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[Archived] Goodbye Rovers

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I expect a wee bit of stick over this, so be it.

I have watched my Rovers for 45 years, loved them and cried for them and with them.

I have spent tens and tens and tens of £thousands watching my team. ST's for 25 plus years and away games including Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Finland etc etc etc.

I was there in the 1970's, Southend, Peterborough, Plymouth etc away.

I am sickened by these people who now run my Club.

I wrote to Paul Hunt to express, in civilised terms, my concerns about the Venkys, the Ewood management structure, and Steve Kean. What did I get back but a standard letter that I have seen has been sent as a "standard letter" to two other people. I did not mention the team at all but the Hunt response was sorry that you are disappointed with results on the field!!!!

Clearly these muppets cannot even deal with he most basic of fans concerns, they had not even read, or even tried to consider or understand my points.

The family touch has gone, we have a management team who I guess are more concerned about their salary than the history of the Club and fans.

My ST's are going to a refugee group, I will not be stepping foot in Ewood until the ownership changes andhe Venkys will not get a single penny from me.

So thank you Paul Hunt and thank you Venkys for killing my love for Rovers.

Thanh you, good luck and good bye.

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Stick with it Lad.

Lots hate what's going on now, but when the going gets tough ......

Believe in the club. Believe in what it means to the Town - not just to to these temporary custodians of the shirt/managers seat/Directors Box.

Keep the Faith COYB :brfc:

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Don't blame you mate.

You've obviously supported this club through thick and thin for so many years. You've looked to the club to repay that loyalty and they've shafted you. If there isn't even a mutual respect between the club and its supporters, then what's the point? In the past, we had people in charge who understood the local people and gave audience to their concerns. Now we're seemingly run by amateurs from the board-room to the manager.

Here's hoping you'll be back sooner rather than later.

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I expect a wee bit of stick over this, so be it.

I have watched my Rovers for 45 years, loved them and cried for them and with them.

I have spent tens and tens and tens of £thousands watching my team. ST's for 25 plus years and away games including Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Finland etc etc etc.

I was there in the 1970's, Southend, Peterborough, Plymouth etc away.

I am sickened by these people who now run my Club.

I wrote to Paul Hunt to express, in civilised terms, my concerns about the Venkys, the Ewood management structure, and Steve Kean. What did I get back but a standard letter that I have seen has been sent as a "standard letter" to two other people. I did not mention the team at all but the Hunt response was sorry that you are disappointed with results on the field!!!!

Clearly these muppets cannot even deal with he most basic of fans concerns, they had not even read, or even tried to consider or understand my points.

The family touch has gone, we have a management team who I guess are more concerned about their salary than the history of the Club and fans.

My ST's are going to a refugee group, I will not be stepping foot in Ewood until the ownership changes andhe Venkys will not get a single penny from me.

So thank you Paul Hunt and thank you Venkys for killing my love for Rovers.

Thanh you, good luck and good bye.

45 years is a long time, my first game was over 50 years ago and this year I didnt bother with a season ticket and wont be attending Ewood until something changes dramatically, something is wrong here, either our owners are extrenmely stupid or there is something preventing them from firing the excuse of a manager which is Kean, I have simply had enough, the interview tonight was from someone totally deluded, unrealistic and condescending, he along with the owners are a real cancer, I am hoping soon a real course of chemo will rid the club of both. Disgusted, disappointed and very very sad!!

Like you Preston, I was at Halifax in the old days sat in the old cinema seats in the so called stands, sat with John Pittards dad Simon, we went to matches both home and away, it was our club, its not now.

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You shouldn't get any stick at all PB. There are quite a few of us 'older boys' who share your views and concerns about how Venky's are running/ruining our club. A downward spiral if ever I saw one. Unfortunately I think it will be some time before the ownership changes. I still buy a season ticket out of blind loyalty and will continue to do so, but you never know. There are many other factors, away from BRFC, that turn me off. A competition where, at the start of the season, seventeen of the twenty clubs admit they have no chance of winning it. How absurd is that?

I don't know whether it's nostalgia or just because I was a young lad then, but I still look back at the 1972-75 period as the best ever time watching the lads. More honest then. The away trips, Ewood Express, League Liner, standing terraces, a real togetherness even if the big clubs always came calling to nick our managers. More passion from the fans then as well. There's no way we would have let this sorry situation drag on for so long in those days. That's no slight on the tremendous efforts of Glen & Co who I think have done a superb job.

Anyway, I'll be there on Sunday giving Kean as much verbals as I can. He'll be gone shortly because the fans always have the casting vote despite what some of our younger supporters think. Vemky's will then have to get the next appointment right or the vitriol will be directed solely at them - sadly it will prove to be a little harder getting rid of them.

Good luck - if you fancy the Saints v Wigan game in 2012 at the new stadium, pm me if you are still tuning in to this site!

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Sad to lose fans but I also find it sad fans are giving up on the club regardless of manager, owners or whoever.

I imagine some will be there rain or shine at least.

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I've had a few drinks tonight so forgive me for being melodramatic.

The situation at Rovers and the way it is fracturing the fanbase is making me feel miserable.

Something has to give. The situation as it stands is untenable.

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Good post Preston Blue.

I fully understand & appreciate your stance. I've sort of done a half-way version of what you have done in that I've now no intention of doing Carling Cup & FA Cup evening games. I just can't be bothered anymore. I used to do the lot for the past 20 years. The next league evening match will test me too.

You'll get no stick from me over your decision.

I can also understand your frustration at a standard letter from Rovers' administration. It's pathetic, but perhaps now standard. In Messrs Williams & Finn we were lucky to have a pair of very well respected people. Now we are run by a bunch of corporate "yes-men;" owned by people who have no idea about how to run a football club; and managed by a man who not only has no idea how to manage but suffers from a delusion that he is doing a decent job which is fast approaching Paul Ince's. That's saying something.

All the best.

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I've had a few drinks tonight so forgive me for being melodramatic.

The situation at Rovers and the way it is fracturing the fanbase is making me feel miserable.

Something has to give. The situation as it stands is untenable.

Perhaps you are feeling melon colie too....... :wacko:

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Sad to lose fans but I also find it sad fans are giving up on the club regardless of manager, owners or whoever.

I imagine some will be there rain or shine at least.

We've been thru thick n thin Tom , but this is the death bells starting to toll. These dithering lunes from Pune are crazy Pillocks! Mrs d has been ONCE! That's one game in our hundred and odd year history!!! Bet that's not 1% !!!

The city game I was nearly fighting and I came yay close to throwing my ticket on the pitch ! I hate kean and hate venkys for what they have unleashed! They don't have a clue what they have done to our club, my dad and grandad will turning in their graves at what is becoming of us!! We have players who are arse licking so much it's embarrassing! We have players slagging fans !!! It's the venkys peats who have turned fan on fan , player on fan! There's rumours of illegallalities , wrong doings etc

Venkys I hate you for what you have done!

How anyone can defend them buggers belief.

Even though things arnt good right now I cant for life of me understand why you choose to give up and not fight if your that against the owners? Are you french?

French is better than a dingle or a venky mole !

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Sad to lose fans but I also find it sad fans are giving up on the club regardless of manager, owners or whoever.

I think to many it seems like the club has given up on it's fans.

a) PB took the time to write to the club and he received a standard bla bla response back, not replying to whatever he said.

b ) The press that comes from the club currently (mostly spouted by him) talks to us like we're all thick and will just accept without question - on track to finish 10th (get stuffed), 98% of people are behind us etc etc, just all crap and embarrasing.

This is much deeper than the team being rubbish (although it doesn't help). We've been rubbish before and we'll be rubbish again, but I don't think it's the main thing for most footy fans or else you wouldn't get 1000s of people turning up for league 1, 2 and non-league every week. But what people do need is to feel like they belong to a club and have something to be proud of. Right now we don't have that at all.

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Even though things arnt good right now I cant for life of me understand why you choose to give up and not fight if your that against the owners? Are you french?

and i for the life of me can't understand why you went through the Jack Walker anniversary thread giving a "-1" to many of the tribute posts!!

so anything you write is instantly discredit for me after that pathetic, sad trick you pulled in that thread!

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Completely empathise with your view.

The writing has been on the wall for months and some of us warned of this at an early stage but were unfortunately shot down.

Not sure how many more matches I can stomach myself - watching Rovers used to be a release, a pleasure.

Preston Blue, I wish you well and hope that you and many others, one day, will be able to return to the fold.

One favour please, I think your post is excellent and I think it would be of enormous value if you could email to as many media organisations as you possibly can as it underlines just how low our club has sunk.

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I might not even make the game on Sunday. I've slipped a disc, a tad creased up.

Not much has changed since the Pune trip really. Same old nonsense. Lose on Sunday and he stays in charge then it's very clear what's going on. Everything points that way anyway.

PB, you'd never get stick. I've never met you, I hardly know Ewood Spark either. Both Rovers. Both passionate. Both give a damn. We're all Rovers. Everyone of us who post on here and elsewhere and vent our spleens, rant, rave etc we all care passionately.

Something clearly isn't right at OUR club. I can't put my finger on it. It looked obvious to me until a conversation I had with someone last week. Either way you take it all with pinch of salt.

Kean must go. Win, lose or draw. Good times, bad times. Come back PB, hopefully sooner rather than later. BRFC will never die, it just smells a bit funny at the minute.

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