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jim mk2

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Everything posted by jim mk2

  1. Stand still in football and you lose. The teams needs to evolve and improve. He's signed the players and he needs to start playing them
  2. Tonight's team is a Third Division line-up .....Mowbray's loyalty to last year's side is wearing a bit thin
  3. Burnley now withdrawn that Tweet I think. Even Burnley Express is outraged https://www.burnleyexpress.net/news/shameful-burnley-football-club-slammed-by-fans-for-unpaid-work-ad-1-9354550 Spectacular own goal really, and describing football club helpers as "heroes" is an insult to genuine heroes who give their lives on the battlefield
  4. What are these "heroes" being asked to do - help serve the half time teas or save lives?
  5. Liverpool and Manchester and Southport, Barrow and Widnes were in Lancashire when I was a lad. Amazingly, I received a letter last week from "Manchester, Lancashire". Good thread. Like to see the town teams doing well - even Burnley
  6. Feel sorry for them both. I know what it's like missing the game you love through long term injury and it's much worse for them because it's their livelihood and their career. Samuel knew it was a make or break season for him and worked very hard on his own in the summer to improve his fitness and was showing distinct signs of improvement before his injury. Gladwin has ability but needs to play regularly, which is very unlikely at Ewood now; I doubt we'll see him in a Rovers shirt again.
  7. What do you think sells newspapers - Brexit or Rovers' best player in court ? Stick to the day job and don't contemplate a career in journalism !
  8. Moeen is not a 3. He's an 8 Jennings has proved already he's not Test quality, with a poor technique. The only virtue is he's young and might get better, but the best players look at home from the start, and he's a bag of nerves. Apart from Root, who is a 4, England basically have a team of No 6s and 7s - Bairstow, Stokes, Buttler, Curran etc shouldn't be any higher.
  9. England effectively need a new 1, 2 and 3 because Moeen isn't a 6 never mind a 3. Well played, Alistair Cook. A proper Test cricketer.
  10. We should copy the French method of developing players. Most of them are from the Paris area. Brilliant article in the FT magazine on it back in the summer.
  11. In view of Rovers' record of munificence against teams in need of a fillip I'd say the game is a nailed-on Villa win..
  12. Fans were right to question Mowbray's appoinment. He left Coventry after losing about 10 games in a row and his record as a manager was mixed to say the least. I wasn't alone in asking why he deserved to be handed the Rovers job.
  13. Mowbray should find him a nice Lancashire lass and tell them to settle down in the Ribble valley.
  14. Astonishing finish at Taunton. Somerset needed 78 to win and were bowled out by Lancs for 77 - a tie !
  15. Rather puts his "socialising" with friends before the Bristol game into context. The lad clearly doesn't know right from wrong.
  16. Another great day for Lancashire's batsmen while Somerset's tail wagged for far too long. Not looking good
  17. Historically Mowbray's teams have always played that way. Fans of Celtic and West Brom will say the same. Attractive football but always likely to concede goals. He needs to change and become a more pragmatic manager. The win over Brentford showed the way.
  18. Question for all current/former amateur/semi-pro players out there. What did you do when Saturday came round, and you were out of the team with a short-term injury ? Did you go and watch the team, even go in the dressing room before the game to offer support, because you were part of a club and were "all in it together" ? Or did you forget about the team and go and socialise with friends ?
  19. We needed better defenders in the transfer window - and a new goalkeeper. We;ll get more defeats like this
  20. Mowbray needs to have a rethink after today. This is a wake-up call that we are in a better division and sloppy, poor play will be punished.
  21. 4-1. Defence clearly a big problem....but then Mowbray;s teams have always leaked alot of goals.
  22. I blame Dack. That social media pic put the players in a wrong frame of mind
  23. Third division play gets punished by experienced team from higher division. Changes needed
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