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Everything posted by Vinjay

  1. POINT SCORING TIME!!!! Time to use Jack as a point scoring card where Burnley are involved but never mention his family.
  2. Well I doubt Anderson (or most agents) ever saw Blackpool as a cash cow. Asked if there was any truth in Coyle links several days back. Told there isn't. So much for him being the only candidate. Somehow think he would have been appointed by now if he was.
  3. ...as United's propaganda machine shoves down the throat as if a British footballer of any repute could be allowed to play anywhere else. Why should I put it any other way? Actually what I should have said is washed up, selfish drunk who wasted a transplant and practically gets a state funeral for it.
  4. If you look at Companies House it's not really seen much of a difference for a while now besides the 3-4 million they put in every so often. The debt is actually higher now than it is last summer though of course "debt" basically means whatever Venkys choose not to write off at this point. Sales wouldn't (and haven't) changed the debt balance but nothing significant there recently either.
  5. Probably not. Maybe that's why they gave him practically nothing after selling the 2 best centre backs. Of course Mowbray's not spent enough yet to really make a full assessment.
  6. Or just flippy flopping around with no rhyme or reason. Guess it depends which styles you prefer. If it was "Lucha Underground" (thought that's where Mysterio is though I heard he might return to WWE so yet another reason not to watch) or somewhere in Mexico suppose it's as advertised.
  7. Nothing to do with those prats in Zurich at all? Seems like Fernandes has had enough of their interference. Of course that does not absolve some poor decision making but hardly Venkyesque regime is it?
  8. ...and if he helps himself by not just accepting any old "creative" trash.
  9. Unless Dack drinks himself to death not sure what the actual point of that post is.
  10. Yeah I'm sure there isn't ulterior motive as to why he's seemingly included everything up to the Salford/Trafford border. ?. Ironic for Stuart to complain about parochial thinking and then he starts this thread.
  11. ...and a face transplant. People like Allardyce and Dyche have no marketing appeal.
  12. You mean generating more income from Indian sponsorship (primarily) and exposure of Rovers within India which was promised? No haven't thought about it at all. ?. Relegation isn't the only excuse they were already defaulting on their promises including the Academy they were supposed to build. Certainly people knew Venkys wanted exposure for their core brand as well but you can have multiple mutual interests. Of course it certainly stopped their expansion here becoming known as a symbol for idiocy. They had intentions no doubt (genuine ones in this instance) having registered Venkys Xprs UK but according to Companies House that was "dissolved" (basically it was a registration and nothing else) some time ago.
  13. Fencing to split the home/away sections you mean rather than barriers, nets, etc? Of course fencing wouldn't be behind the goals that's illegal anyway. Speaking of fencing removed there was a story in the LT not long ago about someone unhappy with a fence outside their house. The reaction though was laughable with stuff like only staying upstairs because they were too distressed to look outside. Goodness sake wait to get it removed (which happened) before you come across as the biggest snowflakes imaginable. Yes it's slightly off topic (I assume that's why my post on the wrestling thread was removed) but it's only 3 lines.
  14. Ultras. ? Ultra lite more like it. I've never liked watered down tagging. Real ultras are in places like Argentina and to an extent countries like Italy.
  15. Probably and that explains a lot of what's wrong with the fanbase. If you have some local sponsors then they could be presented differently barring more notable exceptions like Euro Garages if they changed their outlook on football sponsorship. There's no logic in your argument. It's like the pinned thread on here where there's references to "rather have local sponsors than some American razor company" that's the kind of parochial mentality people won't understand. It's just local mentality for the sake of local mentality and seems almost designed to hold the club back for small minded reasons. Like I say in the Championship you're hardly likely to get global sponsors (though it's certainly more prominent than 2nd tiers in virtually any other country) but in the PL this attitude is (and was) nonsensical. People mocked Singh's title and yes some of that was because he was incompetent and his "advising" seemed to consist of long distance phone/skype calls. Some of it however was simply an aversion to the word global or do you think I'm being paranoid? I don't think it's just paranoia at all I truly believe some people simply disliked his job title. It's the same thing with people talking about local Ewood business, etc. Even with the windfall 23 times a year in the Championship local newsagents at Ewood (for example) still have that advantage over other areas of the town. Unless they expanded to nonsensical proportions based on 19x EPL games a year then there's no reason a drop in income should threaten their whole operation. How many people have gone out of business (excluding job cuts at the club itself which is different anyway) due to Rovers dropping from the top flight? Can you name any examples? Make an exception on public houses anyone entering that industry should see the red flags a mile away. Businesses like hairdressers, etc have minimal startup costs anyway. Does matchday revenue really make that much of a difference to them? Why would more people specifically decide to get their hair cut before attending a football match than any other time? Also they would be more likely to use barbers closest to their homes in the majority of cases anyway. With Ewood residents it won't make a difference. Then you could look at niche businesses such as flower stores, etc but football fans don't exactly queue round the block to buy stuff like that do they?
  16. Rovers were not "dead and buried" that's for sure hence why the club had 5 months to rectify things. Turns out it didn't require that much time. That squad was good enough for PL level whoever the manager was (though Allardyce was obviously better than Ince) don't feel it was the same at all. Rotherham went down the following season that said just as much about the squad as the manager. If Allardyce had quit in summer of 2009 who's to say 2009-10 would have worked out much differently? Barring of course another bad manager like Ince and let's not pretend that wasn't a possibility. It was a bit different at WBA as Pulis was in the role too long, needed replacing but someone worse took over.
  17. ...but are they smaller in terms of market than Peter Jackson's? There's nothing good about "little local sponsors" though they might regard that as patronising anyway. I never liked that WEC Group banner on DE either it summed up much of what was wrong with the club's outlook. Of course the club was in the PL then so there should have been a wider range of prominent potential sponsors than there is now. Why hand jewellery over to some store for safekeeping anyway was it damaged or in need of repairs? Buy a safe perhaps. It's not comparable to putting money in banks, etc either. Perhaps Ainsworth's just offered more money and the club took it. So Peter Jackson pulled out considering it's a competitor and all. Could be as black and white simple as that. I'm not sure such sponsors have a contract anyway so to speak other than purchasing rights for a set period. I don't know if there's a renewal window or "first rights" but I'm sure most people who want to sponsor the club aren't going to be turned down. Would it really matter to the club having 2 jewellers as sponsors even if you could argue it's better to have as wide a range of companies as possible? Couldn't the club actually pay someone far more nationally prominent to act as MOTM sponsor and keep it silent? For appearances though I can understand that would be rather embarrassing if it leaked out. Still I've always thought that it might be worth having more prominent sponsors even if you offer them cheaper deals, etc but I guess at Championship level it's better to grab the money where you can get it. The club's local mentality didn't help but people wouldn't listen when this was mentioned. I know the TIME shirts were popular but CIS (those shirts were popular as well and the 97-98 one in particular being my personal no 1) were more national and quite a lucrative deal when signed in 1996. TIME were more local as were Crown Paints who should never have been as prominent to sponsor the shirt. They sponsored Liverpool once yeah but that was 1980's advertising standards. I think there's a place for regional sponsors even at the most globally centred clubs but the key word is "place" isn't it?
  18. If it's a rich benefactor, etc then you can absorb the risks. Some people seem to feel as if Jack was putting the club at risk. That's not true at all it's not like he would have gone nuts and spent 200 million in one go once Abramovich, etc became involved in English football. Most likely he would have forseen a trend (as I did) and looked to sell. It's possible he may have tried to keep the club but without the sheer weight of restrictions that the trustees imposed. That's not putting a club at risk. All elements of industry carry some level of risk what UEFA are doing is catering to United, etc and their whims. The real problem is if Tv deals, etc completely collapse but football continues to be a cash cow at the highest level. The EPL rights continue to rise even if they peak does that mean the bottom is going to hit essentially? Sky are not ITV Digital. If something happened to Sky then BT or someone else would pick up the pieces certainly at EPL level. It's strange how you ignore some things (like my feelings on who was behind Maddox Ltd and just to note I'm referring to some PMs myself and Perth exchanged not that Anderson thread) but my words are suddenly seized upon in other circumstances. Then if I try to explain or "justify" it's ignored. Who's the one who called out his family/trustees most? Hardly anyone else said a thing they are the main catalyst for all those bad feelings which developed. I'm not claiming to be perfect (and I've done some regrettable things but people have limits) but you're making more out of it than the reality really was. FUP, etc are more important issues than me I just happen to be one of the most outspoken against it. After what happened to WBA under Williams, etc you can scrap that nonsense argument about guaranteed survival. Even if the WFIT had spent a bit more that wouldn't have been guaranteed either. Hence why a takeover would still have been the way forward (and what I believe Jack would have wanted because only the best was enough) but with a process more intensive than one that led to the club being sold to people who didn't know relegation existed.
  19. Well I'm not gonna go out of my way to attend any games but in principle it's still wrong to steal a place from someone who earned it. I'm not opposed to women playing football but men's football is the draw and people can take any silly homophobic insinuations out of it. That's how it is and those on here who are extremely pro feminist still haven't attended a women's match in their lifes for most part. Certainly not every week though I imagine a number attended the England women Euros games at Ewood about 13 years ago. Most sports still realise this though certain pro wrestling companies (which does attract a number of real sports fans) are trying to shove women's revolutions down people's throats. You're right it isn't a draw and if that's being anti-diverse then too bad. I won't deny part of it is to fire back at United and the FA are not exactly wonderful either are they?
  20. Despicable. United would probably steal a place from a team of disabled kids never mind women. The club should have put out a few expletives and aimed attacks at the FA and United in that statement. An appeal even if financially backed sometimes isn't enough in contrast to outright condemnation.
  21. It's a slap in the face to Jack's memory and how anyone can support it on here is ridiculous. Hypothetically if the sanctions were points reductions (2017 would be the best example perhaps) I don't care if it made a difference between relegation and survival. Or for that matter 6th place and 7th that's less important to me than defending a rule that states Jack Walker's actions were unfair. It's a disgrace and even if clubs are punished inconsistently I refuse to highlight this as any justification for enforcement. I'll never compromise on this view and shouldn't be expected to do so. It's as black and white as it gets. If Jack had won more League titles in the 90's then United would have pushed for the rule sooner. Of course some may feel the fanbase could have been doubled or tripled with more success but we won't know will we? Of course the club didn't help itself after Jack died marketing outreach wise in many ways.
  22. Never really seen much appeal just staring at away fans for a hour and half anyway.
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