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Everything posted by den

  1. Again, for me the fundamentals are wrong - everywhere. The club…. Long term plans are okay for clubs with budgets that mean they can keep their best players and add to them. In the Championship you have to go for the here and now because the best players won’t hang around. Not easy by any means but it’s the only way. Developing youngsters as your main driving force….. if this is where you’re looking, you’re taking your eyes off the ball. Don’t think for one second that any cash raised will go into building a squad capable of promotion. It never has, never will. It’s a “today doesn’t really matter” approach. Completely wrong. on the field currently…… 13 defeats say the fundamental of being hard to beat isn’t there. It’s nowhere near to being there. For me, there’s very little to make me believe we are being run in anything like a manner that will bring success. Sorry.
  2. It’s the reason they sacked Allardyce and sold an entire Premier league squad. Blame the Walker Trustees. That’s how they sold the club.
  3. First thing any team, in any league has to do is become hard to beat. It’s the basis, it’s the fundamental starting point for any side. we’ve lost 13 games so far. Only 2 clubs have lost more - and they’ve only lost one more. They are the two teams at the bottom of the league. What does that tell me? It tells me there is a massive rebuilding job to do. Who’s going to do it?
  4. Someone explain what’s Gallaghers role in this team? What is he supposed to be doing?
  5. Such a physically weak squad. No one need fear this rovers side.
  6. For me two new players in the right positions would make a huge difference. Firstly a central midfielder. Not another 5’7” er who runs around achieving very little and regularly losing possession. I’ve had enough of that. No, we need a solid 6 footer. Someone who does the hard graft. Someone who the opposition can’t easily by pass - and someone who can just give the ball to one of his team mates. A Nzonzi type player, or Graeme Oates kind of midfielder. Then we desperately need someone who can play the central striker role. Goal scorers cost the kind of money we don’t currently have but he doesn’t necessarily need to score 20 goals before the end of the season. As long as he could link the play and still pose a threat. For me he would be someone who’s done the job. Doesn’t matter if it was loan or permanent. I reckon that would strengthen us greatly. That’s what I would try to do. We supposedly now have staff with the ability to recognise our needs and target the right players. I get the impression that they don’t know what they’re doing any more than anyone else over the last decade or so.
  7. I wonder what Vinny Jones or Norman Hunter would have thought about that?
  8. If you’re sure both valves are open could it be sludge in the rad? Could try taking it off and using a hose to clear it.
  9. I’d much prefer referees and the authorities that help interpret the laws of the game to begin to put the fans first in everything they do. You guys pay a fortune to watch Rovers. You’re being cheated out of the entertainment of the game. The only people who lose out with these trivial red cards is you - the fans. red cards should be given when the referee really has no other option.
  10. Buckley shouldn’t have done what he did. That’s not the discussion. But honestly, do we want games ruined for spectators for something as trivial as that? - no. was it really violent conduct? - no. Did the referee have any other option? - Of course he did.
  11. The damning statistic for me Matty is the 11 defeats. Good teams simply don’t lose that many games before the new year.
  12. 3rd in the league in December means nothing. You have to look at the full picture unless you’re happy to kid yourself.
  13. Not rovers related, but still nostalgia. Probably the greatest Brazilian of all time.
  14. Who did you think we’d replace him with - Alex Ferguson?
  15. Bottom line to all this is the squad just isn’t of the standard required. Until that changes things can only deteriorate I.M.O.
  16. Yes, possibly. Two points on that… 1) we caught them by surprise with our approach. They just didn’t know how to combat it 2) They looked a poor side, but England might just have made them look poor. The key is how quickly England scored their runs. It gave them long enough to take 20 wickets in all three tests.
  17. McCullum and Stokes instilling an approach to test cricket that I don’t think has been seen before. They aren’t interested in drawing any game, it’s either win or lose - and players individually failing is completely tolerated. There’s no criticism of them whatsoever. So there is only one approach which is to try to win the game whatever the situation and by all accounts the players to a man have bought into it and are benefitting immensely from it. I think we’re in for an amazing era. Let’s see where we go. One things for certain, if this current success continues every other test side will have to follow.
  18. Maybe going to be a bit unpopular here after a good away win. I’ll back @J*B here, Norwich we’re abysmal. If you want opponents to face when things aren’t going great, then games against opponents like todays are a great help. Rovers worked their socks off to a man, from the KO. Absolutely the opposite from their performance against North End. Defensively we coped fairly well but Norwich just didn’t test us like I’m sure they could have done. Nobody let themselves down today for sure but I just thought our quality on the ball wasn’t anywhere near good enough, or anywhere near as good as it should be. However, after the latest results/performances we’ll all settle for the result. As I said, built on pure graft but you can’t get away with just that every game.
  19. Take away the effort- which should be there anyway - I thought our quality on the ball was very poor.
  20. The top gear lads didn’t find it too friendly.
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