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Everything posted by gumboots

  1. I understood his interviews, but I was present when the ex player said it so I believe him. Maybe it was just when he got annoyed on the training pitch; I don't know but it was said by someone I had no reason to doubt.
  2. Would have been no point in shouting. According to a former player, nobody understood a word he said in training anyway and they just used to do what they thought he meant and rely on the coaches to put them right
  3. I'm sorry but it is divisive if you tell some people things, don't tell everyone, and then tell everyone that you've only told a handful of people. I don't care if you only consider that you can trust a handful of people. That's your right and I fully understand it. I wouldn't trust everyone here either if I had inside info, which I never do. But telling US, the unfavoured many, that you know something and now understand things better because of that but will only share with a select few is, even if you don't think so, creating us and them.
  4. My issue with that would be that we are all concerned Rovers fans and all contribute to the site. I know it's a question of who you think you can trust with info but to share with a select few things you then refer to on here and won't disclose details of, not even a hint of why you feel new found mild optimism, is somewhat divisive.
  5. Interestingly, Clitheroe are growing their crowd again. Season tickets at £30 for seniors. New covered areas. Improved refreshment facilities. Cracking match the other night v Marine. Very feisty and ended up with a 2-0 victory for Clitheroe who ended with 10 men while Marine only had 8. 2 on pitch fights. Almost kicked off in the crowd behind us. And over 500 on to watch it. Pie and peas plus 2 chocolate bars, a tea and a can of pop for £11.80. Good big hot pies too.
  6. I know little about the Issa brothers but you do NOT have to be a fan of a club to own and run it well. You have to have business sense coupled with an understanding of the demographics of the town and surrounding areas, a willingness to engage with fans and those who have the best interests of the area at heart, and a desire to learn fast to get the best you can. A successful football club brings benefits to the town. Shops round Ewood pick up trade. The whole wider area benefits. I remember moaning about Newcastle fans taking over Clitheroe when we played them, but it brought trade to the town when they came here for pre match drinks. Owners who are fans is a nice idea but let's get good owners first then let them fall in love.
  7. It would help if they got match details out there. I hadn't realised Rovers had a match last night until I came on here on Monday. If you're not engaged enough to be looking at the fixtures then they need to be much more proactive with information. It was the same with STs I think. I know a number of people said that friends and relatives who aren't on social media weren't aware when they went on sale
  8. The club needs to rectify it. We can discuss it till kingdom come but there's nothing WE can do
  9. Most clubs have soundbites at least on official Twitter feeds. You get little bits of club news, bits from interviews, pics of training
  10. Was just an observation. I'm not suggesting or implying anything. Just stating a fact, or what I believe to be a fact.
  11. The point is surely that because of our poor defending we have to score at least 2 goals to stand a chance of winning. Mowbray has failed to replace Armstrongs goals. Therefore where are those 2 goals per game going to come from? And sometimes, of course, because our defence can be even more fragile, we'd need more than 2 goals per game. I just don't see how that gives us a better chance than we had last year of finishing above half way or anywhere close to it.
  12. That's precisely why they need to be careful. We had 4 tickets in BBE Upper. We now have none anywhere
  13. Replying to chaddy No, they can't afford to alienate any more st holders than they have already
  14. Could have flown down from Scotland. Doesn't have to have flown up from the South coast
  15. All speculation on your part, Chaddy. We know Mowbray said a few days ago he hadn't spoken to Obafemi but that's all. We don't know how much is going on with agents, family, current club. Sometimes deals get done quickly but moving from Southampton to Blackburn is a long way physically and dropping a league so having to readjust your career expectations. Now it might work out like Armstrong, but you might be giving up your Premier league chances for ever so you have to think long and hard. I dont know if you've ever moved area of the country but it is a challenge. All sorts of differences you know nothing about beforehand but show up when you've moved. If the lad's only 20, he's got mates locally. Will he find real mates apart from his team mates here? We just don't know what he's having to think about. Rather he took his time a bit and came fully committed than have him rush into something and get homesick, miserable and not find form.
  16. It is, as has been said, incredibly brave to come on here and admit to the problems you have been having. I'm sure we all wish you well and are delighted that you've reached a point where you can admit to yourself and to others that you need help and support because that's the first step to recovery and managing the ongoing situation. It won't be easy but there are plenty of people here prepared to listen if you need it. Best wishes and let's hope Rovers can continue to give us the performances and results we crave. Best thing to give a quick lift is a good result for your team!
  17. Probably a good job or there'd be no point signing him
  18. So we let Boro buy him then loan him in. All criteria satisfied.
  19. Hate to break it to you, guys, but I've been signed up as mascot. Middlesbrough connection and useless.
  20. The issue is, for a lot of people, if they can only get two a few matches because of work commitments, childcare, transport or whatever, it makes no sense to buy a season ticket. However they want to attend the matches they can get to. Off putting then to be asked for £32. For me £30 is a barrier. Not because I can't afford more but because it just seems too much. I dont want things on the cheap but I do want them within my reasonable range
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