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Everything posted by Vinjay

  1. They were not even playing Galatasaray anyway. OK it was another Istanbul club but who's to say this particular fambase were as hostile? Those stabbings with the Leeds fans took place before the game but are Galatasaray really going to set out in numbers to attack fans of a club they aren't even playing? People on here didn't have any hostile issues with Genclerbirligi did they (besides the dreadful performance and that wasn't their fault) and Glenn + SteB organised some fans game didn't they? I guess since the clubs were not certain to ever meet again (Galatasaray are pretty much European qualifier certainties every season) in European competition that was OK. It probably showed not all clubs were like Galatasaray (of course Genclerbirligi were not based in Istanbul don't know how far away they are) but I think some Leeds fans just want an excuse to pretty much hate everything. Sometimes they bring it on themselves they wanted Cellino but who couldn't have spotted what he was like? It was obvious he was a nutter before he bought the club every bit of evidence predicted it. Is it really about defending these 2 murdered fans for some of them? OK those who went haven't forgotten the sheer hostility of the occasion and Galatasaray as a club didn't handle the situation with much dignity. What Kewell did though was pathetic as if he cared about improving relations he's just a jackass. Don't really see though how basically hating all Turkish people (they even booed Tugay as if he's the type of guy who goes round stabbing people) is standing up for the honor of murdered fans. It's just bigotry and something else for Leeds fans to hate. Of course they don't tolerate disrespect much (which I like in some ways) but there's a balance. If it was them playing Millwall today there's a reason why Leeds/Millwall is one of the bigger games of the season for the local police whether it's in Leeds or London. There's a number of fans who just generally want an excuse to be aggressive.
  2. Most people put it down to a bad manager though it didn't help selling your 2 established centre backs in pre-season even if one was a prat. Why shouldn't the club aim for midtable I don't see it as unattainable. I'm not quite certain about playoff pushes, etc but I don't think some of these players need to "reestablish themselves". Mulgrew, Lenihan, Graham the obvious examples and most people probably see Dack as a competent Championship player. Raya was voted GK of the year no reason he can't do alright at this level. I have doubts about Mowbray and certainly some questions just haven't been answered yet. Still I believe he can take Rovers to a midtable finish this season even if it's 16,17th rather than top half. I want to think bigger than that and contemplate playoffs this season but you have to believe people are capable of it. Some of the squad might be but some aren't. So not exactly reaching for the stars but mostly keeping clear of the relegation zone without much trouble. Beyond that is up to Mowbray and certainly the owners have to provide the needed backing. That's far from certain. I don't think it's fair to demand a playoff finish this season anyway. If the season is relatively secure then next summer is key to direction really. If things don't move on then (or the club gets sucked back into a serious relegation battle) that will be the major concern.
  3. Evans was probably complaining about any fans being there at all. 13,000 + (No more than 1000 for opposition surely?)
  4. Here's a lengthier document on Anderson's appeal. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5afd92f7ed915d30f04c0987/Jerome_Anderson_v_HMRC.pdf Should be noted that in 2009 Anderson borrowed money from a Jersey registered entity, Maddox Limited. Now granted there's a number of financial firms in Jersey but can't anyone see anything suspicious here? It's not that large an island (people know each other particularly in financial circles) and the timing is subject to scrutiny. Who are Maddox Limited really? The names involved could simply be someone's postman or a shell company of some sort. Anderson borrowed this money in 2009 who else was he doing business with around the same time? Who else was offering him an incentive to find buyers? I believe Anderson borrowed this money via a third party that was in reality connected to the Walker family. Maddox Limited were that entity. If the Academy failed then Anderson had his takeover fees to use as collateral (maybe just the takeover itself no need for direct repayments) not to mention other money he had raised over the years. More likely to be the family than the trustees perhaps but it all adds up to the overall plot. Sightings of Anderson at Northchoke in the past as well...tell me it's less plausible than some of the other stuff? It certainly isn't. If they are indeed whom I suspect them to be then it proves even further evidence of collusion and conspiracy between Anderson and the Walker Family. I became aware of this approx 2 weeks before the Telegraph reported it (most likely after a Times journalist mentioned it on twitter is where they got it from) and a couple of people knew longer. So I've had time to contemplate this and I haven't changed my opinion from weeks back. One of the admins on here didn't even bother to notify people that Anderson had lost an appeal even though he has automatic searches setup for any legal issues involving Anderson. Granted he's hardly likely to be in the poorhouse over this but it's not bad news is it?
  5. Bad example to set as a mod. Don't think I've brought up the subject of those chants before (though I have on twitter) but obviously I don't like such chants. The problem is that stabbing tweet was obviously aimed at their whole fanbase. It had nothing to do with Jack as did most of the tweets that only seem to mention him because it involves Burnley. They don't mention anything of significantly more importance such as the Walker Family/trustees. Which one do people think Jack would have been more bothered about? That's supposed to be a rhetorical question. A lot of the people who engage in those chants are thick sheep and when it comes to stupidity of football fans it's pretty widespread. There's some truly malicious ringleaders no doubt. I saw a tweet about a Rovers fan who died a few days back and a number of responses were from Burnley fans. Didn't see any that were of an abusive nature either. Tired of excuses both ways two wrongs don't make a right in many instances.
  6. ...and what damage did that do exactly? OK it was certainly ignorant but besides that what else? Did anybody seriously think it was gonna disrupt the whole promotion presentation/speeches, etc? I've seen some of those Rovers fans complaining guilty of far more ignorant things with long term/sour taste after effect. United fans don't normally run on the pitch (beneath them no doubt ?) but are still the worst and most ignorant fans in the country. Yeah off topic but you're the one taking a baseless swipe. As for that type of drunken stupidity it's hardly solely football related either. More like the same idiots who were involved in those 2011 riots. Even that was an overreaction with some media treating it as civil war than something that would settle down after a few days. Most probably didn't even give a toss about what "instigated" it.
  7. You think Southgate is a better manager than Allardyce?
  8. I have commented on it. Bit hard when you didn't watch it but tried all the same. There's always been double standards over diving on here and while I've never really endorsed cheating it's never been something I've relentlessly confronted either. Did I care when Olsson dived? No. Did I care when Diouf dived and people kept whining on about it (and to be fair some of his other personality traits) after he signed here? No. It had no long term implications besides being virtually the only thing I can remember about such a dull game. I would still rather seeing someone dive and win a penalty than being cancelled out with this VAR (at least we don't have to call it "technology" in every sentence now as if it's on a par with rocket science) trash. Took a dig at Ashley Young recently on here for his history of diving so yeah maybe there's some hypocrisy there when it's convenient. Thing is though as I've said it's not something I go out of my way to endorse (or condemn) to begin with.
  9. Be interesting to see the reaction on here if Olsson dives and Sweden benefit...?
  10. Oh come on Revidge didn't think you would pander to this simplistic rubbish. As for "avoiding" Brazil if you're so damn scared of them isn't it just "prolonging the exit" anyway. I honestly tire of this rubbish about penalty curses and such. It's a knockout tournament. 4 years ago Germany won the damn thing now they have 2 poor games and that's it. Brazil had one of the most humiliating things in the history of football happen to them (and that's no hyperbole) but 4 years later they seem to be getting over it and believe me the scars from that were worse than losing a shootout for the Brazilian public. In all likelihood though nobody has "curses" or things to get over. They just need to have a few good games and get lucky whether "avoiding" anyone or not. As if losing to Belgium was a "deliberate choice" that's just laughable and mind numbingly disrespectful.
  11. The so called "penalty curse" is it anything more than cherry picking? England won a penalty shootout in Euro 96 (granted at that point there was only one significant penalty shootout loss 6 years prior) so it's hardly implausible. I think there's something to be said about the mental aspects having failed England in the past (you could argue that in general) but the current players shouldn't have that weight constantly hanging over them. In WC 98 yeah Batty missed but I think that was more about him not being a naturally brilliant penalty taken than some curse. In 1996 it was SOUTHGATE of all people (LOL at that irony now he's the one to end this "curse" right?) and he wasn't a brilliant natural taker either. The other penalties since to be honest I've forgotten who missed/failed. Why am I being controversial ladyboys? Try sticking to some other of the posts on this thread though guess it's "controversial" to call them out as well?Just suggesting the criticism of Colombia might be excessive. If that's controversial then bloody hell must be losing my touch. ? I didn't watch the game but knowing posters on here like I do it's hardly a stretch to wonder if the claims aren't a bit exaggerated.
  12. For being a bit aggressive? Criticising South Americans for hot Latin temperament you might as well criticise an albino for being bald. Sound like Wenger when he tried to pin it on the whole "bully boys" stereotype he partly started years later. No comment on Trippier scoring the penalty. At least I admit choking on my own vomit would be a preference over seeing certain members of that squad win a WC medal.
  13. What's the hell has Anderson (who was involved in a bloody LAWSUIT with the club for crying out loud) got to do with Nixon being right about Davenport? Call that out it's ridiculous how quick someone (who's supposed to be impartial) is to jump on me.
  14. I guess Rowett having evaluated his options at Stoke hasn't made a bid? Given that one of Derby's club staff (someone who had previously worked for Rovers) openly spoke of Rowett's admiration for Lenihan at the Preston Marriott and suggested a summer bid forgive those who were unsure he might remain. If it was never in doubt then why not sign a contract much sooner? I asked Nixon weeks ago about Lenihan/Stoke and given Rowett had barely had time to breathe (perhaps he still hasn't) he didn't say anything besides pointing he was Rowett's (and Stoke's type). What Stoke need however may not essentially be what Derby need. As for "believing your own hype" seems quite a few people at the club tend to do this. The whole "family club award" thing saw a deluge of horn tooting from social media employees. I think that had more to do with other L1 clubs not having Playstations and "sensory rooms" than anything they actually did. Assuming the club were "confident" of keeping Lenihan and probably feel "vindicated" an extension does indeed help. On the other hand one promotion and they think we are sheep treating everything they bleat as gospel? No it takes a hell of a lot more than that I'm afraid. Anyway at least Anderson's probably left (again) ?. Until the next time...
  15. Reassured? Don't you know Nixon getting this right (and any other reported signings even if seen as positive accquisitions) means Anderson's back in the fold? CONSTANT VIGILANCE!!! ?
  16. Maybe a big cable car ride from the hill direct to your seat exclusively for Riverside season/matchday ticket holders!!! Technically to the turnstiles but hey creative license and marketing right?
  17. Should point out there already is a restaurant (/bar) As for the Northchoke suggestion?x 1000000 EDIT-Should have added about 2000 more zeroes. What's the next suggestion a Venkys restaurant?
  18. Don't give UEFA any more "fair play" ideas.
  19. Iraq athletes still celebrating that lunatic Uday Hussein's death. Was P Neville commentating on this and Ronaldo's dive? Other day his nauseating "get up, get up" to some other player (can't remember who) bet he wouldn't have mentioned this. I would have thought cheating against Iran was beneath his dignity and by that I mean embarrassing on an ego level not integrity. ? Did they show that thrilling footage of people staring at screens in the VAR room again? They could at least have some humor and make it look like something of a Bond villain HQ with gigantic screens all over the place. Maybe some hot lava (as if there's any other kind)
  20. Iran’s slogan on their team bus "One Nation, One Heartbeat, 80 Million People...even women."
  21. Should add that my belief is the "safe standing" movement will succeed. I'm not sure what the proposed timescale is because I haven't followed the issue closely enough (it's not as if the general argument isn't widely known by now unless you live on Mars) so unsure whether it's 12 months, 24 months, etc but I see no reason why it should take longer than that. I'm pretty sure it's making major progress particularly with comparisons to the Bundesliga's safety record being just fine with the appropriate railings, etc. While I don't particularly care about standing myself (though maybe I would on occasion) can't see any reason whatsoever to object to it. I think 94% have been quoted in one poll as supporting it and I don't know why the other 6% have a problem it's not as if pro standing fans are proposing 100% capacity has to be non seated. Might be more likely though that any such section at Ewood will first and foremost be the BBE lower. Not sure what they would do with the DE (if/when it's opened again same as the BBE probably) though it would make sense to have the away section standing. Some seats remaining of course because some older people, etc probably won't want to stand for 90 mins. The JW lower (and certainly upper) will likely be entirely seated particularly with the "family section" being in the JW lower at the moment. The Riverside I'm genuinely unsure of what they might do so with seats/standing so that's partly why I (and as noted the club) believe it would make logical sense to wait.
  22. I think someone said maintenance/repairs have been "cost cutting" areas for years even prior to Venkys buying the club. I wonder if they want to wait and see what happens with the "safe standing" movement before making any changes? That would make some logical sense before "modernising" the stand and installing padded seats or something. As for lack of rain cover is it really worth doing some of roof extension just so some people won't get a little wet? It would be cheaper to hand out those plastic covers or perhaps just advise people to wear a rainjacket if the weather's expected to be a little wet. I thought people say it's Southern people who are soft yet they bring up issues like this. I don't particularly like it when there's heavy wind AND rain blowing right in my face but a bigger roof wouldn't really do much to help with the former. I think the Riverside is fine in the centre certainly from a view standpoint. As I said in terms of modernising how much can you do really with the stand as it is? Padded seats, etc that's not the case around the vast majority of the stadium anyway. I still don't think a roof extension would be worth it. Some people of course advocate demolishing the whole stand if not quite demanding a "modern" replacement on the scale Jack planned (and the WFIT outright ignored as Williams actually admitted) and how much that cost? I think they would close the stand (as with the DE) before undergoing any substantial costs. Of course we really need to know what Waggott's vision of a modernised Riverside actually is. I'm not saying he's lying just he hasn't seemed to explain any specific ideas for it. There's easily enough rental office space in the other stands (and I don't even know if that's at full capacity) and the main club administrative areas. I don't really see how a 30 year old stand is outdated. Look how long the old Nuttall Street Stand and Riverside lasted. The Riverside in particular obviously was in a real state by the end (hence it's replacement) and safety issues based on what happened at Valley Parade too. Still it's not like they were falling down for most of the structures history.
  23. It was a Premier League club and some fans seemed to think playing for England was the height of achievement. "Dunny for England" was playing for Rovers not good enough for some? Rovers were a Premier League club (and pretty damn established even taking the 2 year absence into account) you wouldn't have heard Liverpool fans chanting "Fowler for England" despite his limited number of appearances. People chanted it with Sutton of course but I guess any fanbase would have done the same after that whole England B/Hoddle fallout. Sutton regretted it but how could you justify picking Les Ferdinand ahead of him in 97-98 season? Maybe in 96-97 while Ferdinand was banging in goals at Newcastle but in 1998 it was the other way round. Didn't people question Hoddle picking Ferdinand because he happened to be at Spurs? Darren Anderton as well who initially in WC 98 was selected ahead of Beckham. Also it's more than fair to question Dunn accepting a callup from Eriksson. If he's the great local icon he claims to be then he should have refused or at the very least criticised Eriksson's behaviour towards the club (and Jack in particular) in 1997 and leading Jansen to believe he would be in 02 squad. I guess exaggerating his "hatred" of Burnley (played for their youth didn't he because he hates them so much?) was more important than speaking up for Jack though. He even had to spin that into a story about turning them down for Rovers in the end as if that was a tough decision ?. People can say what they like about me impacted by years of mental/psychological abuse which never gets taken into account. That's not an exaggeration because I was right about the Walker family influencing the trustees + their neglect in general. In 1997 had I been an aspiring youth player (that's a VERY hypothetical scenario lol because my footballing "ability" is beyond non existent) there's no way in hell I would have represented United (something else I had to "justify" more and more after Jack died when nobody had any issue with my contempt for them before that) at any level even under 12s. Don't call me a liar. Admittedly I've seen some City/Liverpool fans say they would let their kids play for United youth and would have done the same themselves. I can't understand that logic at all. Hypothetically or otherwise if United express an interest in a young player other clubs would as well. Even if United made the first approach all you would have to do is send letters to every other top club (and even some average clubs) in the country saying "United want me can you take a look instead"? I even saw one story about a kid crying (think it was a City fan who's parents were also City fans) because United scouts had spotted them and they forced their kid to go and attend one of their youth sessions. Why didn't they just call up City or anyone else and tell them? Maybe it's a bit extreme to call that child abuse but never denied my contempt for United approaches psychotic levels at times. In all likelihood I wouldn't have represented Burnley either because even then their boring name alone would have sent me to sleep and been detrimental to any enthusiasm. No wonder they haven't had more takeover interest though FUP lessens any appeal too. No doubt FUP and their paranoia over relegation caused the family to pressure the trustees more and more. Ultimately to the point their "extensive research" led them to sell to people who didn't even know what relegation was. I guess because of my pro takeover stance it's somehow hypocritical of me to have expected them to at least do some actual research and conduct an intensive questioning process. If not for me at least for the vast majority. Said I wasn't going to "justify" myself again and then I write responses like this. Anyone who says I can't help myself and rant too much you're probably right.
  24. He played for England once didn't he? Did he even start the game? Big deal. I'm still convinced the U23s was all Johnson's good work (look I said he would fail at Oldham and that's what happened so don't blame me if I'm unconvinced about his impact on the U23s) and most fans couldn't give a toss about the U23s anyway. If so then Johnson would have had a louder cheer than Dunn wouldn't he during the introductions at the Oxford game? He milks that offside goal for all it's worth which wasn't all that much considering their next visit to Ewood resulted in a win. No doubt in Dunn's mind it's because he was subbed at 1-0 and Rovers would have won 8-0 had he stayed on the field. ?. Strange how his injuries never seemed to pop up before Burnley games isn't it? Well aside from the one time but on that occasion he probably really was injured. I guess by "probably" that's an admission of no concrete proof but I'm not apologising for having suspicions on his convenient availability virtually every time the fixture came up. Derbyshire had excessive favortism too and he did nothing to dissuade it. Granted perhaps it's churlish to criticise someone for not complaining about excessive praise but I would have respected him more had he asked to earn such adulation. I'm not saying he should have asked the fans to abuse him or anything silly like that. I'm not Allardyce's biggest fan but it says a lot when you felt sorry for him feeling the need to "defend" himself for accepting a ridiculously excessive fee. I wonder if Jason Wilcox had been from Blackburn and not Bolton? Would he have had his detractors hassling him for years if he had been born a few miles further North? I don't think people cared about him being from Bolton specifically but had he been "more local" would he have had the unfair abuse (which started early in his career and never completely subsided) from some sections of the crowd? Dunn wanted to leave in 2003 (granted it's because of his ego clash with Souness more than anything particularly appealing about Birmingham) but he handed in a transfer request with Parkes in 99-2000 as well. Even then it seems he carried that aura of local boy entitlement.
  25. Last time I checked their official website it didn't seem particularly well maintained overall never mind just Rovers issues. This reminds me of the rumour it was them (hardly surprising if they are high on suspect list is it?) had venkysout.com shut down recently. I think it was around the time of the Doncaster/Oxford games which seemed like convenient timing. I'll ask Duncan Miller about it again see if he's found out exactly what happened.
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