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Everything posted by only2garners

  1. I still maintain that Test Match Special is the outstanding way to "watch" the cricket - the pictures are better. Usually I have the TV on Sky in the living room, but spend my day when in listening to TMS whilsy doing whatever I'm doing and then nip in to watch on TV if there is anything significant.
  2. Sandi way? A bit posh for round here! Not exactly good news but a little story that might amuse you all. My neighbours’ daughter sent them a small package to cheer them up, some beer and wine. The Amazon driver refused to leave the delivery without proof that they were over 18. He has stopped driving, doesn’t have a passport and the driver wouldn’t accept his bus pass. They are both in their early 80s!
  3. We're making steady progress on the Ribble Way. We did Horton to Settle last Friday and Settle to Cow Bridge today. We've seen hardly a soul walking the path on both days, 10 miles on Friday and 7 today except when we passed Stainforth Force on Friday. It's a small waterfall on the river with a swimming pool below it. There were about 100 people at or immediately around the Force.
  4. I've always enjoyed cycling across the Fylde to Knott End, taking the ferry across to Fleetwood and then cycling home right round the coast, but I guess I can't do that just now. I think I might have a ride out there tomorrow though anyway. With cycling it makes a huge amount of difference what bike you're riding on. many people make the mistake of buying a cheap bike "to see if they like it" before committing to something better. Then they find it really hard work, which puts then off. These days electric bikes are a great choice for many, allowing them to take the effort out of small hills. But it still won't get over your fear of riding on roads though gumboots!
  5. Fair enough, there's no point in me trying to persuade you to do something you're not confident with. For me the Ribble Valley is a gorgeous place to ride my bike. I've done two one-way rides in the last couple of weeks round there, one from Dunsop Bridge to home and the other from home to Edisford Bridge - both to incorporate walks with my wife using the team car.
  6. You just need some more practice gumboots! I've just calculated that I've done 753 miles on my bike since lockdown started, all of it within 10 miles of home apart from a couple of recent trips.
  7. At the weekend we decided we would walk the Ribble Way as a project whilst lockdown keeps us at home. We live close to one end so decided to start at the other end and walk backwards one day trip at a time. So yesterday we drove in two cars to Horton-in-Ribblesdale, left one there and drove in the other up to Ribblehead and walked back. Horton car parks were busy but there was space and everyone had clearly left well before us, probably doing the Three Peaks. The walk back was wonderful with the morning drizzle stopping as we started and gradually the tops appeared as we headed south across the fells. Hardly saw a soul on the walk. It would have been a perfect day if my wife hadn't said as we were about to get back to Horton "where are my car keys?". Then we realised she had left them in my car at Ribblehead 6 miles away. No buses, no taxis and the next train was not for 3 hours. So we decided to wait for the train and in the meantime see if I could hitch a lift. the first car passed stopped and took me, with us both facemasked up and windows open. Horton to Settle is next.
  8. I've been a number of times but not for a long time now ( more than 25 years). I just don't like spending much time in really big cities and I could also name quite a few US cities I prefer - Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle and both Portlands, especially the Oregon one.
  9. I've resurrected this thread from 18 months ago to stop the politics thread being buried under food talk.
  10. No offence taken Chaddy. Feel free to dm me, although you might not like my views on LA and New York!
  11. This is all well off-topic but.... I could play a one-upmanship card and say I think I've been to 45 out of the 50 states, which I have, but that would be giving a false impression - most of them I was passing through on a Greyhound bus in 1973. Since then I've spent a holiday or two and two conferences in Florida, quite a bit of time in California when my son was doing an internship there and recently spent a bit of time in New England and the Pacific North West. The best food I had whilst in San Diego was lunches we had by driving into Mexico. The latter was where I had the best food but I don't think I've ever had a meal in the US which was as good as anything I've eaten at Northcote. Outside breakfast I wouldn't go to a buffet restaurant anywhere.
  12. I'd have to disagree with you there. I have had some decent meals in the US but they have been very much the exception. There's an awful lot of terrible food. The range and quality of food now available in the UK is excellent. I'm quite prepared to believe that you can also get similar quality in the US as well but as a visitor it's difficult to get that on short trips. As an example the quality of cheese made round here is at a completely different level to any I have ever had in the US. It costs more mind.
  13. I think they take their wife and small child to their elderly parents 250 miles away to “sell-isolate”.
  14. It'll be a challenge bowling 2 metres away from the umpire.........
  15. Luckily I will be in no pain should our last attempt fail (we completely forgot about it last night!). I will just have an interesting hole, which luckily is to the side of my mouth. You would have to think that dentistry would be one of the last services to start up as it's the one thing that you can't do with a mask on.
  16. Spoke too soon. So far it's dropped out twice. I rang the dentist for any further advice but there really isn't any. One final attempt tonight or I'll be with left with an endearing gap for the duration.
  17. My tooth bridge fell out yesterday - it was a temporary fix that should have been replaced at my check-up in April which never happened. So I rang my dentist. She said that she is not allowed to do the work right now but she could give me a kit to do it myself! She said it was easy. So I picked up the kit this morning and it came with two bags of sterilised tools, the sort you see in the tray when you go to the dentists - somewhat alarming. My wife has just done the work after taking the precaution of watching a YouTube video. It seems hard to find a subject you can't get a YouTube film on these days. Half an hour later and everything seems fine!
  18. BAME people are actually dying at about 4 times their share of the population, but taking into account they are over represented in caring jobs and that they are poorer than the average the adjusted rate is about twice the average. As yet no one knows why, so if I were a BAME footballer I would be very concerned about playing any time soon.
  19. Well I guess Gav's opinion is the only one he's got. For the record my opinion is that I wholeheartedly agree with him. For the South African series when TalkSport had the radio rights I couldn't listen to it - the TMS Social was much better even without the live commentary.
  20. Is anyone else enjoying the BBC repeating Test Match Special recordings from recent games? Right now they are replaying the 2005 Ashes 2nd test at Edgbaston. England in some trouble at 29-3 in the second innings......
  21. You've been thinking too much about the gorgeous Samatha Mike.
  22. It's a bit academic arguing about who gets a vaccine when there isn't one. Did you perhaps mean tests? Footballers might as well have tests right now as we don't seem to be able to find enough people to take them at the moment.
  23. Both the garden and the allotment are looking better than ever. And my Strava cycling stats are looking very good. Now I'm just off out on my bike again on another glorious day.
  24. Tony Allen died this morning. Maybe not very well known but many including me regard him as the greatest drummer that ever lived. i felt privileged to see him play a few times.
  25. Got away with it for now Clayton! InKristofer Hivoj’s interview in Saturday’s Times magazine he was asked whether there might be a second series and he effectively said maya be so I guess it’s still up in the air.
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