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Everything posted by arbitro

  1. Buckleys terrific balance makes up for any perceived lack of strength when he is riding challenges. I don't know the stats but he is probably the 'cleanest' tackler we have at the club. The number of times he gets a foot in to nick the ball without fouling is a real asset, particularly in the final third.
  2. Happy New Year to Rovers all over the world. Strap yourselves in - 2022 is going to be a bumpy ride.
  3. They are just another lip service organisation who decided to come up with their Supporters Charter which essentially means you can write in with justification but we will patronise you and not answer your complaints. I suggest everyone who gets the copy and paste reply writes again and again until they answer our questions.
  4. I got exactly the same. I have written back asking for a timeline of events amongst other things. It's incredible to think when the patronising comments about supporters being the lifeblood of the game the alleged guardians of standards come out with deal like this.
  5. It's quite poignant seeing all the Rovers fan's who passed away during the year on the big screen. However I would like to see the tribute going on for a couple of minutes though as it seems a bit rushed.
  6. I would hope when the referee reviews the game with his coach he regrets his impetuosity. In fact his body language for a period after the incident gave me the distinct impression he knew he had dropped a clod.
  7. There has to be some context though. I have refereed many times when serious head injuries occurred and it's correct to stop play but stopping the game for what is effectively bumping heads is poor refereeing especially when a player is through on goal. The reaction of Mowbray, the players and crowd indicated what a poor decision it was.
  8. Is there a link to this story? I'd really like to know the rationale behind this.
  9. Stopping the game for any type of injury is at the discretion of the referee. And as has been said several times the player did not need any treatment.
  10. The referee screwed up massively by over reacting and will undoubtedly hide behind the supposed head injury. It was probably less than fifteen seconds from Khadra getting the ball to scoring and absolutely no harm would have come to the player had the referee waited. As I said the fact the Barnsley lad didn't even need treatment shows how the referee simply stopped the game too early.
  11. Tonight's game in many ways typifies what the Championship can be like as we could have been four up but ended up happy to win by the odd goal in three. From recent weeks a few players dipped below the standards they have set themselves but our newly found resilience won through. In recent weeks our chances into goals ratio has been excellent but tonight we were wasteful as good chances went begging. In the middle of a run where we have played well and won I don't think a below per performance (albeit with a win) is a bad thing as it can bring players and fans alike back to earth. What was shockingly bad tonight was the officiating once again. The referee made an awful start by blowing too early as Khadra was through on goal and a Barnsley player slightly injured. So slight in fact he didn't even have any treatment. This was followed by lots a baffling decisions. At one point I thought he had turned up at the wrong venue as he would have been more suited to the pantomime at the Adelphi Theatre. We are entering a huge period in our recent history now with the transfer window opening and being in a position to seriously challenge for promotion.
  12. Barnsley are one of the three teams we haven't scored against this season so I'm expecting a tough, uncompromising side here who will probably come to kill the game at every opportunity. We should have enough to beat them though with the same team and formation which has served us so well over recent games.
  13. After missing out on live football on Boxing Day I decided to go to Chorley v Curzon Ashton today and really enjoyed the game which was full of commitment, decent skill level and seven goals as Chorley ran out 4-3 winners. I paid £12 for both me and my granddaughter which represented great value. The win moves Chorley into fourth and the crowd of over 1700 will bring in a bit of money for their promotion push.
  14. Under Lambert the Norwich squad unanimously decided that they would forsake individual game bonuses in favour of a much bigger bonus for promotion. It was win/win. The club were in the money and the players were too. But the agreement was made before a ball was kicked.
  15. I've heard lots of reasons for not going to Ewood over the years but citing a lack of atmosphere isn't one of them. I go to the games and know many hard core Rovers fan's who don't sing, probably down to age more than anything but they are as passionate about their club as anybody else.
  16. You make some valid points which I agree with but the authorities (not just football by the way) have this one size fits all attitude to rules and regulations when there is a need for common sense and latitude for each case to be judged on its own merits. It's a lazy approach which drives me crackers.
  17. Well done mate. Please encourage others to do the same. If I dont hear back from them I will be writing again asking the same questions. I would also like to hear from Waggott who should be putting his weight behind this and backing us.
  18. https://www.efl.com/contact-form/ Can I recommend that you take a few minutes to complain to the EFL and ask for an explanation. Under their Supporters Charter you are perfectly entitled to do so.
  19. Any enquiry by the EFL should include some Rovers representation, ideally a supporter. This will ensure that there is no cover up from anybody. As it is they are happy to mark their own homework whilst doing so encouraging criticism and mistrust from decent, honest people.
  20. Can I suggest that anybody disaffected by today's farcical postponement puts it in writing to the EFL through this link? https://www.efl.com/contact-form/ The more people that write the stronger a case can be made. At the very least it enables you to let off a bit of controlled steam. Hopefully the powers that be at Ewood are asking tough questions and won't be fobbed off by bullshit.
  21. You are right but that's a completely different debate.
  22. Injuries should not be a factor in this particular situation as it should solely be Covid related. I have never heard of a team having a game called off for injuries apart from Middlesbrough not turning up at Ewood in the late nineties. It's simple. Test players on match days a few hours earlier than they are doing now. Burnley had two games off recently in similar circumstances to ours today but testing earlier could have led to a much earlier decision.
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