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Everything posted by 47er

  1. I don't know whether he pushed to leave or not, did he tell you this? He was under contract to us and it wasn't in our interests to let him go. As became obvious very early indeed.
  2. If Kaminski had been between the posts all season I'm guessing our position in the league would be rather higher. He was left with Pears and Wahlstedt and then immediately lost Pears. much of the defence's problems are down to that. We sacrificed safety in the League for £2M. Venkys again.
  3. Clear attempt at deflection. The results are a direct consequence of Venky neglect.
  4. No---to put the blame where it rightly belonged. He was let down by the owners from the beginning.
  5. Really? Look him up, you'd be surprised. Been Manager of Bradford City 3 times for example! Been at loads of clubs in various roles. Can't say I'd want him here particularly.
  6. Haven't followed his fortunes since he retired as a player. What success has he had that you think this?
  7. Nobody mentioning Damien Johnson---ex-Rover, been at the Club for a long time, Venkys like loyalty etc. Not recommending him, just saying he might be offered it.
  8. A professional football club's should not have to depend on resolving tantrums between brother and sister. There are no clear lines of demarcation anywhere through out the club, its all run amateurishly on a day by day basis with important decisions left to the last minute.
  9. Its all revealed---Rovers pressed the wrong computer button! Pressed Save instead of "submit paper work"! https://uk.sports.yahoo.com/news/mcguire-transfer-collapsed-blackburn-pressed-202550175.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9jLm5ld3Nub3cuY28udWsv&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJ1kkfSKqe1RVf_9r9hl1CWkT40M-OI_oIrVHkmbAO0wIJy6RlgK_FXoOdFnG9rbxCp_Ua8tBbNFcGsluGHPcT7AOYfzq2W0DVkdzcRe9lChn6-tlGzD7k5Bh4QpmOXvf27xRXkkY3DORWffVUXitLkR5elx9RW0EAHd6H8uqUqa
  10. Can you believe this one (from LT)? I'd say past experience has no relevance whatsoever to this chap. How many Transfer Window disappointments does it take? "I agree. If we can get the McGuire deal over the line then I would consider that a pretty decent window. £22M for a 19 year old who has only made 44 appearances is a masterstroke. Hopefully we can invest a significant amount of that money this summer."
  11. I think any team no matter where that are in the League or whatever bad run they are on, will look at us and say "we're in with a good chance here." No-one is in as poor a form as we are and we've sold our best player and stuffed up our new striker signing.
  12. In itself that would take us down. Just isn't enough to fund a Champion ship team. As we are already seeing.
  13. If Venkys are to insist on getting back the £200m+ that they have spent we are doomed to have them as owners till the last light is switched off. But if they recognise reality then there will be many suitors---this is one of the most famous Clubs in the world. There is real prestige to be had in rescuing it and returning it to its former glory. OH---and the fans will come flocking back.
  14. And they are not the usual posters! They have disappeared to lick their wounds and work out what spin they can put on it!
  15. Interesting replies to that report from LT. Almost all replicate the views expressed on here. And the usual idiots have gone quiet. Conclusion--the truth is finally dawning? To let your staff negotiate a new transfer and then to pull the plug while the guy has already on the way from the States is utterly unforgivable and contemptuous of all normal standards. They are a disgrace and now everybody knows it. They have held the Club up to shame and ridicule. Surely now something has to give?
  16. Yes I was thinking that. If (big if) MacGuire ever does play for us, likely as not we'll wonder what the fuss was all about!
  17. Or in the case of Reg of the Rovers just a total idiot. Read a few of his posts but bad for my heart!. He seems to think he's clever as well which really gets me going! Keep away from that site, its a health hazard.
  18. We're in no state to fight out such an important game. Morale will be rock-bottom. A miracle if we win or even draw.
  19. Dunno but the appeal was finally dismissed in March!! We'll be down by then.
  20. Is this the typical fan? I hope not! From LT (of course). Right on .2 hrs ago User ID: 67611 I think we need to cut Rovers management some slack , their hands were tied until the Wharton deal was signed and sealed and then and only then could they proceed with this McGuire deal .I think they should be congratulated on getting £22.5 million for Wharton , a phenomenal sum for a player worth nowhere near that, Crystal Palace have well and truly had their pants pulled down . So lets have a bit of realism into the whole saga and see where it goes , people are too quick to jump on the bandwagon without knowing the full facts ..
  21. You've used the word "conspiracy" because it makes the suspicions seem more extreme and outlandish and that suits your point of view. I prefer the word "malfeasance".
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