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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. We are heading for a scenario where Mowbrays big signings are hoovering up most of the budget whilst everyone else in on 5k pwk. Iv'e never been in favour of overpaying average players but certain guys like Lenihen, Nyambie etc are entitled to expect a decent wage. That's just life at a football club but surely they can offer decent incentives to get the wages up. How were they going to pay Armstrong this alleged 20 grand a week if he'd stayed ?
  2. That's the journey Mowbray and co are set to take us on as it's within their capabilities. Seems they've sold that notion to the owners now and it's a scenario that'll keep them all in their jobs for another 3 or 4 years. That's the top and bottom of it they are creating this illusion that we just cannot do anything without 50 mill per year investment. So the only option is managed downscale cutting the clubs cloth. Continuing to let the owners waste their 10 mill per annum propping it up whilst drawing their nice wages and expenses in the middle. Iv'e mentioned the old Crewe model many times. Whilst we may not be the BRFC of the past we can do so much better than that. You can only be as good as your ambitions and those driving them though. Sadly we are stuck with a corner shop mentality.
  3. We know the issues but it's hard not to want people to turn out for these things. Club could be using them to test the water for other things next season. Get 2/3k extra home fans then suddenly some lightbulbs might go off in some heads. Get 500 extra on and they've proven their 'doing all we can' point.
  4. Willing sellers, don't fall for the tripe this scenario has been on the cards all along.
  5. He really is the undisputed waffle merchant. Iv'e always baulked at comparisons to Kean but in terms of verbal diarrhea he's right up there with Coyle. A billy bull hitter.
  6. Sutton is clearly mixing up ordinary with extraordinary.
  7. Credible 2-2 draw following the same pattern as usual in front of 450 Rovers diehards. Manager praises their fans, blames our team of kids, absolves himself completely and the groundhog rolls on.
  8. Entirely possible that the honorable one walks this summer if no contract is on offer. Leaving us in a right old mess at least 50% of his making. Strangely though that might be the best thing for us in the long run.
  9. Was talking to a few reasonable Coventry fans yesterday and they were quick to point out Mowbrays part in their struggles a while back. No surprise to them to see the path he's taking Rovers down as when there he told the owners he could build a cheap team of youth and loans. Resulted in them being bottom and never recovering. Basically it was his project, it failed and the only time he took any responsibility was when he walked. In their opinion he knew he'd cocked it up and far from being honorable it was face saving before he felt the wrath. They'd very little time for the guy as a manager though as usual he always came across as a decent bloke. The contrast to where they were then and are now says quite a lot.
  10. Despite his limitations Bowyer usually went for the right good go in the last ten mins of home games.
  11. Well as they say on facebook 'stop moaning we'd be Bolton if it wasn't for Mowbray and Venkies' Meanwhile the groundhog crawls back into its den until QPR.
  12. Twitter turned that into something it wasn't within seconds of the whistle. I saw it unfold with my own eyes and know who started it. Then of course dozens offended on everybody's behalf jumped on it. Was bizarre to see it almost go viral but no surprise in that swamp. Apparently Brereton was frustrated at himself and angry at something else going on during the game on the pitch. It was put too bed pretty quickly by closer sources, that he wasn't bawling because Bert and Ernie from Blackburn squealed dogs abuse from the back of the stand a hundred yards away. The whole lot got grumbled at that day.
  13. Wasn't that put to bed by several sources as complete nonsense around the time.
  14. I thought the whole idea of the wages pecking order Mowbray has created was to encourage lads to progress. Then their pay goes up comparative to others and so on. If academy graduates and cheap signings are on 3/5/7k they are surely justified up they want to go to 5/6/10k ? Question is are they worth that us to us and i'd say yes in Nyambes case but 10k pwk+ is probably easily on offer at some other clubs as well. Its seemed all along with a few of these that Rovers have been steering them towards the door. We'll be offering a couple of grand extra whilst hinting the players and their agents are wanting treble their current packet. Truth will be in the middle somewhere but i reckon the players might want to stay more than Rovers actually want them to.
  15. Unless he walked away without pay there's nothing noble about it. Mutual agreement means exactly that and usually some sort of settlement.
  16. And you'd be defending them if they'd turned around and said all games will have to be 30 quid because the crowds are so low. Such is life 🙄
  17. Radical plans or knee jerk panic as another spiral and injury crisis looms ? Smart money on the latter if this was part of the sweeping changes it would've been done at the beginning of the season. Look at all the stuff thats gone on and people that have left behind the scenes. Then the players leaving slashing the wage bill but giving us the lightest least experienced squad we might ever have had. Then front of house what did we get ? Price rises and predictably the smallest gates for 30 years. Clowns the entire bunch there is no planning radical, sweeping or otherwise. Those in upper office just like the manager and coaching staff are winging it. Making it up as they go along.
  18. Yep they should've been doing this from the off instead of hiking the same seat from Swansea to West Brom by 7 quid. Good to see them doing something but make no mistake it's desperate measures not Waggot suddenly developing a conscience. The guy is clueless and when some of these initiatives only make a modest increase he'll be back to his 'we are doing all we can' cobblers.
  19. For me me that theory has long been filed away with the snowball=relegation on purpose as complete bunkem. Once the club had slid out the spotlight there was no way they were face saving. Guilt tripping a little bit maybe but to me it's simple, they think throwing money at things solves everything... eventually. Because they know no different.
  20. They've wound up numerous businesses and have quite a few under their banner that are dormant. Not much face saving gone on in the past. Plenty form for acting on whims and throwing money into daft projects only to quickly lose interest. Anyone know how the 3 million they invested in Akon via VLL is getting on ?
  21. Perhaps a football club in an obscure corner of the world is a handy tool to get a few extra quid out of the conglomerate.
  22. Sajid, i was going to say Sunak but i think he has a brain cell or two.
  23. Whilst they continue to be happy to sit in midtable, chucking 10/20 mill per year at it then those in the middle will be happy to sit there drawing their few million per year out of it. No boats will get rocked and the club will continue to go nowhere. Quite why people are happy with this because the so called only other option is going bust is bizarre. Some of these same fans will be moaning in the real world that this govt has scared everybody into accepting their controlling ways. We've all been conditioned to accept this bollocks over the last ten years yet Mowbray & Waggot are Rovers very own Johnson & javid. Vs are the bank of England allowing millions on lost causes whilst holding nobody to account.
  24. With the way the costs have been slashed there shouldn't be a 20 million deficit. Of course the covid situ has magnified all that but a lot of it is still down to them paying past mistakes still. Futhermore they seem to like to run with a 10/20 million deficit anyway it seems to suit their corporate accounting. Might get a bit worried when it's heading north of that but within 20 mill they never seem that bothered. If they were they'd demand bang for their bucks but they never do. Just happy for it to flow through the pipes every year. Cut all the crap away and someone could probably run this club similar to what it is now position wise on a minus 10 mill budget. The lights wouldn't go out overnight that's project fear style propaganda. It would take a few months but you'd hope someone would step in pretty quickly. Although obviously there'd have to be a slash and burn unless they were billionaires. We have that every 5 years anyway though WITH the billionaires.
  25. If they self isolated him for the next 3 months does anyone really think it would make a great deal of difference to results ? I certainly don't.
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