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[Archived] Protest Round Up

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I have 2 questions.

I was recently advised that certain information has become available that shows the potentially disastrous situation we're in (which I believe will be discussed in the next podcast) and Glen's round up seems to confirm that there is growing concern over both the administrative and financial dealings at the club. Given there is mounting evidence towards something terrible happening within the club, will there be a point where the evidence becomes so damning that there is no choice but to release it to the public or at least to a media outlet to collate and release to the public? It's all well and good to talk about it on here and hint at certain things, but until clear document evidence is released to ALL fans then there will never be the public outrage that's required to force a change.

My second question is that, given the chance to influence the decision making of the board or owners, what would you have them do to salvage the situation (without giving too much away)? Other than sacking Kean, which at this point is more likely to save us from relegation, but not guaranteed, what else would you have the owners do?

Assuming we are talking here about financial and administrative failings, what are the solutions to these problems? Are the issues with certain members of the board? Is Jerome Anderson still in the picture?

Sorry, a bit more than 2 questions :P

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I have 2 questions.

I was recently advised that certain information has become available that shows the potentially disastrous situation we're in (which I believe will be discussed in the next podcast) and Glen's round up seems to confirm that there is growing concern over both the administrative and financial dealings at the club. Given there is mounting evidence towards something terrible happening within the club, will there be a point where the evidence becomes so damning that there is no choice but to release it to the public or at least to a media outlet to collate and release to the public? It's all well and good to talk about it on here and hint at certain things, but until clear document evidence is released to ALL fans then there will never be the public outrage that's required to force a change.

My second question is that, given the chance to influence the decision making of the board or owners, what would you have them do to salvage the situation (without giving too much away)? Other than sacking Kean, which at this point is more likely to save us from relegation, but not guaranteed, what else would you have the owners do?

Assuming we are talking here about financial and administrative failings, what are the solutions to these problems? Are the issues with certain members of the board? Is Jerome Anderson still in the picture?

Sorry, a bit more than 2 questions :P

I find it very frustrating, there's a lot of 'hints' and 'snippets' but I can't weigh up the true gravity of the situation. Kean is 'not that important' when I keep reading that the club itself is in so much trouble.

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Which is why I find it ridiculous when respected managers like Harry Redknapp (he of the LMA, no less) stick up for Kean who has been handed a job at the expense of someone who is actually trained in the profession. Their support in the media helps legitimise the Venky's set-up.

Kean is virtually guaranteeing old saggychops 6 points. why would he complain?!

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I like the idea of the Pune Trip & TV Documentary style investigations, but after hearing all that "may" or "may not" have happened at the club since the start of this debacle I think the last thing we need is the national media investigating us just in case there are a few skeletons in the closet that may ultimately jeopardise the entire future of our club !?!?!

All good and well if there isn't but just imagine if there was, and what turns out as a journey to get to the bottom of what we think is a pretty straight forward situation with Steve Kean & the mis-management of the club, ended up with a full on FA & Legal investigation into all sorts of ill dealings.

Obviously I know nothing of any "ill dealings" but going off how things have been for us in the last 18 months, it wouldn't surprise me if there was and we ended up getting busted.

I hope Glen & the lads organising things (who are doing a bloody good job if you ask me!!!), keep the pressure up & keep on thinking of imaginative ways to try & get the message across.


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Snippets, rumours and gossip

Can someone please give a clear understanding for us members the other side of the world....

Is the club broke? Properly adminstration points deduction broke?

Is there something in relation to Steve Kean's relationship? Something that is limiting the ability of the Owner's to sack him.

What is the main concern with the running of the club?

It makes me more frustrated to hear snippets of things that may or may not have occured or may occur or may never occur then what is happening on the feild.

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Glen you have done sterling work but no matter how frustrated you are and no matter how much pressure you are feeling at the moment and no matter how much you have laid your soul bare over this private conversations must remain private. Look before you leap is the best advice I can offer. By revealing what you have you must have put Paul Agnew in a very uncomfortable position. So much so that what I'd imagine has been a good link for you in the past will never pick the phone up to you again..... and thats if he's even there to do it! Unfortunately for you I can't imagine anybody down there even accepting your calls from now on.

Take PhilipL as an example, he comes out with all manner of stuff on here and gets attacked regularly cos he won't substantiate his claims, but that thats primarily cos he refuses steadfastly to ever reveal his source.

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... and that's why getting me/BRFCS embroiled in it all is something I'm trying to avoid (and to be fair to Glen's trying to avoid too) .

If Glen wants to do a "kiss and tell" then fair enough, it's not what I'd do, but that's his decision. It'll please the fans (and no doubt Glen believes the fans have a right to know. Personally, I was a much happier fan when I DIDN'T know what was going on), but I don't want any of it coming back on the site. The fact it's already been posted on other sites and is being discussed there too at least shows it's not something we're behind (as good for traffic/content a bit of scandal is).

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Glen you have done sterling work but no matter how frustrated you are and no matter how much pressure you are feeling at the moment and no matter how much you have laid your soul bare over this private conversations must remain private. Look before you leap is the best advice I can offer. By revealing what you have you must have put Paul Agnew in a very uncomfortable position. So much so that what I'd imagine has been a good link for you in the past will never pick the phone up to you again..... and thats if he's even there to do it! Unfortunately for you I can't imagine anybody down there even accepting your calls from now on.

Take PhilipL as an example, he comes out with all manner of stuff on here and gets attacked regularly cos he won't substantiate his claims, but that thats primarily cos he refuses steadfastly to ever reveal his source.

To be fair, Paul Agnew is not one of my sources, and only one or two people close to me know who my sources are (No-one on BRFCS does), and I would never reveal my sources. It was a conversation which took place, and as I was discussing the Protest and what has lead us to where we are now, it was a relevant conversation on the subject.

We are all careful what we put in print form on forums, as we don't want the wrong people reading it, but there is a very good reason why I put that part on it, and my conscience is clear

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... and that's why getting me/BRFCS embroiled in it all is something I'm trying to avoid (and to be fair to Glen's trying to avoid too) .

If Glen wants to do a "kiss and tell" then fair enough, it's not what I'd do, but that's his decision. It'll please the fans (and no doubt Glen believes the fans have a right to know. Personally, I was a much happier fan when I DIDN'T know what was going on), but I don't want any of it coming back on the site. The fact it's already been posted on other sites and is being discussed there too at least shows it's not something we're behind (as good for traffic/content a bit of scandal is).

The fans do have a right to know, but it won't make them happy.

I've heard the things that Glen has from other sources but took them with a pinch of salt until confirmed.

And to be perfectly honest Philipl has let the cat out of the bag on here anyway, and quite a while ago, with many things that are due to come out. They can't keep things quiet forever.

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podcast 14 tells you as much as we can.

It is done live unrehearsed and we ask each other questions.

can you ask each other how big your nob is because the girls in the office don't believe I'm over 7 inches and I'm saying it's not pornstar big at that size and ask my girlfriend if you don't believe me.

Some references would be handy.

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Why did it come this?

Blackburn went on one of their worst runs in the history of the club in the early part of year, which sent the team spirallying toward the drop door. The aftermath of this lead to groups being set up on facebook one in particular which is still running strong today is the "Sack Steve Kean group which has over 1500 members". When Rovers played Manchester City last season the first sort of protest took place out side when a few hundred fans demonstrated outside the Blackburn End and at the Jack Walker stand entrance, calling for Steve Kean's removal. This protest saw many take a dim view, with some saying that Jack Walkers Statue had been climbed on by yobs, showing disrespect.

Rovers went into their final Premiership fixture needing a result to ensure that this season did not start in the Championship.

Following a summer which proved to be full of broken promises Rovers started the season with three defeats on the bounce in the league. This saw people writing letters, emails and trying to open communication with the club. An open letter was also sent to the Telegraph as fans cried out in desperation for answers of what was going on at the club that ran through their veins. The Manager was making stupid statements, whilst the owners was only adding fueled to the fire by making similar statements and ones which could have been found in a dodgy batch of xmas crackers, as they was not funny, I found them insulting my intelligence with ridiculas statements of intent, whilst words is all we have ever seen, whilst actions have not been forthcoming to match those words.

Following another poor display at Fulham, I had supporters emailing me their thoughts, and asking me what could be done. I recieved 973 emails from different supporters worldwide in the space of 48 hours. In all honesty I did'nt have a clue what we could do,

I thought do we just protest at the ground after matches, but would this be heard? Do we protest during games? If we did would it just make results worse? Do we protest against the owners or manager or both? What was our biggest gripes? What was the alternative to protesting as the club had ignored everyone else's communication?

It was a dilemma and to add to that I thought can I do something, or is it too much work for one person, and if it is too much work who can help me?

All these questions went through my head as people was pushing me to organise something, I had people pushing me wanted prtests to happen, but then they for one reason or another said they wanted to stay in the background and not to be publically seen supporting the movement.

I felt like I was being thrown to the Lions at times and that if it all went "Pear shaped" Then I would be the one who solely took responsibility of any aftermath it may cause.

Do I just walk away and not do anything was something that never crossed my mind, Because my love for Blackburn Rovers and football in general was far too strong for me to just sit there and take it on the chin that our owners don't give two hoots about the clubs fan base.

I got to work thinking on the best way to approach a Protest for the Arsenal game, I remember telling supporters at the time this was there one chance to publically air their opinion. I knew the press would be all over it world wide and it would get the maximum exposure so the message got through to the owners.

Everything was in the supporters favour.

1. The Match was on Sky

2. The Owners would be present

3. Our 1 point from 12 coupled with last seasons disasters warrented it

4.The games was an early Kick Off so it would not be fueled by alchohol

5. The protest would be over an hour before Kick Off

6.It was a fixture that would be considered a bonus fixture should we get a result.

I planned a Protest March and did not know if supporters would join or not, I remember walking down to the Havelock Inn with my brother thinking what happens if only 10 people are there. The place was packed with the press world wide. I did not want to talk to the press and told them to talk to supporters. This was not my march it was the supporters march. I just organised it so that no-one got in trouble and to make sure it was peaceful.

During the week I had liased with the Police who had been very helpful, whilst the club also wished to get involved but I chose to let the Police speak to the club, because I was alone in the organising of it, I could not get anyone to lend a hand in the logistics although I got a couple to do a few interviews whilst a couple got some posters made. The week leading upto the march was stressful, I was on a course and I had TV crews arriving athe study centre, when I was supposed to be taking exams. I was getting home and had Danish and Norwegian TV sat outside my house. My phone never stopped ringing and I did not stop for over a week. People who said they would help was not helping, and people who was puhsing me to do it, was not showing their hand either. I felt quite lonely, but what kept me going was the support of people who wanted me to do this.

The March it itself went off with out incident with numbers at the end estimated between 500-700 by Police although around 250 started from the Havelock. I was really proud of supporters who took part that day, and also proud of supporters who did not, as they respected our opinions to do this. The atmosphere against Arsenal was electric, and to top of a day which went well we won 4-3, it was a great day. The watching world, had seen supporters take a stand and it had not effected the games as we won it.

I thought that would be it, after Steve Kean went on live TV and said he would meet with the discrutled section of supporters, and he would meet with me, so we could put across our gripes.

I spoke with Paul Agnew on the telephone, the following week to ask him when this meeting would take place. What happened during a very long conversation was Paul attacked the supporters for Blaming Steve Kean and said that we should be aiming our anger higher up the food chain. He said that we did not understand the mess the club was in, and that Steve has had to deal with this throughout his time as Manager. He attacked Simon Williams over the slection protests for the Pune trip and said that a Star should of have been

put in the programme or a half time raffle should have taken place rather than a group of people who has been selected for fans forum on democratically and in a way were if you was friends with the committee you was in. He took away all credibility of the fans forum in his words to me (Please note i'm only relaying what was said and this is not my opinion). He then asked me if I knew Glenn Pegden and Lee Grooby and spoke of his dislike for both individuals. He then went on to explain that we have a board of directors and people at Ewood Park who are working against each other and trying to trip each other at every opportunity. He then wanted to know about me, and my education back ground, my supporter history and said he would set a meeting up with Steve Kean when they returned from Pune. He also discussed possible ways forward in terms of action groups, fans on the board and he said he had some big idea's which he would discuss at a later date.

Still we had no feedback and Paul Agnew did not get back in touch, Steve Kean went from tv and radio studio doing a lap of honour for the Arsenal result, whilst he made more poor statements about 1% of fans having a bad attitude but he did not care as 99% of fans support him and the team.

After another poor performance against Newcastle and a home hammering to City we held a sit in after the match, it was only partially organised that we would remain behind as I was not too keen of opeing too much dialogue with the club on how best to protests, although at this point Simon Littler joined me in the organisation side of the protests. The crowd turned at 3-0 down that day, and the protestors was blamed for that, which was silly to say the least when 90%of the ground turned. The sit in had around 700 people again in pockets around the ground and Kean once again potrayed a minority card.

With wins still not coming in the league and the club still refusing to communicate with the discruntled section, I could not believe we was going to be doing a third protest, surely it was in the clubs best interest to get fans around a table and discuss the issues we had?

I held an open supporters meeting which was not a protests meeting but was a meeting for fans to discuss their concerns about the clubs current position both on and off the pitch, TV crews and local press turned up. It was a mixed bag of opinions on the night and it was very fruitful in terms of the content of the meeting. More and more people where contacting me by phone and email including sponsors, ex club officials and of course my sources who were now throwing more and more information to me about the behind the scenes activity at Blackburn Rovers. I was being told protests need to intensify and was been given a million reasons why they should not stop. Armed with the information plus what I already knew , i realised that unless we raised the bar and got the club listening we could be in massive danger of having no club.

Simon and I went to a meeting at the club with John Newsham and the Police where I let a few things slip on purpose about goings on at Ewood Park. What this resulted in was another meeting with John Newsham after the Police went, His ears had been pricked by the things I was saying and although he confirmed somethings, he played the denial card on other things. Although later he confirmed via telephone to Simon that my knowledge of behind the scenes activity was a big worry to the club, due to the accuracy of it. I thought at the time, am i giving too much away? Will my sources dry up, or indeed become a target of the club? I knew i had only given them a taste of what I knew and that I held the cards and not them. So I was quite comfortable that I'd saved the full chapter and verse for another day. With the protest plans in place for the Spurs game, The club and the Police started playing hard ball telling us what we can and can't do, I didnt want to seem ungrateful as they was going to open more channels for communication so supporters would get the opportunity to have there concerns heard. So although me and Simon put up a good fight, we had to give in on the demands or face a hefty police bill.

The spurs march was much bigger than the Arsenal march whilst the sit in peaked in the thousands and not the hundreds. The press was still not cutting the protest movement any slack in particular the local paper, whilst the club kept issuing statements claiming us to be a massive minority. I remember thinking if fan wont publically show their concetn and offer no alternative then the club have already won. With the knowledge I had in my head I thought shall I release it, shall I call another open meeting, shall I give fans the whole picture. On the other hand I was thinking If I do would i be hanging the club to a point where we have no club?

I let a few more things slip at the club which resulted in us having a meeting with John Newsham and 8 supporters whilst a few of Johns team also turned up with the Police. We asked some more posing questions whilst I let a few more things slip, You could see the panic all over the faces of the club officials that not only did we know things about the club, but we had things in writing to back it up, the club had to concede and confim more, but publically around a table to more than just me and simon. It was felt at that meeting that we needed to be talking to the board as John was not the person to answer these questions.

In the mean time we had turned our attention to Venkys for the protests, this is something Paul Hunt did not want, and he had already instructed the club to not facilitate protests and he wanted them outside. It was Paul Hunts decision to play music over the protests against spurs, whilst after agreeing this weeks protests. John Newsham after a chat with Paul Hunt then went back on what we agreed. He told us there would be no banners and said there was anti protest groups who was going to cause trouble should there be a protest. Deep down inside and Simon is in agreement with me, we knew the club was trying to screw us down and play the divide and conquer card. By putting it out in the public domain its my opinion that they was planting a seed to try and get non protestors to turn on protestors to cause ugly scenes so they can lose Both Simon and I 's credibility. They knew any trouble would result in the peaceful crew who the Protestors have always been pulling back and not taking part if the protestors felt they could be in danger. The removal of banners was a discraceful decision, as was throwing people out for singing anti-kean songs. People having to collect banners after the game was also an awful decsion as it effected participants, Whilst lots of fans were coming to me yesterday stating the club woulod not give them their banners.

Number were down on protests for these reasons plus many took their children to bonfires.

The Plane Idea was to show the club that we won't be silenced and quite the opposite we will intensify things. Not many complained about the plane prior to the game, but its been mixed since it happened.

Simon and I have both decided that we will no longer discuss any protests with the club, We have been accomodating enough and feel its now down to the club, to get these meeting they have promised arranged. I will not rest until the Rao family has answered these concerns, they can either do these via meetings here or in Pune. The club will no longer find out from us what our plans are as we intend to do things a little differently. There is more ways that to skin a cat.

All I care about is our club having a long term future and at present it looks bleak, If the club are reading this which they say they do, then they will no exacltly what I mean!!!!!!!!!

By removing the public freedom of speech at the game yesterday they think they have backed us into a corner, but in truth its they who are now in the corner, and there bargaining chips are low, as they have very few blinds left.

I urge all supporters to fight for the future of this club, whilst things can be salvaged, and I urge the club one last time to get a meeting with the supporters so that ALL issues can be resolved, and this needs to be with those who can make decisions. There is very little point us talking to "Yes Men" or people who can have no direct effect on the future.

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  • Moderation Lead

I do wish people would 'fess up or shut up. This whole we know something but we can't tell you is boring and irritating.

If our club is heading to the abyss, all fans have a right to know, so tht at least we can attempt to take further action before it's too late.

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Why did it come this?

Blackburn went on one of their worst runs in the history of the club in the early part of year, which sent the team spirallying toward the drop door. The aftermath of this lead to groups being set up on facebook one in particular which is still running strong today is the "Sack Steve Kean group which has over 1500 members". When Rovers played Manchester City last season the first sort of protest took place out side when a few hundred fans demonstrated outside the Blackburn End and at the Jack Walker stand entrance, calling for Steve Kean's removal. This protest saw many take a dim view, with some saying that Jack Walkers Statue had been climbed on by yobs, showing disrespect.

Rovers went into their final Premiership fixture needing a result to ensure that this season did not start in the Championship.

Following a summer which proved to be full of broken promises Rovers started the season with three defeats on the bounce in the league. This saw people writing letters, emails and trying to open communication with the club. An open letter was also sent to the Telegraph as fans cried out in desperation for answers of what was going on at the club that ran through their veins. The Manager was making stupid statements, whilst the owners was only adding fueled to the fire by making similar statements and ones which could have been found in a dodgy batch of xmas crackers, as they was not funny, I found them insulting my intelligence with ridiculas statements of intent, whilst words is all we have ever seen, whilst actions have not been forthcoming to match those words.

Following another poor display at Fulham, I had supporters emailing me their thoughts, and asking me what could be done. I recieved 973 emails from different supporters worldwide in the space of 48 hours. In all honesty I did'nt have a clue what we could do,

I thought do we just protest at the ground after matches, but would this be heard? Do we protest during games? If we did would it just make results worse? Do we protest against the owners or manager or both? What was our biggest gripes? What was the alternative to protesting as the club had ignored everyone else's communication?

It was a dilemma and to add to that I thought can I do something, or is it too much work for one person, and if it is too much work who can help me?

All these questions went through my head as people was pushing me to organise something, I had people pushing me wanted prtests to happen, but then they for one reason or another said they wanted to stay in the background and not to be publically seen supporting the movement.

I felt like I was being thrown to the Lions at times and that if it all went "Pear shaped" Then I would be the one who solely took responsibility of any aftermath it may cause.

Do I just walk away and not do anything was something that never crossed my mind, Because my love for Blackburn Rovers and football in general was far too strong for me to just sit there and take it on the chin that our owners don't give two hoots about the clubs fan base.

I got to work thinking on the best way to approach a Protest for the Arsenal game, I remember telling supporters at the time this was there one chance to publically air their opinion. I knew the press would be all over it world wide and it would get the maximum exposure so the message got through to the owners.

Everything was in the supporters favour.

1. The Match was on Sky

2. The Owners would be present

3. Our 1 point from 12 coupled with last seasons disasters warrented it

4.The games was an early Kick Off so it would not be fueled by alchohol

5. The protest would be over an hour before Kick Off

6.It was a fixture that would be considered a bonus fixture should we get a result.

I planned a Protest March and did not know if supporters would join or not, I remember walking down to the Havelock Inn with my brother thinking what happens if only 10 people are there. The place was packed with the press world wide. I did not want to talk to the press and told them to talk to supporters. This was not my march it was the supporters march. I just organised it so that no-one got in trouble and to make sure it was peaceful.

During the week I had liased with the Police who had been very helpful, whilst the club also wished to get involved but I chose to let the Police speak to the club, because I was alone in the organising of it, I could not get anyone to lend a hand in the logistics although I got a couple to do a few interviews whilst a couple got some posters made. The week leading upto the march was stressful, I was on a course and I had TV crews arriving athe study centre, when I was supposed to be taking exams. I was getting home and had Danish and Norwegian TV sat outside my house. My phone never stopped ringing and I did not stop for over a week. People who said they would help was not helping, and people who was puhsing me to do it, was not showing their hand either. I felt quite lonely, but what kept me going was the support of people who wanted me to do this.

The March it itself went off with out incident with numbers at the end estimated between 500-700 by Police although around 250 started from the Havelock. I was really proud of supporters who took part that day, and also proud of supporters who did not, as they respected our opinions to do this. The atmosphere against Arsenal was electric, and to top of a day which went well we won 4-3, it was a great day. The watching world, had seen supporters take a stand and it had not effected the games as we won it.

I thought that would be it, after Steve Kean went on live TV and said he would meet with the discrutled section of supporters, and he would meet with me, so we could put across our gripes.

I spoke with Paul Agnew on the telephone, the following week to ask him when this meeting would take place. What happened during a very long conversation was Paul attacked the supporters for Blaming Steve Kean and said that we should be aiming our anger higher up the food chain. He said that we did not understand the mess the club was in, and that Steve has had to deal with this throughout his time as Manager. He attacked Simon Williams over the slection protests for the Pune trip and said that a Star should of have been

put in the programme or a half time raffle should have taken place rather than a group of people who has been selected for fans forum on democratically and in a way were if you was friends with the committee you was in. He took away all credibility of the fans forum in his words to me (Please note i'm only relaying what was said and this is not my opinion). He then asked me if I knew Glenn Pegden and Lee Grooby and spoke of his dislike for both individuals. He then went on to explain that we have a board of directors and people at Ewood Park who are working against each other and trying to trip each other at every opportunity. He then wanted to know about me, and my education back ground, my supporter history and said he would set a meeting up with Steve Kean when they returned from Pune. He also discussed possible ways forward in terms of action groups, fans on the board and he said he had some big idea's which he would discuss at a later date.

Still we had no feedback and Paul Agnew did not get back in touch, Steve Kean went from tv and radio studio doing a lap of honour for the Arsenal result, whilst he made more poor statements about 1% of fans having a bad attitude but he did not care as 99% of fans support him and the team.

After another poor performance against Newcastle and a home hammering to City we held a sit in after the match, it was only partially organised that we would remain behind as I was not too keen of opeing too much dialogue with the club on how best to protests, although at this point Simon Littler joined me in the organisation side of the protests. The crowd turned at 3-0 down that day, and the protestors was blamed for that, which was silly to say the least when 90%of the ground turned. The sit in had around 700 people again in pockets around the ground and Kean once again potrayed a minority card.

With wins still not coming in the league and the club still refusing to communicate with the discruntled section, I could not believe we was going to be doing a third protest, surely it was in the clubs best interest to get fans around a table and discuss the issues we had?

I held an open supporters meeting which was not a protests meeting but was a meeting for fans to discuss their concerns about the clubs current position both on and off the pitch, TV crews and local press turned up. It was a mixed bag of opinions on the night and it was very fruitful in terms of the content of the meeting. More and more people where contacting me by phone and email including sponsors, ex club officials and of course my sources who were now throwing more and more information to me about the behind the scenes activity at Blackburn Rovers. I was being told protests need to intensify and was been given a million reasons why they should not stop. Armed with the information plus what I already knew , i realised that unless we raised the bar and got the club listening we could be in massive danger of having no club.

Simon and I went to a meeting at the club with John Newsham and the Police where I let a few things slip on purpose about goings on at Ewood Park. What this resulted in was another meeting with John Newsham after the Police went, His ears had been pricked by the things I was saying and although he confirmed somethings, he played the denial card on other things. Although later he confirmed via telephone to Simon that my knowledge of behind the scenes activity was a big worry to the club, due to the accuracy of it. I thought at the time, am i giving too much away? Will my sources dry up, or indeed become a target of the club? I knew i had only given them a taste of what I knew and that I held the cards and not them. So I was quite comfortable that I'd saved the full chapter and verse for another day. With the protest plans in place for the Spurs game, The club and the Police started playing hard ball telling us what we can and can't do, I didnt want to seem ungrateful as they was going to open more channels for communication so supporters would get the opportunity to have there concerns heard. So although me and Simon put up a good fight, we had to give in on the demands or face a hefty police bill.

The spurs march was much bigger than the Arsenal march whilst the sit in peaked in the thousands and not the hundreds. The press was still not cutting the protest movement any slack in particular the local paper, whilst the club kept issuing statements claiming us to be a massive minority. I remember thinking if fan wont publically show their concetn and offer no alternative then the club have already won. With the knowledge I had in my head I thought shall I release it, shall I call another open meeting, shall I give fans the whole picture. On the other hand I was thinking If I do would i be hanging the club to a point where we have no club?

I let a few more things slip at the club which resulted in us having a meeting with John Newsham and 8 supporters whilst a few of Johns team also turned up with the Police. We asked some more posing questions whilst I let a few more things slip, You could see the panic all over the faces of the club officials that not only did we know things about the club, but we had things in writing to back it up, the club had to concede and confim more, but publically around a table to more than just me and simon. It was felt at that meeting that we needed to be talking to the board as John was not the person to answer these questions.

In the mean time we had turned our attention to Venkys for the protests, this is something Paul Hunt did not want, and he had already instructed the club to not facilitate protests and he wanted them outside. It was Paul Hunts decision to play music over the protests against spurs, whilst after agreeing this weeks protests. John Newsham after a chat with Paul Hunt then went back on what we agreed. He told us there would be no banners and said there was anti protest groups who was going to cause trouble should there be a protest. Deep down inside and Simon is in agreement with me, we knew the club was trying to screw us down and play the divide and conquer card. By putting it out in the public domain its my opinion that they was planting a seed to try and get non protestors to turn on protestors to cause ugly scenes so they can lose Both Simon and I 's credibility. They knew any trouble would result in the peaceful crew who the Protestors have always been pulling back and not taking part if the protestors felt they could be in danger. The removal of banners was a discraceful decision, as was throwing people out for singing anti-kean songs. People having to collect banners after the game was also an awful decsion as it effected participants, Whilst lots of fans were coming to me yesterday stating the club woulod not give them their banners.

Number were down on protests for these reasons plus many took their children to bonfires.

The Plane Idea was to show the club that we won't be silenced and quite the opposite we will intensify things. Not many complained about the plane prior to the game, but its been mixed since it happened.

Simon and I have both decided that we will no longer discuss any protests with the club, We have been accomodating enough and feel its now down to the club, to get these meeting they have promised arranged. I will not rest until the Rao family has answered these concerns, they can either do these via meetings here or in Pune. The club will no longer find out from us what our plans are as we intend to do things a little differently. There is more ways that to skin a cat.

All I care about is our club having a long term future and at present it looks bleak, If the club are reading this which they say they do, then they will no exacltly what I mean!!!!!!!!!

By removing the public freedom of speech at the game yesterday they think they have backed us into a corner, but in truth its they who are now in the corner, and there bargaining chips are low, as they have very few blinds left.

I urge all supporters to fight for the future of this club, whilst things can be salvaged, and I urge the club one last time to get a meeting with the supporters so that ALL issues can be resolved, and this needs to be with those who can make decisions. There is very little point us talking to "Yes Men" or people who can have no direct effect on the future.

Until this 'insider info ' is revealed then you won't get the majority of supporters on a march or going with Kean Out/Venkys Out banners.

If you know as much as you claim and it's as damning as you claim then it's going to come out eventually. You seem to imply that most of what is wrong is to do with owners rather than Kean so why only the Kean Out protests until now? I appreciate you might be doing things in what you think is in the best interests of the club and fans but until there is any proof then why should we believe you? Surely if there was anything as big as you claim then this would have been dug out by others in far bigger organisations than you and your sources? Your 'sources' have been wrong in the past.

Unfortunately you seem to have put yourself in a postion where you either need to put up or shut up.

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I do wish people would 'fess up or shut up. This whole we know something but we can't tell you is boring and irritating.

If our club is heading to the abyss, all fans have a right to know.


Ooooooo I know something bad! But Ooooooo I can't tell you!

Why don't those ITK drop the bomb when they're ready, instead of stringing people along?

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There's too much smoke about for there not to be a fire somewhere behind the scenes, IMO.

Would there be a way of revealing some or all of it by writing an anonymous blog, for example? How would the site be affected if the link was then posted here? These things spread like wildfire on the likes of Twitter / Facebook and it would soon get out to the general fan base who don't frequent forums like this. If / when it does come out, then we'll see a protest!

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This gets deeper and more grizzlier by the day.

Without trying to sound too much like a load of women gathered round a water cooler gossiping I’ve heard a rumour that the the Venkys and the Walker trust are in stages of litigation. Allegedly, the Venkys paid off our debt but have yet to pay the Walker trust a penny/or not full amount for the club as a result the Walker trust are suing the Venkys. And the Venkys are counter suing the Walker trust for falsifying accounts.

Very much an unsubstantiated rumour, idle gossip even, but just wondered if anyone else has heard anything similar?

Having always criticised our apathetic majority I think on complex club crippling issues burying head in sand is the best place to be. Maybe they do in fact have it right. I think the reality of what we don’t know may be even more chilling that everything bad we collectively think we know.

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