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  1. Bit of a weird format ... 7 players from any EFL team, only 2 from the same team. Change every player every week if you want and then pick 2 teams who will also score you points. Fancy your chances? Join in below. https://fantasy.efl.com/leagues/join/HTGPAJEQ The winner at the end of the season will receive a very special, one off, BRFCS shirt!
  2. The only 2FA we support is via Google Authenticator, you can set that up via the profile menu when you're logged in.
  3. I'd always gone on the fact it's out of 10, so the average is 5, therefore an average performance gi8ves you a 5/10. I'm not sure there a right answer, the baseline score is whatever the person voting thinks it is 🙂 Overall I think those scores represent a team that has been at best bang average all season, I'm surprised by Gallagher's score too but that's why we created the poll, so that everyone gets to have their say.
  4. No, I do not remember James Hill 🙂 What score do people consider the "baseline" ie, you don't pull up any trees, but don't do anything wrong? When I vote i always go for the 5, it's interesting that no-one scores lower than that but perhaps given our season it suggests other people have a higher score that they give for "just doing your job" as a baseline?
  5. Now that we've had a couple of days to reflect, I'm going to say this ... Pears was a very lucky man on Saturday. He punched/palmed the ball into the same dangerous areas he always does and he got lucky that they didn't fall to a Leeds player, or rather the Leeds players didn't make as much of them as other opponents have in the past. That's not to take away from the string of excellent saves he did make, just that luck was definitely on his side this week.
  6. Has this been posted before? An analasys of Rovers finances over the past 10 years Nothing new in it btw, just shows the numbers as graphs.
  7. This episode marks the the beginning of a new era for the 4000 Holes Podcast as it moves to be part of the Talk Sport Fan Network, and that is down to the effort of all the contributors, but in particular the work @Herbie6590 has put in to rejuvenate the podcast over the last 2 seasons. 👏👏👏
  8. No no no ... I've just been chopping onions.
  9. Unfortunately it's a known issue and without getting all technical, down to the GDPR consent cookies that we have to use by law 😡 I didn't tell you this, but always refuse the cookies, as well as not being tracked by advertisers (yeah right, don't get me started) it also stops issues like this.
  10. Well yeah, that would definitely help, but I was thinking more between now & the end of the season 🙂
  11. I think it's safe to say, none of us expected THAT! Penalties are one of the worst ways to go out of a competition especially when you earned them rather than rode your luck. I can't help but think having Ewood as full as it's been in years helped the team too, some imagination required from the leadership team on how to acheive that.
  12. Some great articles on our front page about today's game ... The usual Delap's Derbies ... https://brfcs.com/magazine/articles/they-played-for-rovers-and-the-magpies/507 Old Programmes: https://www.brfcs.com/magazine/articles/programme-passions-newcastle-united/505 and a look back at previous FA Cap ties between us and the Toon: https://www.brfcs.com/magazine/articles/rovers-v-newcastle-the-fa-cup-history/506 Remember, BRFCS.com is more than just a forum ...
  13. He's definitely there, about halfway down the 2nd half ...
  14. I reckon this is the longest list of players we've had in Delap's Derbies, can you make a starting 11 of players that played for both teams and actually DID play together at Ewood? https://www.brfcs.com/magazine/articles/they-played-for-both-rovers-and-the-lilywhites/120
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