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Everything posted by Vinjay

  1. Very good point about national/international businesses as well.
  2. Shouldn't there be a clean slate with West Ham for obvious reasons? The only club that sees that stadium as a bogey ground is themselves.
  3. "Blackburn Rovers have been contacted for comment". Not really much to comment about is there somehow doubt this will get as many responses as Dack's legal problems.
  4. https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/16895372.uncle-jacks-pub-renamed-your-chance-to-run-the-jack-walker/?ref=mr&lp=5
  5. What do people think of this article? Should point out that it wasn't "written by a Muslim" as another site claims. Mentions Halal restaurants once but also developments like the Cathedral Quarter (which is mostly good) it's not about integration, mosques etc unless you're on a site that has a racist agenda. https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/16893786.opinion-blackburn-is-far-better-than-it-was-15-years-ago/?ref=mr&lp=6
  6. I'm sure if Northchoke were doing their corporate hospitality people would be all over it saying how disgraceful the Walker Family are. ?. I thought Dyche was great and clubs like West Ham should be lining up for his services over those useless foreigners like Pellegrini? ? Now because they are supposedly exhausted by a few European games in September they are as good as relegated? Granted Europe or not it might be hard to match last season but thought they had such strong foundations? Kinda like how John Williams couldn't be relegat...erm...anyway...
  7. https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/10996665.Local_historians_bid_to_protect_commemorative_blue_plaques_in_Blackburn/
  8. Venkys haven't exactly brought boredom to the club have they? So I'm not sure why people would say it's not interesting unless they feel it's related to what they see on the field. Start of this season included fans have left Ewood in past year pleased more often than not. Personally I find football to be stressful and mentally exhausting though I certainly don't see Rovers as boring. There are some boring elements but it's not like WBA/Stoke who were both boring clubs albeit less so since being dragged into relegation battles. Maybe a little bit occasionally in the later years of the WFIT regime but of course attendance was higher then. Obviously many would return primarily on the basis of EPL promotion.
  9. ...and I've been on (and often off) for 13 and half years. Can't really call it a game though I kinda wish it was. There would also be a case for suing Dack (as Chelsea did with Mutu but look how much they paid for him) but would the club wish to go to similar lengths? Would it even be worth it? Lot of time spent in court and if Dack's sale fee dropped how much would he be liable for in terms of present personal wealth and future earnings? Some of Chelsea's case was based upon loss of sale fees, etc as well. An open ended question but one to speculate on perhaps.
  10. More on Bruce's situation with some people on twitter commenting on how he's lost his parents in past year. I'm sure you have heard since he mentions it more than Bruce Wayne. Well what's that got to do with anything football management related? If Steve Kean's parents had died while he was manager (far as I can recall they didn't because Kean probably would have exploited it) would anyone have stopped calling for him to be fired? Of course not. So when Bruce is bullying people at press conferences, etc we are supposed to get that's he one of the most selfish, smug, arrogant pricks in football? We are supposed to get blatant disrespect for this football club over Savage, Rhodes, etc and he moaned about Allardyce didn't he someone who's similarly arrogant and cares about nothing but himself. Granted he's not as incompetent as some Villa fans seem to be claiming but Villa fans moaning is nothing new. There's always someone at the club they moan about perhaps the only time I can recall is the first few years Lerner was there. Needless to say that changed. Maybe their regular moaning has had some basis behind it but it does seem more extensive than most clubs.
  11. The only person likely to get any kind of boos/abuse tomorrow will be Bruce. Provided the game does not go well from Villa's perspective of course.
  12. ...and by a number of years would that include pre 2010? I would assume that ever since the cards started being used (think it might have been 04-05 season) fees have existed at the very least. I would imagine a considerable percentage of lost cards are dropped in and around the stadium anyway. The sweepers, etc presumably keep a look out for this kind of thing. Has anyone who's lost their card under such circumstances (perhaps more than once) received a call from the club? I'm sure some people think they call up a certain percentage of lost card holders just to "look honest" but even for paranoid people like me running such a scheme for a few extra tenners seems a bit piddly. I wouldn't post back lost cards (bit contradictory on the "piddly" front perhaps) as policy though they would have to collect them on matchday (or whenever).
  13. Apparently his Dad was really pissed off by Hendry's move to Rangers so that probably explains this.
  14. That "nice old couple" Hendry owed money to (I believe that was settled in court) attacked his daughter (not sure what she had done) so not sure why they are being portrayed as saints. They admitted it in court so I'm not "implying" they were guilty or anything. You can do that on here simply by stating someone was arrested these days so just wanted to make that clear. Some people say Hendry is tarnished by working with Kean and while it's upsetting how can it be ignored? Maybe he did do it for the money (or his son's position at the Academy) Dunn never seemed to get as much less criticism for defending Kean though. Wonder why?
  15. Think the understanding was it would be brought back "effective immediately" right? Not like 10 years from now.
  16. It was supposed to have been brought back yesterday. Did you think we wouldn't notice? Back to the dark days of Kim Jong SteB and Pol Pot Pegden? ?
  17. Did you report this guy to the NHS for blatant malpractice? Things like knee injuries have a varied success rate. I'm no doctor (and neither have I sustained any knee injuries) but would prefer to see a specialist in this area rather than a GP. Certainly not one with that kind of lazy misdiagnosis attitude.
  18. Sutton? East Anglia isn't exactly a metropolis don't think there's any similarity between him and Dack. OK Sutton was arrested just before he joined but I don't think he was constantly hanging around nightclubs, etc was he? Plus I think Sutton said he preferred the non city lifestyle. Dack thinks he's some playboy though if women like him maybe he is.
  19. ...well he wasn't evil incarnate. I'm almost surprised nobody's taken a dig at Coyle because he's never been a widower unlike Mowbray. People will do anything to point score where Burnley personnel are involved as we saw on the McIlroy thread. Hasta said I tried to score points over the Walker family in response. Considering I get nothing but grief for most part (and certainly not a ton of likes as Mike E got when he pointed out that Jack chant) not sure what points are gained from it really. Besides being right. Absolutely not though nobody sarcastically referred to Mowbray as the "outstanding candidate". Tried to find some positives though (as with Coyle who didn't relegate Bolton/Wigan from the Championship despite allegedly destroying both clubs) though he didn't succeed on his immediate goal. I didn't think Mowbray's spell at Coventry made him completely spent (considering what a basketcase their situation is/was) though hence why I've openly said he was capable of promotion last season and capable of safety this season. Though I'm still not convinced by the next step which is becoming playoff/promotion candidates though that's not a demand this season. Maybe I'm still holding that Wolves game against him but keeping Lowe on when you need a goal (and don't look like scoring one) is one of the most absurd decisions I've seen. Even people who rated Lowe for some reason (Thenodrog) couldn't say he was much of an attacking force. I'm not concerned by the Bristol C result much. I don't really need to call it a "reality check" which in some ways seems like a dig at those who have been talking of playoffs, etc. I haven't spoken of that myself so it's not a reality check for me but neither is it a sign of unstable relegation foundations. Being unbeaten was never a bad thing but taking draws (and not every performance being exactly scintillating into account) I didn't think a huge deal of it either.
  20. Seems Venkys occasionally give interviews to the "ET Now" financial news channel. Here's one from just over a week ago but only seems to focus on their domestic business strategies, investments, etc.
  21. Or your sons to be like them? Mowbray's gonna get thanked for his support with a knife in the back here I feel.
  22. No Wow an oversight at Ewood. There's a surprise. Lazy staff strike again. I don't want to come across as point scoring (not that I get any likes for it anyway) saying this again but MICRO MANAGEMENT. For obvious reasons you can't fire anyone else (when it's still primarily Dack's fault) but hands on management wouldn't have let it happen. Naive stupidity is what it is and it's that what gets people burned and in some past cases the sharks circling.
  23. It's not "under the dome" you know though being around Rovers fans sometimes feels like it.
  24. Should point out I don't want the players to be "yes sir", "no sir" corporate puppets but there's a balance. This isn't it.
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