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Wheelton Blue

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Everything posted by Wheelton Blue

  1. You're not 'happy just staying up', but seem to be happy enough with Mowbray still being here. Slight contradiction, me thinks.
  2. Agreed. Even more so, even if adequate replacements existed, we haven't a hope in hell of Mowbray finding them.
  3. People pointing the finger at Magloire for both Blackpool goals. Rightly so, as he in no small part was at fault. However, for the first goal, Buckley was equally at fault. He let their guy stroll past him prior to the ball going out wide. Ayalya gave him pelters for that. In games like this, Buckley is more often than not a passenger. Yes, he shows moments of ability - such as the cross for our goal - but he is so lacking in physicallity and desire when it really matters.
  4. I was looking forward to this game all week. More fool me. Predicatably, Mowbray was out thought once again by his opposite number, in both formation, tactical awareness, and team selection. Predictably, Mowbray continues to play players out of position. In this case, a centre half so far out of his depth in his normal position, predictably getting ripped to shreds at full back. Predictably, Mowbray's team - who arguably on paper are better players then the opposition - gets rolled over by opponents showing more will and determination. Predicatably, Mowbray will remain here for the foreseeable. Predictably, we are going absolutely no where under this fella. He has to go. Now.
  5. The fact that there was noone - other than Magloire - to replace Nyambe is Mowbray all over! That's the point!!!!! As for the 3 subs, they are as weak as p*ss and the opposite of what was needed to shore everything up. Again, the fact that there was no-one else to bring on, is 100% on Mowbray.
  6. That is true Chaddy. However, it's also down to Mowbray as to why there wasn't anyone to bring on to shore up the defence; why he changed formation due to one player (Nyambe) going off; why he inexplicably brought on 3 lightweights when we were up against it; and hence why we threw the game last night. This is my beef with him. He always finds a way of cocking it up.
  7. Thank goodness we do have 16 points, cos we all know what happens with Mowbray. He screwed that game up last night with his substitutions. At 2-2, and with Rothwell going off injured, he should have shored up the defence and seen the game out for a draw. Job done. Instead, what we witnessed was a debacle of substitutions, whereby we totally lost all control and basically threw the game. He never changes Chaddy and that's why we'll never amount to anything under his watch.
  8. If we're stuck with the defence which finished the game last night, I'm not hopeful. 2-1 Tangerines.
  9. If anyone was under any illusion that Mowbray has somehow turned a corner, last night's capitulation should put paid to that. The guy will never be able to consistently win football matches. He's his own worst enemy.
  10. We aren't and never will be the real deal under Mowbray. Tonight, he once again reverted to type.
  11. If we end up playing that side which finished tonight's game for any number of games, we're in trouble.
  12. So we could be missing Lenihan, Nyambe and Rothwell on Saturday. That doesn't bode well does it?
  13. A good manager would counter the loss of key players through training, solid formations and tactics, where every player, including the subs, knows their role. Mowbray just chucks on a random assortment and hopes for the best.
  14. Backs to the wall so he brings on a trio of lightweights. Mowbray will never change.
  15. Buckley will always have a mistake like that in him due to his lack of physicality. His mistake aside though, we could easily have been a couple down beforehand.
  16. I don't know 1864 from Adam, but I'm pretty sure that he isn't on a wind up mission at all. I'm nothing special or 'in the know', but I was one of those who was asked for input prior to his discussions with the club taking place; my gut feel tells me that 1864 is genuine, and I applaud him for getting off his arse and making the conversation happen. In hindsight, perhaps he shouldn't have said anything on here and kept schtum, seeing as it bothers people. He's doing the right thing, however, by keeping in confidence what was said to him. As always though, Venkys are Venkys, so let's see what arises. And before anyone asks, no, I don't know anything!
  17. Another missed opportunity. Coventry will probably bring a good couple of thousand plus. We could have got 15k on for this if sensible pricing was in place.
  18. We're bound to lose sooner or later, tonight could be the one. I'd be happy with a draw, with confidence then still intact for the seaside. 2-1 Huddersfield If I can get off work early enough, I'll try and get over there. Otherwise, RoversTV it is. COYB
  19. Walking off the ground, I said to my daughter that games like that are what makes us follow the Rovers. Every now and then, they pull one out of the bag. No doubt it will regress soon enough, Mowbray won't be able to help himself, and Waggott is .... well Waggot. But for now, and until Huddersfield at least, I've got a Rovers smile on my face. COYB
  20. Dolan, Rothwell and Brereton in particular have some ability to take the ball, run at the opposition and get in behind them. This should be our main tactic, as seen by the Dolan/Brereton combo for the second goal yesterday.
  21. Now is the time for Waggott to pull his bloody finger out and do something positive to entice more fans on to Ewood. Such a shame that so few witnessed that display today.
  22. Ayala makes such a massive difference, steady as a rock that guy. Special mention to Pickering today also; he was excellent.
  23. We're even falling behind this lot... https://www.pnefc.net/news/2021/september/be-loud-be-proud-three-for-two-at-deepdale/?fbclid=IwAR35KNt6zQRcU659RmMP6d6UAtLT2oOx1wZQ480hEItDWaRavNh1dnSIbpE
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