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[Archived] The General Election 2015

General Election  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. How will you vote on May 7th?

    • Labour
    • Conservative
    • Liberal Democrats
    • UK Independence Party
    • Scottish National Party
    • Green
    • Respect
    • Democratic Unionist Party
    • Plaid Cymru
    • SDLP
    • Alliance Party
    • No one - They are all a shower of s#@t

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BBC starting to edge away from earlier predictions, now saying probably 5 Lab seats in Scotland, and possible Galloway loss to Lab in Bradford.

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  • Backroom

Given that most UKIP votes are allegedly coming from disillusioned Tory voters, it makes you wonder how well they could do.

3rd and 2nd place in 3 Labour strongholds with over 15% gains in each is a remarkable swing for the party.

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They'll still only have two seats out of 650 Steve. Their leader Farage still doesn't look like he'll get into Westminster.

the prediction is he will win his seat

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They'll still only have two seats out of 650 Steve. Their leader Farage still doesn't look like he'll get into Westminster.

It still sounds like a great night for UKIP, probably to the detriment of Labour.

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N8ck Robinson on BBC is losing his voice. Thank god for that!

He's just had a cancerous lump removed from his lung, so no surprises.

Where are the other results? Theyll be declaring the 2020 results in Sunderland soon.

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ok, enough of the childish posts. We get it, you support Labour. Any more pictures like this or just plain rudeness to other people who happen not to follow your way of thinking and I will hide the posts.

It was a joke Lighten up.

Desperately disappointing night for Labour. How did the pollsters get it so wrong? Labour vote has been squeezed by nationalists in Scotland and England, while the Sun and Daily Mail's shameful character assassination of Ed Miliband has worked it seems. Seizmic results in Scotland where shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander lost to a 20-year-old student. This is not normal politics.

Cameron's likely victory is a victory for the south, the City of London, the hedge funds, the non doms, the wealthy and the tax evaders. As ever over the past 30 years, the rest of the country will suffer, particularly the north. I only hope the considerable SNP presence in Westminster and Labour are able to fight the Tory cuts hard over the next 5 years and the NHS survives. I have my doubts.

A sad night for Britain.

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It was a joke Lighten up.

Desperately disappointing night for Labour. How did the pollsters get it so wrong? Labour vote has been squeezed by nationalists in Scotland and England, while the Sun and Daily Mail's shameful character assassination of Ed Miliband has worked it seems. Seizmic results in Scotland where shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander lost to a 20-year-old student. This is not normal politics.

Cameron's likely victory is a victory for the south, the City of London, the hedge funds, the non doms, the wealthy and the tax evaders. As ever over the past 30 years, the rest of the country will suffer, particularly the north. I only hope the considerable SNP presence in Westminster and Labour are able to fight the Tory cuts hard over the next 5 years and the NHS survives. I have my doubts.

A sad night for Britain.

nobody reads papers anymore, so it's a genuine victory for working people.

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On the polls being wrong?

The polls were right on the share of voting but NOT in terms of number of seats.

It was the same in the USA when the polls showed Obama and Romney was level but Obama won by a clear majority.

Sky News are saying that a Labour source has said that Ed Miliband wont be leader by tomorrow morning.

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On the polls being wrong?

The polls were right on the share of voting but NOT in terms of number of seats.

I don't think that's right. Indications are that conservatives got a 7% lead in national vote. Polls were miles and miles out.


Early feelings from the election results

1) Another Scottish Independence referendum looks a certainty. Might take 10 years, but how can it not happen? Totally amazing what has happened there. Politically already a completely seperate country.

2) EU in/out referendum is on for 2016. What a pantomime that promises to be.

3) The campaign for Proportional Representation is going to heating up. UKIP, Greens, Lib Dems and - most importantly - Labour are going to be after it to try and work out a new method to build coalitions to oppose the Conservatives (and the SNP in Scotland) in a multi party world.

4) Politics is going to get more contentious than it has been since the days of Thatcher. If, hitherto thought imposible, the conservatives manage a majority then the lib dem policy breaks are off and the Prime Minister can pursue a more aggressive austerity agenda. I don't think anyone has taken that seriously as a possibility. Could get bitter as the sentiment between left and right has been getting steadily worse since 2008 and will deteriorate rapidly.

5) Clegg is a gonner. Will resign shortly. Lib dems are in an existential crisis.

6) Milliand may also go in short order. But who else is there to come in? If they go left they are screwed - only a few Greens to win, lots of centerists to lose. Also can't appoint a posh policy wonk like Milliband again either. The grassroots will go mental and many will go to fringe parties. The public will say "another career politician posho"? A really tricky problem. Labour need someone both commanding and of the grassroots in background, but progressive and centrist in his politics. Where do you find someone like that?

7) The political differences between big English cities and the countryside is widening again. Another issue to figure out how to handle. Everything is getting more and more divisive.

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Interesting but worrying night - if you work in the public sector, claim benefits, are on a zero hour contract - be very scared.

Not sure if the win is down to the -

Tory press usual scaremonering

Lack of trust in labour to handle the economy


People in England scared of SNP

Think the Tories have benefited from impact of cheap petrol and mortgages - neither of which are due to their economic polices but increase the feel good factor for some.

or more worryingly a return to the type of greed is good society we had under Thatcher.

Can't help but worry that the gaps between the rich and poor will get even wider now.

Think the Scots will be worried in a few years when they realise what they voted for. Nothing to stop the Conservatives - bringing in laws that only English MPs can vote on English law.

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I think it's down to three things

Conservatives growing the economy, raising the tax threshold(LD idea tho), creating more jobs.

People not trusting Labour with Economy and not believing Ed Miliband will not good enough or trust him as PM.

People in England not wanting a Labour/SNP coalition

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