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Everything posted by lraC

  1. You are right. There is a big problem, in fact there are two very big problems, the owners and the CEO are strangling the club and knocking the stuffing out of the fans.
  2. It happens both ways this. The two that immediately spring to mind are Gestede and Santa Cruz. Great for us, but so far as I remember poor elsewhere.
  3. If I was a director or decision maker and saw the Rovers 0-3 win there, I would be straight on the phone to his agents. We played a perfect tactical game that day and given the shackles on him, he is performing way above the level he should be right now.
  4. I was going to change it, but think I will leave it now. I am a little rusty with the spelling anyway.
  5. That’s absolutely brilliant and why Rivets fans are the best in the land.
  6. Almost certainly and they never went away. Put yourself in the owners position. The have thrown over £250 million away as we speak and now they are prepared to go to court to get permission to thrown another £11 million away. If we believe what we are told, then they are still prepared to go back to go to court to get further permission, to throw even more away, because they are honourable people. What a total load of shite and if you wrote that in a fictional novel, it would be rejected, for being too far fetched. These people must think we are all morons.
  7. I fully agree, he certainly should not be offered a new deal and I think he is already very close to, if not the highest earner at the club. I genuinely had this from the horses mouth when I asked the question about flogging him and was told in an almost mocking way "Who would take Gallagher?". The big thing here now, is the money we paid for him and the amount spent on wages, goes completely against our current aims (or lack of them I guess) to buy them cheap and make a profit. Granted he was bought a while ago, but he will be leaving for nothing, that is almost a certainty. Whose fault that is, is up for debate perhaps.
  8. Or in the case of Sam Gallagher, roll, up roll up, get your lovely half season ticket and if he is fit, see SG play his final 10 home games for us, before he leaves for nothing and we prove yet again that buying cheap and selling at a profit, still isn't working either.
  9. One thing I haven’t mentioned so far about my meeting, was that Waggott asked me if I was recording the meeting. Why he would ask that I really do not know, but perhaps indicates he has something to hide.
  10. The craziest thing in all of this, is how would developing a couple of players now and then, make more financial sense than having a couple of seasons in the premier league? As we all know, we have been in touching distance at least twice, at Christmas, in the last couple of years, yet managed to blow any chance, by not getting the window right. Last seasons fiasco, seems to fly in the face of the narrative, unless the O’Brien attempted signing was a red herring. Why go for him and why offer to sign him permanently, if we went up, if the only ambition we have would be to develop him and sell him on. Someone seems to be sending out contradictory messages here, but what for?
  11. We have sacked a few actually. Coyle, Berg, Appleton, and the twit you mentioned, wasn't sacked, he resigned and sued the club.
  12. yet again, the owners are to blame, as you are bang on the money with this. We as supporters and real custodians of the club, have an interest in increasing the fan base again and dropping the prices and offering other incentives, is the way to go. With targets being monetary, set by the owners and Waggott knowing only too well, that the real loyal fans (who can also afford it) will pay the excessive prices, it just puts the very future of the club in more peril. He will sail off into the sunset, with his pension and nest egg nicely tucked away and will not care on iota of what happens to the club, after his departure.
  13. That's a brilliant post by Glen and I admire them for attending the meeting and for getting the answers they did. I also had a meeting with Waggott, which I think was earlier the same day. Mine lasted for about an hour and I found him to be a bit like a politician, padding out answers and maybe avoiding a couple too. I did not get anything like the amount of information that Glen and Mark did, but can point out a couple of contradictions he gave to them in his answers compared to mine. He made out that the funding re received, keeps us afloat until February and suggested that the court had now set a precedent and therefore would be unlikely to not allow future funding. he did got to great lengths too, in suggesting how he had to provide a statement for all outstanding commitments and had to provide a precise breakdown of exactly what the funding was for. I pressed very hard about fans being priced out of buying season tickets and suggested a HUGE marketing plan was put in place for the 150th anniversary, suggesting a 20% cut in season ticket prices and a big drive to get lapsed season ticket holders to return. He did not like the suggestion of the drop in prices. I also put it to him, that I believe Venky's have something to hide and that is the reason they remain. He refuted that and would not be drawn into a debate about the initial takeover and my suggestion that the fall from the premier league was a managed catastrophe. He insisted that Venky's are proud people and remained in situ for that reason, more than anything else. I did suggest that now was the perfect tine for them to put the club up for sale and bow out gracefully, as they have the much publicised problems now with the illegal payment from 2010 to date story and on going problems and adverse publicity, that is clearly bringing. They have no way of getting back, what they have put in, so why not put the cub up for sale now and cut their losses. Who in their right mind would carry on under these circumstances? One other thing to mention was that he almost seemed resigned to losing JDT and I am now even more convinced that there is a rift between them that cannot be repaired. I would much rather SWAG was given his notice now than JDT.
  14. Superb this guys and makes me really proud to be a fellow supporter.
  15. I have high hopes for Leonard and think once he gets used to playing in the first team, he will be more composed and that will help him finish with more aplomb. I don't think for one minute, he will turn into the legend he is, but a listen to the excellent podcast with Simon Garner and the lads, has Simon telling the story of how he turned down a move to Halifax. Had he not decide it was not for him, we would have lost him, before he got started. I knew about him turning down a move, but what I didn't know, was the rift that caused between him and Howard Kendal (RIP) and hoe he only got back into the side due to an injury crisis.
  16. For anyone who might have the owners ears, let them know the fans are doing a better job than the CEO of promoting the club. Perhaps a takeover of the whole operation instead of a match, could be the way forward.
  17. I'm pretty sure most fans are happy with JDT and I would hope that the powers that be are too, be that Waggott, the owners representatives, or the owners. I think he has got most things right and his style of football is certainly a joy to watch, especially now that we seem to be getting more things right at both ends of the pitch. If we simply let JDT run his contract down and go to succeed elsewhere, it would be a crying shame. If Waggott and him have fallen out (which I think is highly likely) then once again, the fans are being sold short. They guy should be backed as much as possible and given an offer he can't refuse to extend his stay.
  18. Getting a proper answer out of Waggott is proving to be a difficult task. A reply saying nothing has been agree is all well and good, but what about, has an offer been made to him, to extend his contract? I fear that JDT is now pretty unhappy and the comments he makes almost weekly now appear to be a dig at him.
  19. That article in the LT blames the changes in tax rules in India for lack of funding. It then goes on to say that Venky’s had to go to court to get the £11m released to send to the club. I am reliably informed that this will last us until February. At that point it is “hoped” that a precedent has been set and the funds required to keep us afloat until the end of the season are released, but what if they are not. A recent article in the Indian press (a link to which has previously been posted on here) points out that illegal payments have been made by Venky’s from 2010 to date. Maybe that as opposed to tax changes has reduced the funding. As most know on here, property has been seized by the Enforcement Directorate, that Venky’s own in India. Given that article does not have an alleged in it and also says 2010 to date, my worry is that there are still on going questions being asked about the funding. It may not be as straightforward as it sounds getting more funding released, which would lead to some really big issues. Bragging about paying wages on time and buying a new bus, could well have a hidden message.
  20. I know for a fact that given that the whole of the Darwen end would sell out, despite the £47 per ticket meant it was more important that the £150K to be made on this, was more important than a cheaper ticket for the away fixture for Rovers fans. I was told categorically that “We could not afford to discount the tickets and lose £40K”.
  21. I won’t be using my season long pass until I get back to Spain next Monday. I have Re-Registered but find it incredible that I had to find out how to on here. It’s another big own goal by the club, not getting the communication on this right.
  22. Terrific this and a great opportunity to show the decision makers at the club, that they have the pricing wrong. Get the match day and season ticket prices right and we will get supporters back.
  23. All looks okay to me now, having Re-registered. It is easier to log in now too, so hopefully the problems we have encountered are a thing of the past. Good luck logging on for those watching form abroad tomorrow (which I normally do from Spain) but I am back for a few days, so will be there in person tomorrow. COYB.
  24. It’s my Grandsons first away game so hope we can win for him. My son is going too, so three generations of us. Looking forward to the game and flying in from Spain on Wednesday.
  25. I couldn’t name 50 prem players never mind 95% of them.
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