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Everything posted by windymiller7

  1. I assume you mean this one? Erm, no thanks. Not for the home anyway. Wouldn't be too averse to doing something with it as an away or third kit, but no, definitely not the home shirt. Those halves (or quarters!) are our identity & are sacrosanct as far as I'm concerned
  2. This made me laugh - come on Jon, let's get that first one over those b*stards! https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/vincent-kompany-jon-dahl-tomasson-27254815.amp Edit: bugger, @booth beat me by seconds!
  3. Welcome JDT. On the face of it, quite an exciting appointment which has largely been well received. I'm actually looking forward to seeing what he can bring to the party. Big job needed in the transfer market, but the advantage of this is that we should see him being able to implement what he wants to do more quickly rather than having to try & move on players he doesn't want first. Now come on Rovers, let's see a bit of common sense & try to ride this wave of optimism by extending the Early Bird deadline by another week to try & shift a few more tickets. I know they won't drop the price to anything sensible, so I'm not even going to bother suggesting it, but at least waive the extra £30.
  4. Ok, off topic again (apologies) but regarding own goals, I seem to remember David May scoring an obsolute beauty. No idea who against, but he was legging it back towards goal, the cross came in from the right & hit him perfectly in stride sending the ball flying into the roof of the net, or did I dream that one - I'm not getting any younger & cheese or nuts is a definite no no before bed these days!
  5. Exactly. Why do people feel the need to do it? (Rhetorical question really, it's all about attention seeking generally, coupled with the odd bit of mischief)
  6. Somebody's been at Wiki already! Personally, I'm not getting excited until I see him holding a Rovers scarf aloft. I remember similar with Warnock.
  7. I hope this fella doesn't share the same views as our Head of Commercial, if he does, we're well & truly screwed!
  8. I renewed. Purely for my daughter who is getting to the obsessed point & I don't want to dampen that spirit - I was like that once & we need it to carry on from generation to generation. Also, I'd probably end up going anyway so I'd much rather make sure I sit with the same people I have done for years than risk a seat next to some absolute helmet! - I'm obviously presuming they've renewed too - the nice people, not the shiny purple ones obviously. Am I happy about the pricing & guilt trip? Am I hell!! On another note though, I'd been refused the monthly payment plan last year for some reason (computer said no!) Even though I'd always been ok, & it was for a much lesser amount, but all is well this season.
  9. Wow! Wish I could've seen Ronnie play - before my time unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how u look at it 😆) but I love watching Declan Rice. I think he's probably one of the most underrated players in the prem. Oh, & tonight? Bore fest. Nation's League? Scrap it, glorified friendlies.
  10. Isn't it funny how you can interpret things in a different way? If I know Phil ( @tomphil) , judging by the time of the post, he's just come in from the pub (as have I), gone for a poo & is catching up on things in the process (as am I). Now, I read @Miller11 's post as being that that was what the marketing guy has been told by those more senior to him. However, reading it back again, if you're in a senior position, it's YOUR FUCKING JOB to find a USP of whatever you're selling. Look at this turd. No, not your ordinary turd, just smell the unique aroma, feel the exquisite texture.....you get my drift! So, on that note, if it's from above, it's shocking & needs rectifying immediately. We are Blackburn Rovers!!! Even if you've no affilliation to us, a quick Google search will give u all the info you need. If it's his opinion? WTF are u doing in marketing? Meet me at a pub, time & place of your choice & I'll teach u more about marketing in 2 mins that you've ever known, - & I'm an Engineer!! Not even fit to take down the stalls on Chorley Cattle Market. Get a job doing something else! Anything!
  11. I just hope that this new DoF bloke, Gregg, isn't one of the usual pastys employed by our owners!
  12. There are plenty of businesses which used to sponsor football teams but have now been priced out of the Premier league market who I'm sure would be interested in sponsoring championship clubs. Think back to the late 80s & early 90s: Sharp, Candy, JVC etc, even us & Liverpool have both had Crown Paints. Surely with a bit of good old 'knocking on doors' we could get a Hoover, Persil, Morphy Richards or whatever. Thinking locally (ie North West): Tate & Lyle, Heinz, Norwich have Lotus as a sponsor so why not Bentley or Jaguar Land Rover. As Jack said, "Think big!" What about some of these .com companies? I know they have Hollywood A-listers as owners, but Wrexham have Tik Tok. Come on guys, pull your fingers out think outside of the box & more importantly outside of a BB1 or BB2 postcode! As much as I like the Local Company, local people thing, let's leave these guys to the smaller teams in the area. As an example, my daughter played against Langho girls a couple of weeks back & they had McDonalds Clitheroe on their shirts. Fabulous! Do I want McDonalds Ewood on our shirts? Do I F*ck!
  13. Just put mine in, didn't want to be too obvious so went under the name of Harry Ian Callibré. Fits with the foreign approach and yeah, I know.....I'll get my coat!
  14. Taken up GK coach position at Ipswich apparently, so it looks like we're off the hook there! Although, in all seriousness, I'd take him instead of community centre Ben!
  15. Btw, totally unrelated to the topic title, but I'm watching Notts Co & Grimsby & why is the pitch better than ours!!!??
  16. I don't know if he's part of the Blackpool first team set up or not, but I think probably so that the dust can settle a little bit before he has to play in a stadium full of fans. As has been said quite a few times in the posts above, unfortunately, 'Fans' includes many bellends. Doing it now at least means it's not fresh news the next time he takes to the pitch. Can't say that I blame him. Fair play.
  17. One of the questions at the pub quiz down at my local last night was: "How many current Premier League grounds have the word 'Road' in them?" I did have to write down the names of every Prem team to get the answer, which was 3 - Norwich, Watford and Leeds, ironically, the bottom 3 teams. I then got to thinking about what if these 3 all went down. Looking at teams who are either going up or are in the play-offs, unless Luton go up, next season there will be no PL grounds with the word 'Road' in them. A completely useless statistic, but I wonder if that's ever been the case before?
  18. Thank Christ for that. Club statement & it's just been on Radio 2 news so I might actually believe it now. Notice he still managed to mention the "Journey" in there. Now come on Rovers, big opportunity here, some good managers currently looking for work - no excuses, the right man is out there. As we all know, we could appoint Pep or Jurgen & it could still go tits up, but at least get someone in who at least looks like the right ambitious type of appointment. Don't Farke this one up!
  19. Not that I'm advocating Gerrard as being a messiah or anything like that, but the job he's done at Villa is actually better than I thought. Like you @roversfan99, I thought he'd had a poor start, but I've just been reading a few of todays articles on the Sky website and he's taken 33 points from his 23 in charge. Villa have improved massively defensively, but it seems that they either win or lose at the moment (W10 D3 L10). The link to the article is below, but I found it surprising: https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11095/12609564/steven-gerrard-exclusive-interview-aston-villa-boss-striving-to-close-the-gap-to-the-elite-ahead-of-liverpool-showdown
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