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Upside Down

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Everything posted by Upside Down

  1. Nobody with any self respect would come here. Those positions will be filled up with some other cunts from the waggot mould.
  2. I think you're missing the point here. JDT and the Egg were espousing positivity and ambition to be more than just a zombie club forever plodding along in the second tier. Both have been ousted. Now we've got a guy who thinks we should be celebrating not getting relegated to the third tier and makes tremendous effort to dampen any sparks of ambition whatever. Venkys are the problem obviously, but if anyone doesn't already know that then they're beyond bothering with tbh.
  3. To be honest, if you don't then you're missing a few connections upstairs.
  4. There's also an air of positivity, excitement, ambition and pride about the place. Here we sell our best players for next to nothing just to pay the bills because our supposed billionaire owners are having issues with being investigated for fraud and can't fund the club but also won't sell it either. On top of that the up and coming ambitious manager and DOF have been ousted to be replaced by a guy who believes games against Plymouth Argyle and Millwall at home are not must win despite being in a relegation battle and a fake CEO who embodies everything wrong with society. And people wonder why our home attendance is so shit.
  5. Perhaps if the droves of Celtic and Rangers plastic glory hunting fans actually supprted their local clubs instead of following those two around maybe the Scottish league wouldn't be so diabolically bad. The clubs themselves may not be Mickey Mouse but the majority of their fans certainly are. One question, there are hundreds of clubs in Scotland that a person who claims Scottish heritage could support so why is it that you picked Celtic? Why not Falkirk or Cowdenbeath or Hearts or Dundee? As far as I'm concerned you support your local team, regardless of how shit they are. That's what real fans do.
  6. The Dave Brubeck Quartet - Blue Rondo A La Turk There you go @Riversider28, that's a bit easier.
  7. I'd say a change in ownership would bring a few thousand back. Definitely not the 12+k season ticket holders that we've lost but we'd be looking at 11-12k season tickets sold. Prices play a huge factor in that obviously but anyone who takes over that isn't totally brain dead will understand this is an issue that needs addressing.
  8. Thos part really stands out for me: "I asked my agent how often this happens and he was like 'This doesn't happen'." Human error? Bullshit. If you believe that then you are a fool.
  9. I suppose it's only fitting to have a fake DOF to match the fake CEO we already have.
  10. Spurs are a small club. They are one club that I would say have actual shit fans. They were a disgrace at the league cup final so I'm not surprised in the slightest that they celebrate missing out on a champions league place just so Arsenal won't win the league. Small time mentally of small time fans of a small time club.
  11. We'll see who's sad when England inevitably exit the competition as soon as they come up against any real opposition. Personally I don't subscribe to the notions of nationality as I believe it to be a load of bollocks designed only to subjugate society.
  12. You can improve morale but you can't improve someone's talent. This squad is also unbelievable weak both mentally and physically.
  13. I don't think it should be scrapped all together. Just the way it's used needs to be changed. Any in play decisions should be requested by the officials on the pitch for another look. Not in slow motion, not with any lines drawn all over the place, just a real time replay. If it still isn't obvious then the initial decision stands. VAR should be in no way having any influence in the game unless it's an off ball incident like an elbow in the face or something like that.
  14. As per usual I will enjoy watching England fail.
  15. Take away Sammie and I'd say we'll be on par with that. From what I've seen we'll need 15 new players and 9 of them will need to be first 11. It's so bad even calling it a rebuild is pushing it. We're pretty much starting from scratch.
  16. Another top player we gave away for fuck all.
  17. At every single club in world football there is a premium put on players in the January window. At Rovers it's a firesale discount.
  18. Who gives a fuck about either of these Mickey Mouse teams and their droves of plastic fans? At least all the glory hunters that follow Liverpool and the red scum are following teams that have won numerous major trophies and actual pedigree in world football.
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