he had to spend. he himself is prob a little miffed about no money but doesnt have the balls to talk out against the owners as 1. he is scared to lose his job. 2. he feels he owes them for them backing him through his impressive run of defeats

Well then he really shouldn't have come out with things like this, should he?

“We’ve got active bids that are out there and we hope that they will progress early on in the week,” (second week of trsnsfer window)

“But I don’t want to speculate or name anybody or give ones we’re after. We’ve done that before and it has come back to bite us.

“We’d rather just keep it quiet and then announce a press conference and show their faces once the contracts are signed.”

P.S. Is he as scared to lose his job as he is to face the 'health and safety issues' of meeting the protesters and walking around Blackburn on his own?

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Well then he really shouldn't have come out with things like this, should he?

“We’ve got active bids that are out there and we hope that they will progress early on in the week,” (second week of trsnsfer window)

“But I don’t want to speculate or name anybody or give ones we’re after. We’ve done that before and it has come back to bite us.

“We’d rather just keep it quiet and then announce a press conference and show their faces once the contracts are signed.”

That's the problem, the man can't keep his mouth shut. He's always has to come out with some soundbite to convince everyone everything's okay on the good ship Venky's FC. The guy's a complete sell-out and a yes-man, just the way Desai likes him.

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Well then he really shouldn't have come out with things like this, should he?

“We’ve got active bids that are out there and we hope that they will progress early on in the week,” (i.e. first week of trsnsfer window)

“But I don’t want to speculate or name anybody or give ones we’re after. We’ve done that before and it has come back to bite us.

“We’d rather just keep it quiet and then announce a press conference and show their faces once the contracts are signed.”

No, he shouldn't; but like others have implied ,he's got a well-paid job [much better-paid than any of us season-ticket-holders have ever had?]; so why would he jeopardise that?

Anyway; WE all know he's got form for being economical with the truth ["My drink was spiked."] so why should we ever believe a word that comes from his mouth?

It just destroys your trust in the club.

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Not that anyone needs reminding of this - if we are going to judge someone's propensity to tell porky pies, we might as well consider all of the most recent and relevant evidence, m'lud (this from Boxing Day):

"I think we need four and if we can get them quickly, together with lads coming out of the medical room, I think we can climb the table quickly.

"If we can get established players in and get them bedded into the team then that can only be good for everybody."

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If its the latter a normal man with pride would walk away in disgust.

When I first saw the title of the thread - I presumed you were asking who was spreading the lies that everyone of the saleable assets (Nzonzi, Samba, Hoilett and Olsson) would be sold off to pay the bank before we went into administration.

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and you are all sure Kean was promised money?

Kean is a little sh1t

I think he was buying time with the press, an excuse "we lost to Bolton and are bottom but its because of injuries and I'll buy 4 players in Jan".

Has Kean come out and questioned Venkys on anything..........no?

Has he made comments this window such as "Venkys/owners have proven how wonderful and great they are over the Samba situations", pretty much.

Kean will never be sacked because he is the perfect liar for in a club built on lies.

we all know sooner or later the house built on the sand will fall down.

The topic should be changed from "who is lying, to who isn't lying"

Probably only Samba, but even Kean has turned this into we want Samba to be part of what we are trying to do here.

Yet samba can see all wew are doing is drowning.

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